Non-motoring > Mole Grips Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Chris S Replies: 22

 Mole Grips - Chris S
Why are mole grips called 'mole grips'?

Moles dig holes in your garden, they don't grip.
 Mole Grips - Runfer D'Hills
Produced by M K Mole & sons apparently
 Mole Grips - WillDeBeest
Ah, but supposedly they do, with their surprisingly powerful jaws - or so my dad told me about 30 years ago when I asked him the same question. I'll see if I can find anything scientific to substantiate this.
 Mole Grips - Clk Sec
All the information you need here:)
 Mole Grips - captain chaos
I think its just a trade name for vice grips that became generic.
A bit like sellotape, jeep and hoover.
 Mole Grips - captain chaos
Ah, Humph beat me to it :)
 Mole Grips - WillDeBeest
Humph's right and my dad wasn't. I'd be having a word - if he were still here to argue with.
 Mole Grips - Iffy
Handy tool, but as with all tools, worth buying a decent one.

I have a pair of unbranded vice-grips in the caravan as part of a £30 Halfords tool set.

The jaws chewed the first time I used them for a tough job.

My genuine Mole wrench in the house has lasted for years and still looks as good as new.

 Mole Grips - madf
Great invention for keeping things in place whilst you hit or weld them..

A larger size is I believe available for one's partner...:-)
 Mole Grips - Runfer D'Hills
I've often thought that if one were a torturer, that a decent set of Mole grips would be a fairly basic requirement. I reached this conclusion as a teenager when idly experimenting with a large pair of Moles and set the jaws ever so slightly narrower than the middle knuckle on my left index finger before attaching the grips to it.

As a test of theory it was entirely successful but I failed to make any comprehensive notes at the time.
 Mole Grips - captain chaos
 Mole Grips - Clk Sec
>>Handy tool, but as with all tools, worth buying a decent one.

Indeed. You can do plenty with one good set, but so much more with two.
 Mole Grips - Manatee
I reckon they are one of the three most useful (and abusable) general purpose mechanicking tools, along with water pump pliers and adjustable spanners.

Any other nominations?
 Mole Grips - Ted

I've about a dozen from lickle tiny ones to regular sized. Always needed a fair few when welding.
I look for them at car boot sales and the like. A very useful extra function for the 'C ' shaped ones id forcing pistons back when fitting new pads.

 Mole Grips - Iffy
We had a few unusual types of locking pliers for bodywork and welding, of which this is one:
 Mole Grips - Ted


That's the one for caliper pistons, Iffers.
One leg in the piston and the other on the caliper body. Set them for a half inch squeeze and they exert tremendous pressure.
Ive also got the set which has two ' blades 'with a gap of about an inch so you can clamp either side of a short weld.

 Mole Grips - Iffy
...That's the one for caliper pistons, Iffers...

Snap-on sell them as welding clamps.

We used them to hold a new wing on where it meets the bonnet, and sometimes the join under the bumper.

There's another version with two pairs of pincers, each about three inches apart.

Last edited by: Iffy on Thu 23 Jun 11 at 23:29
 Mole Grips - Ted
>> ...That's the one for caliper pistons, Iffers...
>> Snap-on sell them as welding clamps.

Oh yes, they are welding clamps...that's why I bought mine.
But I soon found out the secondary use when trying to get a piston back in a caliper that was off the car....never looked back !

 Mole Grips - madf
>> I reckon they are one of the three most useful (and abusable) general purpose mechanicking
>> tools, along with water pump pliers and adjustable spanners.
>> Any other nominations?

Hardened end screwdrivers: for hammering things.

Sledge hammer.
Cold chisel.
Bigger hammer...
 Mole Grips - Bobbin Threadbare
My personal favourite has to be a lump hammer my dad had called 'Thor'. It was stamped on the side. Awesome for smashing stuff up to take to the tip.
 Mole Grips - CGNorwich
In the same vein a crowbar. Great for dismantling and reducing anything to matchwood.
 Mole Grips - Ted

I have a ' Thor ' copper hammer.......most mechanics have.

As an aside, my Uncle Bob was killed by was a German armed merchant raider.
It engaged with Bob's ship, HMS Alcantara and killed him and the bosun with a lucky shot !

I bet they both had Mole wrenches.

Go to the local pound shop...3 wood chisels for a quid.....good scrapers and useful for things thet dont need a cold chisel. Often the blade runs up through the handle.

I my Moles got nicked, it'd be a real wrench !

I'll get me coat !

 Mole Grips - Cliff Pope
Anyone else irritated by mole grips that spring open in the tool box so that the internal prong thing disengages and tangles up with other tools?
I have learnt always to store mine lightly clenching its jaws to keep them shut.
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