Bashar al-Assad
Bashar al-Assad
Bashar al-Assad
I recommend very highly the Adams cartoon on p 18 of today's Terrorflag. Utterly brilliant.
Assad makes slightly less sense than our deluded PM. On being told that we didn't have enough men or equipment to keep up the Libyan unsuccessful intervention he announed "You fight, I'll do the talking" Pompous backside!
His people love him allright deluded and lost the plot.
>> His people love him allright deluded and lost the plot.
Are there any of our politicians who have not lost the plot? The only thing they are good at is looking after themselves.
Agree with you Old Navy they do look after themeselves.Diffference we have some kind of democracy and people don't get shot or raped or whatever else when we have a disagreement.
These thugs have been supported by the west and their own young people have had enough.
Too true ON! In all the grief about public sector pensions, right or wrong, have we heard anything about a review for our MPs or them having to take a cut? No we haven't!!!!
Not when I am paying!
I don't know what that means, so I don't know whether it's annoying or not.
Nor can I work out whether the very dull, boring, predictable posts from ON and Meldrew are oblique attempts to defend Assad by reminding us that our own politicians leave something to be desired.
It's true that there isn't much to be said from here about Assad, but anyone who thinks he is like David Cameron (or even Mrs Thatcher) needs to think again. He runs a one-party state inherited from his father, in the same way that his father ran it, with a single ruling party, the Ba'ath, originally founded by a Hitler admirer. The other Baathist government was Saddam Hussein's in Iraq. Both tyrannies, run by murderous thieves.
Putting them back to back with western democracies, even ones that get into difficulties trying to reconcile their geopolitical interests with the sort of muscular humanitarianism so easily sold to the voters, is simply fatuous. Tchah!
Assad is not a politician SFAIK. However, for a man whose only experience of uniform is that of some University drinking club, to ignore the views of his senior Air Force Operations Commander, who expressed his views at the request of a parliamentary committee BTW, and tell him to "Get on with the fighting and leave to talking to me" is well on the wrong side of crass and ignorant.
For a view of what those who fight and die at the behest of this government think try this
Yes Meldrew, I can see that that remark must have annoyed the troops. I saw the clip though and what the PM actually said was something like 'I sometimes feel like saying, You do the fighting etc.'
However there are no plans to bomb or otherwise interfere with Syria using the military (as far as one can tell at the moment, I suppose I should add). So I just don't see what Cameron or any other local politico is doing in this thread. If you want to put the boot into the government, start your own damn thread, I couldn't help thinking...
No offence to you or the Matelot though. I often get ratty in the heat of the moment and speak in immoderate terms.
Never mind my silly little verse, but don't you think that Adams cartoon is fabulous?
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Wed 22 Jun 11 at 00:14
Yes - it is an excellent cartoon. Here is a picture of our Dear Leader and his cronies in their uniforms
RHIP. Same here I didn't have a clue what the meaning was of that word.
I agree AC our system is far from perfect but to compare it with these despots who have created a cultute of fear is beyond me .Call me a simple Dutchman.:)
>> RHIP. Same here I didn't have a clue what the meaning was of that word.
Rank has its privileges.
Can anyone point out a single connection between a nasty man in Syria who always wears a suit and David Cameron talking about men in uniform?
You're a simple Dutchman.
Well - you did ask! :=) :=) :=)
>>I don't know what that means, so I don't know whether it's annoying or not.
I try not to annoy. 'Twas a little thread drift intended for the old tar.
>> I try not to annoy.
I must admit that you seldom if ever do, CS. Must be hard work though, swimming against the tide...