Non-motoring > Coloured numbers Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Runfer D'Hills Replies: 43

 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
All my life I have mentally attached a specific colour to any given number. The reason / fault / blame for this is Cuisenaire Rods. This system was used at my school back in the mid-60s to aid the teaching of numeracy.

So even to this day in my head 3 is green, 10 is orange, 9 is blue etc etc.

I can explain this given the way I was taught and even now I know that 2 reds + 2 greens = 10 !

What I don't understand is why....
Mondays are dark grey
Tuesdays are blue
Wednesdays are green
Thursdays are light grey
Fridays are also green
Saturdays are white
Sundays are brown

I'd love to know why they are those colours in my mind.
 Coloured numbers - Manatee
You are a synesthete.
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
Blimey !

I think you might be right. Never heard of it before but ...Wow !
 Coloured numbers - Old Navy
I find that he breadth, (or is it depth) of knowledge that the forum contributors have is amazing. I don't consider myself to be well educated but you lot are working on it. :-)
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
Well I have to agree ON. Thing which has taken me aback is that "my" colours for each number don't absolutely accurately line up with the Cuisinaire standards but I'd always put that down to memory fade. Seems it might just be coincidence.

I've just had to have a stiff whisky and I don't normally drink. All these years I really thought it was just me.

By the way...

January is green
February is grey
March is maroon
April is light green
May is also light green
June is yellow
July is a slightly darker yellow
August is pale greyish brown
September is dark grey
October is brown
November is black
December is greyish blue

 Coloured numbers - borasport

I've just spent a couple of minutes browsing C4P, and in the 'latest posts' bit I could see 'Coloured Numbers - All my life I have mentally attached a colour to a number', and what was ticking through my mind all the time was 'synaesthesia'. - not something I have any experience of but a fascinating thing - I've heard of people who 'hear' colours or see sounds, and it just makes you think what a stunning thing a brain is, that it does what it does

your 'wow' response to Manatee makes me wonder, is it something you haven't heard of before and it came as a complete surprise, or did it 'chime' on a deeper level ?
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
borasport - This is actually amazing to me. I've honestly never heard of it before but reading through the link Manatee provided I can relate to most of it.

Just - Wow !!
 Coloured numbers - borasport
Humph - I dont know why i'm familiar with the idea (possibly god bless the BBC, radio's 3 and 4 - i seem to remember a documentary recently (i.e. anytime in the past 10 years))

It's fascinating to think of the brain as some sort of chip where every now and then some sort of mis-connect sends signals to a different receptor so they get interpreted as something completely different in some individuals - makes you think of so many things differently.

Anyway, you konw something you didn't know yesterday, all to the good :-)
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
Certainly do !

Of course you do realise that most people reading this are going to think we're totally bonkers don't you?

Ah well never mind...

 Coloured numbers - Manatee
I didn't mean to give you a shock!

I don't have it, but I know someone who tastes colours.

You're in some good company. Duke Ellington for one.
 Coloured numbers - Londoner
Several years ago, I remember hearing these lecturers while commuting.
IMHO they are extremely interesting, and people who like this thread would enjoy listening to them. (If they have not already)

In particular, look for lecture #4 "Purple numbers and sharp cheese"

 Coloured numbers - sherlock47
I have a different set of embedded colours for numerals.

0 black
1 brown
2 red
3 orange
4 yellow
5 green
6 blue
7 violet
8 grey
9 white

I have often wondered what happens to people with Synesthesia who move into a field of operation where the number-color correlation is toatally different from that that they perceive?
 Coloured numbers - henry k
>>I have a different set of embedded colours for numerals.
Me too :-)
Plus a few others to add to the other end
 Coloured numbers - sherlock47
henry k

All from 40 years ago - I still do not have to 'work out' the common preferred values - the combination of colors just gives the immediate value!

I guess other people have different combinations.

I wonder if I can train myself to remember telephone numbers using the colour sequences?
Currently I remember some frequently called numbers by shape/pattern and am unable to write them down as numbers without 'replaying the patternover a keypad.
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
pmh and henry k - this is just too weird !

I can absolutely relate to what you both say, although we'd fall out over which colours applied or relate to which numbers I guess !

Tell me, if your think of a four digit number, say 3421. Is it multicoloured or does it take its colour from the "3". In my case the latter by the way... ( green )

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 19 Jun 11 at 20:51
 Coloured numbers - sherlock47
H d'B

henry k and myself are talking about something a little different - the numbers/colors are used for coding various electronic component values. the position of the color is used to give a value and multiplier - it is not synth as you know it! However it does allow instant recall of certain values without recourse to 'working it out'
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
I know now thanks ! How disappointing...( if also interesting )

 Coloured numbers - henry k
>>henry k
>>All from 40 years ago - I still do not have to 'work out' the common preferred values - the combination of colors just gives the immediate value!

Mine is all from even longer but have not used it for the best part of 45 years.

>>I guess other people have different combinations.

>>pmh and henry k - this is just too weird !
>>I can absolutely relate to what you both say, although we'd fall out over which colours applied or relate to which numbers I guess !

My answer is
Plus IIRC Pink equals high stability
No magic in my gray matter but it is one of the long term memory items that remain, :-)

Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White
...which correspond to the values 0-9. For example:
Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well.

Last edited by: henry k on Sun 19 Jun 11 at 21:09
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
Londoner - Oh my goodness....

By the way, if I'm speaking English the words are white, in German they're black and in Italian they're blue...

Don't ask me why, they just are.

 Coloured numbers - zippy
The mind does make odd connections when storing things and perhaps it is using the numbers and colour matches to efficiently store the language information.

I am dreadful with languages but, when I am in France, I think in French, even spontaneously cuss in French when do something silly like stub my toe. Its probably and efficiency thing, hide the old language and bring the new one to the fore.
 Coloured numbers - nyx2k
You are a synesthete.

that is a very very rare condition, you are blessed.
i know of two others and they have made a lot of money so without being rude do you think that your condition for numbers has helped in the business world.
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
Not that I can think of but to be fair I'm still getting used to the possibility of all this having any form of measureable reality.

Quite good at rapid mental arithmetic I suppose. I tend to set aside colour blocked remainders and and things but I never really thought that was unusual. Just saw it as a technique.

Frankly I'm rather stunned by all this. I started the thread for a bit of fun to see if anyone else had been taught using Cuisenaire rods. Never for one moment realised there would be a whole other discussion buried in there. Just - "Wow!"
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 19 Jun 11 at 20:00
 Coloured numbers - nyx2k
i think its like 3 in a thousand with this condition.
its like my dreaming. i can dream in full colour and taste and have full movement in the dream which allows me to walk or fly etc where and when i want in my sleep. apparently less than 1 in a thousand hacve my condition.
unlike mine yours is useful and now you may feel inclined to find out more.
 Coloured numbers - Dutchie
You are special Humph.I also dream in colour also have full movement and fly about its like a hypnosis state.

Also have scary nightmares, regulary as a child.Never thought about this went once to a medium she said you are one of us .What ever she meant by that,never won the lottery with it.:)
 Coloured numbers - nyx2k
i wasnt going to mention mediums but i do see things reguarly as my house backs onto a field that was used in the 1st and 2nd world wars as a reserve airfield for raf westhampnett and they had some nasty wrecks which i can see the planes and the dead pilots.. i went to a medium and she said dont waste her time as i know more than her.
apparently i have something called the third eye.

3 have 3 people with synesphesia is un heard of. must be something drawing them to the same place or maybe the same hobbies and interest
 Coloured numbers - swiss tony
>> i wasnt going to mention mediums but i do see things reguarly ......... i went to a medium and she said dont waste her time as i know more than her.
>> apparently i have something called the third eye.

More here.....
 Coloured numbers - Dutchie
Interesting nyx2k its scares me sometimes and I try to block it out.To many things have happened to me which I can't fathom.Iam watching a good program on BBC2 about the dutch and the flooding.
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
What a fascinating, if surprising exchange tonight. Thanks for that. Probably all nonsense and imagination of course but very interesting nometheless.

I'd better go to bed soon, it's quarter past blue and I need to be up at half past green...

 Coloured numbers - nyx2k
i ignored it for years and recently having moved heere in the last 2years with no light or noise pollution you can see a lot.

im friends now with a fairly famous psychic and she taught me how to spot the real ones from the cold readers and when you know how its done then 99per cent are fakes

will you try an experiment that someone taught me...
felax on your bed or sofa and close your eyes in a dark and silent room and just keep them closed and relax your eyes for 30 seconds and then tell mew aht you see.
 Coloured numbers - Dutchie
Thats what its all about Humph a sense of humor.My colour is blue:)
 Coloured numbers - Cliff Pope
Humph has colour synaesthesia. I have spatial synaethesia.

I have a vivid pictorial sense of dates and history, all laid out as a giant map in my mind. There is a visible thread running through it from the distant past to the present, which makes sharp turns at the century points, and has blocks highlighted for major events like world wars.
It is partly geographical, but also incorporates a large family tree of European royalty.

I have always had this, from earliest childhood, and of course over the years has it slowly crept onwards, like unwinding a roll of wallpaper. I can zoom in and see months, weeks and days, weekends highlighted.

Claudia Hammond did a R4 programme (All in the Mind) on the phenomenon about a year ago, and asked for listeners to write in with their experiences. Colour synaesthesia is apparently well known, but she wrote back and said she had never encountered my kind of spatial variety before.

Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Mon 20 Jun 11 at 09:54
 Coloured numbers - Runfer D'Hills
I'm gonna get some new business cards printed with my new "qualification" on them. Bet no one will dare ask what it means !...

"....and Synesthete" has a certain ring to it eh ?

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Mon 20 Jun 11 at 11:23
 Coloured numbers - Dog
>>Synesthete" has a certain ring to it eh<<

Yeah, sinners feet.


 Coloured numbers - Londoner
>> I'm gonna get some new business cards printed with my new "qualification" on them. Bet
>> no one will dare ask what it means !...
But I'll bet that they are green with envy.

Actually, colours are already well established in popular phrases, e.g.
"In the red"
"In the black"
"In the pink"
Even "enjoying a purple patch"

 Coloured numbers - Cliff Pope
Rose tinted spectacles, blue films, yellow cowardice, black rage, red mist.
 Coloured numbers - Clk Sec
...and no grey areas.
 Coloured numbers - Iffy films...

I prefer 'true blue'.

Because I am.

 Coloured numbers - Dutchie
Interesting different colours and their meaning.Blue films? :)
 Coloured numbers - AnotherJohnH
Possibly related Horizon prog on monday:

 Coloured numbers - Dutchie
Thanks Another John

Looks like a interesting program.
 Coloured numbers - MrTee43

I see the end of what looks like an old maxim machine gun oscillating back and forth but only for about a couple of seconds.
 Coloured numbers - Fursty Ferret
I have a strong dislike for odd numbers. No idea why, but even numbers make me happier. :-)

Am I the only one with this loopy mindset?
 Coloured numbers - R.P.
Me as well Alfa, never trusted and odd number. Five being by far the most unreliable...
 Coloured numbers - nyx2k
see the end of what looks like an old maxim machine gun oscillating back and forth but only for about a couple of seconds.

its a start and you are in the ball park of seeing what less than 0.1 percent of people see when they try that experiment. it's supposed to be the third eye.

do me another favour and go to a pitch black garden about 100 feet long and concentrate on the far end but you need very low light and tell me if you see anything unusual. must be a garden not a field
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