Non-motoring > What's your holiday and what does it cost? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 105

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
It's that time of year again, some of us have already been, others are about to go.

I'm not a great one for weeks away, and a lot of my holiday/leisure budget goes on the caravan.

But I usually manage three nights in a decent hotel in the Lakes.

Cost is about £100 a night, usually including breakfast and dinner.

I don't often go into tourist attractions, so I don't need a lot of spending money.

A few shortish day trips in the car use some fuel, making my total spend not much more than £400.

What holiday are you having?

And how much, including spending money, will it cost?

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero

Spring Break Gibraltar one week for two

Hotel, Air fare, Spending money


Spring Break for nicole one week Lanzarote
Resort fee, Air fare, Spending money


Early Summer break, one week Wales for two & dog
Cottage, fuel, spending money


Mid Summer break Bournemouth Week for Two + dog
Rent large house, Fuel, spending

£200 (its split between 6 adults and 5 kids)

Late summer break, one week Scilly for two
Airfare, Hotel, Car Hire, Spending money £1k

Total holiday budget £2.7k

Way down from last years whopping £8K

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
Early May: 7 days holiday for two in villa in 3 bedroom villa in Tuscany with hire car and including flights - £650. Plus fuel and spending money (eating out etc).

Late June: 7 days holiday for two to Rhodes including flights and transfers: £348. Plus spending money.

Late Sept: 14 days holiday for two to Croatia including flights and transfers: £750. Plus spending money.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 15:58
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
>> Early May: 7 days holiday for two in villa in 3 bedroom villa in Tuscany
>> with hire car and including flights - £650. Plus fuel and spending money (eating out
>> etc).

Its the spending money that eats it up, you have to include that specially if eating out. I reckon on Nicole and I gettting through 50 quid a day.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 16:11
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
I reckon Tuscany was about £40 a day. Rhodes probably not going to be as cheap.

I still think the Tuscany accommodation we had was excellent value - three bedrooms (for two of us), shared swimming pool etc. We booked it 12 months in advance. Booked Croatia quite a while ago too. Rhodes is a last minute sort of break.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Crankcase
I'm saying nothing.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
...I'm saying nothing...

Shouldn't that be I'm spending nothing? :)

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Crankcase
Exactly so. Or going anywhere. Hence, "nothing". :)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - FocalPoint

Car Hire on Scilly?
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 16:08
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
>> Z:
>> Car Hire on Scilly?

Stupid boy I am, Its Sicilly! Amazing how one eye can screw things up.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - FocalPoint
What a relief! I thought you had invaded one of my secret sanctuaries.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 16:12
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
>> one of my secret sanctuaries.

Not any more. Next BR meet anyone?
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bromptonaut
We'll be camping in France for two and a half weeks. No fancy sites. The first is a small privately owned place near Le Mont Dore. The second a municipal site below Mont Ventoux. Site fees around E15-20 a night. Ferry fares around £120 return and a couple of transit nights in BB hotels at around E80.

Other costs will be autoroute tolls and diesel for around 2500 miles. No specific spending money. Some days we might do a museum or something, a ride on the Capucin funiculaire or a few runs on the luge d'ete.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - RattleandSmoke
I don't do big holidays any more, but so far this year:-

Two nights in Brighton:-
Train £30 return
Hotel £40 for the two nights (20 a night)
spending money £60
Total cost = £100.

I went camping in Wales to see my cousins a couple of weeks back, did it on the spur of the moment:-
Train £34 return
Camping £7
Tent poles (yes I forgot them, I was about to erect my tend and realise the Poles were 120 miles away) £12
Spending money (inc lots of silly bits £60)

Planning of going to Wales again sometimes when the weather is nice, this time it will be a lot cheaper because I will come better prepared.

Supposed to be going to a punk festival in Blackpool in August but I don't think I will go as I would rather put the money towards car insurance to reduce my monthly payments.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Meldrew
Just had 1 week's B&B in Madeira, 3* hotel in city centre, flights and taxi transfers = £550 + cost of excursions and lunches, about another £200. Going for a week's 1/2 board in Croatia in September for £1000, joint celebration of birthdays of Mrs M and me
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - nyx2k
we have a boat that is reguarly used for long weekends and the odd long week away several times a year in winter and summer and a large caravan that is used all year round so these things are used for holidays all year round and i learnt a long time ago to not add up the bills especially for the boat.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
Its easier and cheaper for us to book stuff now that Junior is out of school. We avoid the school holidays mostly, except for the week in Bournemouth this year. It was a spur of the moment "lets be silly in a crowd" moment cooked up at a drunken party.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 16:20
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - RattleandSmoke
Would love a caravan, but most parks only take newer caravans which cost a fortune and the fees are not cheap. So a tent will just have to do.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - nyx2k
a friend of mine tows a 2berth custom made caravan with a fiat 500. it weighs about 500kg i think and has a double bed, single seat and hotwater as well as a sink and a single oven and two burner hob.
they do a lot of mountain biking so have 4biles hanging off the back of it and they use it all year around with the gas and electric heating aswell.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Stuu
One week in Bodmin this year. Ive got it for free as my nan wants to go away and she likes whole family to come too, so in exchange for driving her down there ( she hates my dads driving ), we get a free holiday.
We are staying in some top of the range 3 bed bungalow on a holiday park, all mod cons and a private hot tub aswell.

Actual cost to us will be around £150-200 after fuel and trips out.

I recall the accom cost for a week was around £900ish, buit spread across 5 people, its not too bad if everyone is paying equals.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Pat
12 days in Cornwall (or Wales!) in the caravan works out to £1500 which is the annual budget for the main holiday.
This includes site fees, petrol money, spending money and food which is the biggest chunk.
We've had the van for three years now and the cooker has never been used apart from making toast for breakfast!

A week in leafy Yorkshire in September has a budget of £700 for the same as the above.

Before anyone says it...I know we could go abroad for less money but we don't want to:)

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Robin O'Reliant
Destination: Windowsill Bay.

Cost: Nothing.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - RattleandSmoke
I am the same, would much rather spend my money in the UK, it helps people keep their jobs in this country. I would not want a touring caravan though, I would want a static but the site fees are very expensive.

I know with a static you're stuck in one location, but I find many people who have a touring tend to go to same sites every year anyway.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
>> £1500 ... spending money and food which is the biggest chunk.

You'll be both eating well then. And only the other day you recall being unable to afford grapes!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - RattleandSmoke
But that a long time ago she was meaning, when grapes would have been an expensive luxury in the UK.

I can easily spend £30 on food when I am away, but perhaps too much of that is beer.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Meldrew
Rattle - it used to be said that, re nourishment, there's a pork chop in every pint.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Pat
Yes, we do eat well when we're on holiday, but that is what we both enjoy!

You are right Rattle, grapes we're a luxury back in the early 80's but now they come with red wine and Stilton:)

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Runfer D'Hills
In short I've always spent too much on holidays. Holidays are brilliant. The one time when you get to do what you want to do and usually with the people you most want to do it with and be with.

I don't want to lie on my deathbed, whenever that is, looking at my toes curling, thinking "I should've." I want to lie there thinking "I'm glad I did that...that was good, see you next time..."

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
I thought Pat's holiday food budget looked high - until I thought about it properly.

A decent dinner for two with wine is easily £50, so that's £600 straight away.

Twenty quid for two for lunch and drinks during the day adds another £240.

That only leaves £660 for site fees, petrol, and non-food spending money.

I expect Pat will come home with some change from her £1,500, but not much.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
And I think I have underestimated some of my costs. But hey who cares.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Lygonos
Yorkshire - Log cabin in Griffon Forest for 4 nights ~£450.

This was for 6 of us.

Good base for visiting Castle Howard, Scarborough, etc.

Decided self-catering with the option to go out a better plan than a hotel with 3 kids under school age.

Outdoor hot tub at the cabin was enjoyed by all - especially me sitting in it in the spring rain with a hat on and no kids! - 100% peaceful, watching woodpeckers and squirrels bopping around.

Far cry from spending 6-7 grand a year on holidays in far-flung places pre-kids (prefer staying in UK these days anyway!)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - smokie
Rather expensive 3 weeks for me alone in Florida in March - but then I was unemployed so made the best of it :-) Never really totted up the cost but somewhere around £1200 I reckon, actually not bad for 3+ weeks.

Have rented a flat close to the Royal Mile for week 1 of Edinburgh Festival - the whole family - flat was c £600 IIRC, shows (mainly comedy) will be a considerable amount (about £50 per day each I expect) but kids should be chipping in a bit towards theirs, as they are both wage earners.

Then a long weekend with a buddy at a blues weekend in Hampshire, where alories are drunk rather than eaten. I think last year was about £30 for tickets, £10 for food and £100 for booze.

Mrs S is hoping I will not be working (or choose to forgo a week's good money) to have a week in the Canaries in Oct.

Then there is another blues festival where we'll b&b for a weekend - autumn time.

That'll be about it this year...

In March 2012 it starts all over again, in Florida, all being well (motor racing) :-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - captain chaos
Two weeks in Las Vegas £4500
24 nights fly/cruise Ft. Lauderdale & Carribean £5000
Two weeks caravanning in Devon when volcano erupts and all flights grounded
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - BobbyG
12 nights in Bulgaria for family of 4 - £1200 for flights and £200 for accomodation in my aunt's villa.

The four of us can eat and drink for about £50 a day max whilst there and that is eating out every night.

So about £2k all in.

I am a bah humbug when it comes to holidays, I hate spending money on a "memory", and within a week of being home and being back at work, all benefit has been lost.

Yes, a long tour of America or Canada or whatever would be good and one of life's must-dos but I would rather pull my toenails off one by one than go on a package holiday to a hotel in the sun.

Going to my aunt's villa is just about bearable for me as she has internet, swimming pool, air con etc. And the villa is situated in a Bulgarian village rather than Sunny Beach, which is a bit of Blackpool meets Benidorm!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Runfer D'Hills
>> I am a bah humbug when it comes to holidays,

Aye, but there'll come a time when memories are all you'll have and for me I want good ones.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero

>> I am a bah humbug when it comes to holidays, I hate spending money on
>> a "memory", and within a week of being home and being back at work, all
>> benefit has been lost.

I think I can remember every one (and we do three a year minimum) of our holidays for the last 5 years at least. Some of the memorable ones for longer.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
>In March 2012 it starts all over again, in Florida, all being well (motor racing) :-)

If you like motor racing and blues/live music go to next year's US F1 GP in Austin.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
Yeah, steers, queers and F1.

I am tempted.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
>Yeah, steers, queers and F1.

Austin is a pretty amazing city. So laid back it's horizontal. Active gay community but really anything goes. Reading the Personals in the Austin Chronical was certainly enlightening.

:-0 You want what?!!!

Music capital of the world they claim and I wouldn't dispute it.

Tuesday night at The Continental Club and Blues on the Green in Zilker Park were our favourites.

We lived there for four years and still have alot of friends there.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero

>> We lived there for four years and still have alot of friends there.

On assignment? I can guess where if it was.

Seriously, I suspect F1 in the Lone Star state will be one of the more affordable venues to go watch.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
>On assignment? I can guess where if it was.

You've got it Zero.

Went over to work in Development for communications device drivers and then three years in ITSO.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - smokie
Austin was on a previous itinerary (my blues tour) but never quite made it - only had four weeks and it would have added too much mileage to an already full tour.

I like watching F1 on telly but it always strikes me as being too short to be a proper race :-)

It's an idea though...will investigate dates...
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
>I like watching F1 on telly but it always strikes me as being too short to be a proper race :-)

>It's an idea though...will investigate dates...

It's a music holiday with some motorsport thrown in.

Add these to your bookmarks:
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bromptonaut
>> We'll be camping in France for two and a half weeks.

Most spend over there went on my foreign use only Santander Zero card. Pretty sure all the bills are now on the statement - £1600. Perhaps another £400 in cash (the first campsite doesn't do cards) including Mrs B's prepaid euro mastercard. Say £2000 all in for 17 nights and a party of, effectively, four adults.

A big chunk of that of course is food and stuff we'd still have bought if we'd been at home.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
...Say £2000 all in for 17 nights and a party of, effectively, four adults...

Many people wrongly assume camping and caravanning is only done by those who cannot afford a different type of holiday.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - sherlock47
When we used to go to France (1980s)and camp I always used to describe it as like staying in an hotel, but more expensive! We would regularly eat out twice a day and all the sites would offer facilities and standards that only the largest of hotels could offer. It also provided a way of loosing an active 4 to 14 year old.

Now when making my regular 750mile trips to the south (of F), usually with a one night stopover, it is easy to spend £120 for a stopover in a modest 2star Logis for evening meal, B&B. I avoid chain hotels as far as possible and prefer the character of a family owned fading hotel in a small town that has now been bypassed by an autoroute.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
You're right there iffy. We've had many two week holidays for the two of us in hotels/apartments including all spending that come to about that per person per night (including flights).
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bromptonaut
>> Many people wrongly assume camping and caravanning is only done by those who cannot afford
>> a different type of holiday.

Obviously not a cheapskate trip but I don't see any other way we could affordably spend that length of time in France at a time forced on us by school holidays.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
End of April, two weeks à la carte all inclusive in Maldives for two. ~£6K

July/August a one week break either self-catering or sailing in Greece. ~£1½ - £2K

Late November either Maldives again or Caribbean for two weeks all inclusive. £4 - £6K

Odd long weekends in Yorkshire - Petrol money plus a bottle of Malt for dad.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bigtee
Well seen as my little lad is now 3yrs it's camping this year as he likes this with his mum it's in my tent next month start off 2x nights and progress upwards.

East coast Yorkshire, and Scotland & the lakes.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
I have to say, from what's been posted so far, I think we spend more than average on holidays.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dog
I'm with Crankie & Regal Robin, although we may spend a few days in Cornwall this year.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Runfer D'Hills
You do have to be careful it's true. Unless you choose especially carefully it's always possible to be forced into medium term close proximity with a grown man who wears football jerseys as leisure wear.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 20:22
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Zero
Managed to avoid that lot for 15 years.

The nearest we get is at the airport sometimes, and on the plane. Tho they tend now to pay for speedy border passes.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 20:25
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Skip
We have 3 one week holidays a year usually in May, July and September. Always in the UK now, and nearly always one week will be in Cornwall. Hire of a cottage or a log cabin/ lodge tyoe thing varies somewhere around £500-£700 for the week. As for eating out, alcohol, petrol and the rest we try not to think about it as we are on holiday and just have what we want.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
I tend not to think too much about spends. They are incremental costs over what it costs per week at home anyway.

Most expensive holiday/trip I have had was when I went to a wedding in the states once. To make the most out of the trip I ended up visiting SFO, Hawaii (Maui to be precise) and NY on the way back. Total cost including trips on Maui was probably well over £2000. Did have a hire car for the week on Maui and did boat trips, submarine, etc. the normal stuff.

Edit: This was 1999 too. I'd just got my new Golf GTi and then went away for two weeks. I didn't think it would be parked at home when I got back... it was stolen within about 5 months though.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 20:46
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
I shudder to think how much my last Floridian holiday/honeymoon cost. But no real corners were cut, including the hire of the Mustang drop-top for a fortnight. You only live once eh ? Off to Rhodes shortly, not cheap but not too expensive either. "Found" 150 Euros in my passport holder, loaded up my Travelcard with 200 Euros. Minted.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
Lucky you found the 150 euros now.... they may yet drop out of the Euro. They need to do something other than severe cuts and selling the national assets, e.g. devalue the currency.

Hope Rhodes goes well. We're looking forward to it too. Whereabouts on Rhodes are you going? We're staying at Pefkos.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
Aquis Miramare Wonderland not far from the Airport apparently - flying with "LearyAir".
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
Probably a 5* type place then ;-) We're in a self-catering apartment. But what would you expect for less than £175 each including flights.

Do tell us what the train was like:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 22:18
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
HoHo don't tell Rattle !
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dave_
Unlikely to get a proper holiday this year, but a few day trips are on the cards. We try to go somewhere memorable at least once a month. Climb some proper hills, watch a football match or a motor race, visit a castle and so on.

I'm tagging along with the school trip to Drayton Manor at the end of the month (if the teachers aren't on strike, yes it's that day!).
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 22:42
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
If you're up in Llanberis keep an eye out for an immaculate white X1 - I cleaned it !
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
>> immaculate white X1 - I cleaned it !

Aren't you paying BMW to do that? :-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dave_
>> If you're up in Llanberis keep an eye out for an immaculate white X1

Daughter and I were specifically looking out for it last month, we were up there on the day of the triathlon. Went down to Caernarfon castle as the weather in the morning was unfavourable. Trying again this Sunday, properly early this time - the weather looks half promising too. Will use the Park and Ride, and do the Electric Mountain tour if rain stops play.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Thu 16 Jun 11 at 00:27
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
I deliberately dodged the Sunday because of the rain - scant welcome from the locals on days like that I found, compounded by potential parking problems, I stayed at home !
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Kevin
>Lucky you found the 150 euros now.... they may yet drop out of the Euro.

I still have quite a few thousand Drachma.

Last time we were in Greece I tried to use them to pay a taverna bill.

The waiter, who knows us pretty well, was highly amused and took them to show to his dad.

Hopefully they'll go back to the Drachma at a 1/1 Euro exchange rate before they devalue ;-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - legacylad
Ten days backpacking from mid May C2C across Scotland on the annual Great Outdoors Challenge.Train to Lochailort, return from Montrose. £180 tops, but mostly wild camping which i love...despite the awful weather.
Off to complete 260 miles backpacking the SWCP first 2 weeks in July. Train fares N yorks to Cornwall, returning from Poole are £123 so gross spend will be around £240..I budget £10 a day for food and site fees if i cannot find a decent free wild camp spot.
My ski trips in Jan & March cost considerably more, as will the trip later this year to visit friends near Tahoe, the excuse being that eldest step daughter is studying for one semester at UCA SF campus. Soft top Mustang here we come (again).
No pockets in shrouds..they don't leave you on top do they?
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
>> Ten days backpacking from mid May C2C across Scotland on the annual Great Outdoors Challenge

You probably know some people I do then. Last year they got back just in time from Lesvos for him to get to the end bit of the challenge.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bromptonaut
Odd this time as daughter is doing A levels and son his GCSEs.

Recounted above my plans for the summer school hols. In previous years we'd also have been away at Spring Bank on the Western Isles. Hire of a cottage on Harris or Lewis for a week at £300-£500, CalMac ferries to Stornoway or Tarbert £200 & probably one en route Travelodge at £60. Living costs only a bit more than home and not too much scope for outings, only other major cost would be diesel for another 1500 miles.

This year though it was three nights in the Rigidome at Roundhill campsite in the New Forest - £200 including fuel and cream teas at Holmesley Station!!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dieselboy
One week in a cottage in Pitlochry in February. Cottage was £300 and I think we spent about £400 including fuel whilst we were there.

One week in a B&B hotel in Halkidiki, Greece, in August. Holiday was £1000 for the two of us. I'm reckoning on taking about £700 spends.

One week in mother in law's static caravan near Keswick, also in August. Accomodation cost is zero, spends probably a couple of hundred.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - BiggerBadderDave
Can't really do more than a week at any one time because I get twitchy when I'm not working.

A week skiing last February - About £25 a night plus Ski fees, plus petrol and a speeding ticket.

A week coming up in Tenerife - £886, for 2 adults and 2 children half board.

A week in a cabin in the Polish Lakes in late Summer. About £25 a night plus petrol plus rental of boats, bikes etc. That will be a big drinking holiday because all wifey's family and friends will be there. Good fun.

Might spend a week in the UK after Tenerife and on the drive back, stop off in Zurich for a couple of days to see friends.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Alanovich
Renting a villa in Spain, quiet undeveloped fishing village on the mainland, not telling anyone where it is as I want it to stay that way. Most holidaymakers there tend to be from the big Spanish cities rather than from abroad. It's the anti-Benidorm.

1k for a fortnight's villa rental (bargain), 800 quid for flights (family of 4). 300 quid for a Berlingo for a fortnight. Lord alone knows how much we'll spend when we're there.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Mapmaker
A week's skiing. And another week's skiing. And a week in Moscow/Leningrad. And a week in Northumberland. And long (or not so long) weekends in Spain, and Paris, and Brussels.

Somebody wrote the most beautiful contradiction in terms higher up this thread: "top of the range 3 bed bungalow on a holiday park."
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Pat
mapmaker don't be so pompous:)

To them it is just of their range and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

To me our caravan is just the same and is my choice.

Skiing, Moscow and Spain do nothing for me.

I stopped myself posting these thoughts in the early hours of this morning but you've prompted me to do it now.

This has been a great thread showing the divers amounts of money we all spend on holiday and the different locations we all go to.

The point of my thoughts were though, that I bet we all enjoy those holidays equally as much as each other, however frugal or lavish they are.

I know I do and I haven't seen one posted on here that I would swap my next two weeks for either, even if I could!

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Telb
Yep, caravan for us too.

4 weeks in France, expect total spend to be <£2k, includes ferry. We leave on Sunday - can't wait!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dog
>>Somebody wrote the most beautiful contradiction in terms higher up this thread: "top of the range 3 bed bungalow on a holiday park."<<

Many of those bungalows/lodges/log cabins are very high spec m8y,
I've seen some that I would consider buying, if they weren't limited to 10 months use p.a.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Soupytwist
Ten days camping in Dorset - £200 site fees and whatever we spend. As someone else said, that's just a bit more than you'd spend being at home.

Got a couple of weekends camping in Suffolk & Norfolk planned as well.

Low key this year as we're saving up for some work on the house. We might go somewhere in October half term if that goes well.

Thinking of Liguria, Swedish/Finnish archipelago, France or maybe Northumberland next year.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - MrTee43
Another skier here !

We always have a week in January with a group of about 12 of us. Cost depending on the country is usually about £800 each including the travel, hotel, food and lift pass. I used to take my own skis but the cost of ski carriage is getting a bit dear now so tend to hire instead.

Another week away for my annual motorcycling road trip, usually to France, costs about £600, sometimes more, sometimes less but I don't keep tally.

Another week away with wifey, this time up the the Highlands of Scotland to visit, amongst other things, friends who have recently decided to live up there.

If I could only have one holiday , it would most certainly be a week skiing to either France or Austria.

I cannot abide those holidays that consist of laying in the baking hot sun, day after day, reading a book getting sunburnt and doing nothing.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - bhoywonder
Going to Spain (Albir 2 weeks)

Flights - £450 approx (family of 4)
Villa - £850.
Spending Money - £1300 approx

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Alanovich
Ooo. Nice price on the flights, Bee Dubya.

Which airport, which airline and how far in advance did you book, if you don't mind me asking?

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - bhoywonder
Ooo. Nice price on the flights, Bee Dubya.

Which airport, which airline and how far in advance did you book, if you don't mind me asking?

Sorry is this question directed at me?
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Alanovich
Yep. Please don't feel obliged to answer, I'm just curious as my flights to Spain have cost twice as much this summer.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - bhoywonder
No Problem.

Easyjet - Glasgow to Alicante - Flying out mid July - Booked last September within a few days ot Easyjet releasing dates.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Alanovich
Interesting. I'm flying to Almeria but couldn't find a London departure under 200 quid per person. I suppose I booked too late.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Runfer D'Hills
I've learned something here. There is a wider range of attitudes to travel and holidays than I'd have thought and all seem quite well argued in the end.

For my own perspective, I've never been good at routine. If I stay in the one place for any length of time I get stir crazy. I've never had a job which required me to be in the same place every day and couldn't now imagine being at peace with one which did. I've never had a need to get up at a particular time or have my lunch at a set hour or whatever and don't think I'd take well to that now.

Equally, while I like my home and there are indeed some pretty parts of the UK, I'd feel restricted for want of a better description if I chose to limit my travel to these shores only. Not to say on the other hand that I'd reject the thought of a UK break either.

However, I couldn't imagine going to a new location and simply sitting on the same sunbed by the same pool for a week. Half a day in one spot is enough for me ! We tend to base our holidays around an activity, ideally a shared experience. We've over the years gone specifically to ski or to windsurf or to mountain bike or dive or to ride horses or whatever, usually a combination of things but almost never just to spend it doing nothing. That would drive us nuts I'm sure.

Conversely I do know some just want to chill out whatever that means. Doesn't do much for me, there'll be plenty of time for lying around doing nothing when they nail the lid on my box !

Each to their own of course !
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Fri 17 Jun 11 at 10:53
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - rtj70
I forgot we had a break in a large static caravan in the Lakes in March: £129. Plus petrol/food money. We like the Lake district a lot.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - WillDeBeest
Late to this one. We're going to Snowdonia for a week: £475 for the cottage, plus £100 or so for fuel and maybe another £150 for a couple of meals out. Otherwise we self-cater and spend roughly what we would at home.

Last year we managed a wet and frankly rather boring week in Suffolk. We'd taken an expensive step up the housing ladder, and that - along with static income, rising living costs and the pressing need to budget for replacing a car - means that our £2,000 fortnight in western France remains out of reach for the foreseeable future.

I'm looking forward to the trip. I have some fond childhood memories of that area (and a less happy one of wasting a day in Aberystwyth after the exhaust fell off our Renault 12) and I'm excited about climbing Cader Idris if the clouds part for long enough.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dutchie
Going back years now one of the nicest holidays we had when we just had the two lads was in Cayton bay yorkshire.One week in a static caravan clubhouse and plenty to do for the lads.

Have been to St Ives cornwall in the VW Beetle also the lads, wife and small poodle long drive from our house.We've had different holidays in Spain Holland to Family.Two trips to Lourdes in the South of France Diana always wanted to go.

Daughter has been spoiled a bit more a couple of trips to Florida Walt Disney nice memories.

Holiday this year to Tunesia £767 flight hotel and car parking ,half board.Spending money and tips about £550.

Next trip Poland in September son in law is paying for the flight stopping for one week looking forward to it.My brother rang up yesterday he and his wife are off to Greece.I have to go to Holland for a week to see my sister and brother can't get my head around it yet.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Old Navy
>> Equally, while I like my home and there are indeed some pretty parts of the
>> UK, I'd feel restricted for want of a better description if I chose to limit
>> my travel to these shores only. Not to say on the other hand that I'd
>> reject the thought of a UK break either.
>> However, I couldn't imagine going to a new location and simply sitting on the same
>> sunbed by the same pool for a week.
>> Each to their own of course !

I tend to agree, we rarely return to a place, and tend to prefer a touring type holiday, Last year we did a short cruise to Norway, basically a moving hotel to visit several locations. Next year we are doing a similar one around the Baltic. We have also done coach tours of the Grand Canyon area and also Turkey. While on a snorkeling holiday at the Red Sea which also included a Nile cruise and visits to the tombs and temples, I was amused that some people were happy that the had been to Egypt when they never left a hotel full of Brits, and the only locals they met were the waiters.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bagpuss
Just back from 2 weeks in Crete. Villa in a 5 star holiday resort cost 3,500 Euros including flights and half board for a family of 3. Spent another 300 Euros on drinkies.

Not normally one for beach and sunbed holidays but it's been a difficult year and we just wanted to switch off. Very friendly place, fantastic food, meticulously clean, excellent beach and swimming pools, loads of things for kids to do. Starting to climb the walls after 2 weeks though. No other brits there at all as far as I could tell, mainly Germans, Russians and French.

What really costs is the annual winter holiday. I really like the Austrian alps but an apartment, ski passes and food for a week or so doesn't leave much change out of 3,000 Euros.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Alanovich
Bagpuss. For cheap skiing holidays, look at Bosnia, particularly Jahorina resort - it was where they held the ladies downhill at the '84 Olympics. Might have changed, but 5 years ago we got a week's half board including passes for 300 euros each (plus flights at about 200 each return).
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bagpuss
>> Bagpuss. For cheap skiing holidays, look at Bosnia, particularly Jahorina resort

Thanks for the tip - I'll look into it for next winter. The great thing about the Austrian alps is that we live 2 hours train journey away. We went to Saint Anton 2 years ago, leaving at 8:00am on a Saturday. By 12:00 we were on the slopes, having checked into the apartment, hired skis and bought ski passes.

Austria does seem to get more expensive every year though, so maybe it's time to go further afield.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - helicopter
Strangely enough I too have just returned from two weeks in Crete , SWMBO and I have enjoyed a Villa up in the mountains in the west of the island within 10 minutes of Elafonisi Beach which is the best in Crete ... and have become friends of the Greek owners.....

Two weeks for two bed villa with pool totalled Euros 770 ( Friends rate ) .
Two flights Gatwick to Chania with Monarch £ 576.
Hire of Suzuki Jimny two weeks £400.
Meals out including wine - average Euros 50 a day say Total Euros 700
Fuel , probably 100 Euros.

Total probably £2500 ish for two weeks but worth every penny ....

Lovely island , friendly people and food that tastes of food.....

Where on Tuesday I lunched on Shrimps the size of lobsters coated in a lemon and olive oil sauce on a glorious sunny day, Wednesday I was back to pouring rain and a bacon bap from the van of death on the local industrial estate......
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Bobbin Threadbare
I went to Crete last year...! One week, for 4 of us, with a nice pool villa and flights was about £1700. Took it up to £2k with food and whatnot.

This year it's Cyprus instead. Just me and Mr B; cost us about £1100 for 10 days hotel and flights.

Someone mentioned Rhodes; I did 2 weeks there about 6 years ago. Lovely place, amazing food. 10 days would have done though as it is a small island.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Meldrew
Apologies for slight thread drift. Not a major holiday but a good UK short break; I go to a hotel/conference centre near, but not in, Swindon which makes a good base for exploring the Cotswolds. I am going in August and am paying £158 for 2 nights B&B and one dinner, in a 4* hotel, for two people. Big room, work area, wi-fi and very quiet location. The chain goes by the unlikely name of Principal Hayley. Worth checking to see if they have a location and special offer that suits you for a nice weekend away
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Badwolf
We're not having a 'big' holiday this year. A few short breaks is the order of the year!

We've already had four days in Amsterdam, hotel and flights paid for by the in-laws but we paid £120 to upgrade the hotel after reading terrible reviews on Trip Advisor of the hotel the in-laws booked. I reckon we spent about £400 while we were there.

Next up, in a fortnight, is a weekend in York bought for us by my stepdaughter as a Christmas present. I'd expect we'll spend about £200 including fuel.

August will see us spending a long weekend in Dieselboy's mother-in-law's caravan near Keswick. Probably around £150, including fuel.

Next year, I have acquiesced (if that's how you spell it!) to Mrs B and we are going to Benidorm for a week. I have grave reservations about going there but I do believe that you shouldn't dismiss something out of hand without at least trying it first. Who knows, I may like the place!

I'm already idly planning our holiday for late 2014 - two significant birthdays occur around then and so we will be going on a 'biggie'. Not too sure where yet. New York/Vegas appeals, as does a Far Eastern cruise. Then there's always the Maldives. So much to choose from... :-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
...and we are going to Benidorm for a week. I have grave reservations about going there but I do believe that you shouldn't dismiss something out of hand without at least trying it first...

There's a lot of snobbery about Benidorm.

I have a friend who tells me there's much more to it than fish'n'chips and lager louts.

He likes the place because he can have an outrageous night or two on the booze in that part of town, but have a civilised holiday elsewhere for the rest of his stay, without having to travel far for either.

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Roger.
Maybe, perhaps, possibly, a trip to the land of sauerkraut and wheat beer to see our daughter and family.
Cost: Ferry, diesel, food contribution, pressies for the grandchildren.
More than five hundred quid out of income and we're screwed!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Harleyman
Just come back from ours; road trip to Holland and Belgium taking on the HDC Old Timers rally in The Hague, and a couple of nights in Antwerp which co-incided with the Mothers Day holiday and the Rubens market in the city. Wifey on her modern 883 Harley Sporster, me on 1942 WLC side-valve; I covered exactly 1,000 miles with not a hint of trouble.

Cost ? Suffice it to say we did it within budget inasmuch as I didn't have to visit an ATM to draw more cash out. Money spent is offset to a considerable degree by the year's supply of rolling tobacco I purchased in Belgium at a third of the UK price, better quality stuff as well. The rally itself is the largest gathering of pre-1965 Harley-Davidsons and Indians in Europe; I'll post a link to a photo album once I've sorted them out.
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Dutchie
That sounds nice Harleyman Old timers rally in the Hague.Haven't been in the Hague for years.Close to Scheveningen.This year when going across might have a drive from Rotterdam to the Hague to Hilversum visiting the oldmans sister in Hilversum.Plenty of choice with tobacco
Samson Drum Van Nelle and the rest.;)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - R.P.
Off to St David's tomorrow, just a little trip on the bike - £7.00 for a pitch camping, so factor in petrol (around 1.45p a litre @ 60 mpg) and some food and beer should be a good economy weekend away...!
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Iffy
...just a little trip on the bike...

Wor lass on the back, on her own bike, or stopping at home?

 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Harleyman
Carmarthen Bike show this weekend if you're interested; and unleaded at Morrison's here is £1.34 today, saved you a few bob already! ;-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Harleyman
Plenty of choice with tobacco
>> Samson Drum Van Nelle and the rest.;)

Drum's my poison of choice; the stuff you get in the UK masquerading under that name is not only three times the price, it's also the sweepings off the shop floor.

Yes, Don Bosco park in Rijskwijk (hope I spelt it right) if you know it, very pleasant area. Pity about the choice of beers though; Heineken, Heineken, or Heineken! Didn't stop me drinking it though! ;-)
 What's your holiday and what does it cost? - Pat
One for Dutchie:)

I remember going to Holland some ?? years ago (I had a Vauxhall Victor!) and the memories are sketchy.

I did the Amsterdam canal trip and the walk around the red light area. I went to Keukenhof and Delft.

But, and this is where I wonder if my mind is playing tricks on me?

I seem to remember having a meal in a restaurant at the top of a tower where the top part revolved as we ate?

Is it Alzheimers or do I still have my marbles Dutchie?

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