Now I'm getting 'invitations' to join people on Linkedin. These are from people I hardly remember from the dim and distant past. Thinking I might be missing out on something, I took a look.
Now if these 'friends' think that I can somehow improve their professional career, then they are surely deluded. As they obviously have my email address, then it would be nice if I actually heard from them once in a while. You know, just a quick hello, how's it going, what you up to, that sort of thing.
I do have friends, but they're real ones that appear in my life from time to time. They usually keep in touch by the old fashioned method of telephony, we talk, go places, do things for each other etc. If they want a reference, or help with a job, then they only have to pick up the phone and ask. And they will do the same for me if asked.
>> are surely deluded. As they obviously have my email address,
AFAIK, Facebook et. al can scrape email addresses automatically (unless you decline when you join) from the contact lists within their members' email accounts and send you "automated" invites from them.
Last edited by: John H on Tue 31 May 11 at 16:37
Having recently been to a professionals job club after being made redundant, I can tell you tht they value all forms of (business) networking very highly in the search for a job - can't remember the stats but something like 70% of jobs are got through networking, as opposed to adverts or any other method.
LinkedIn is very highly valued, and as a job seeker it was quite a useful tool as you can sometimes find out a bit about who you are being interviewed by, and other useful stuff about the company and structure.
So, like Twitter, a measure of success is the number of people you have "following" you, or are connected to you.
Personally I'm not too keen on th whole social networking thing, but you have to move with the times...especially when you've been without work for a while.
Last edited by: smokie on Tue 31 May 11 at 19:06
On a similar line, I note Groupon is contemplating a float at a megabucks valuation. This intrigued me as the barrier to entry must be very low.
And indeed it is as I have started receiving emails from other competitors. No idea where kgbdeals or gogroupie found my email address.
I saw Humph on Linkedin a year or two ago.
Dunno if he's still there.
Not been back to the site since.