Non-motoring > Debbie Harry today's Castaway. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 18

 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
11.15 Radio 4. Should be good - especially for people of a certain age....
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Iffy
More Desert Island fun on Radio 4 Extra.

On what?

New name for a revamped Radio 7, apparently.

 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Jacks
>> - especially for people of a certain age....

Denis Denis, avec tes yeux si bleux
Denis Denis, moi j'ai flashe a nous deux
Denis Denis, un grand baiser d'eternite

Denis Denis, je suis si folle de toi
Denis Denis, oh embrasse-moi ce soir
Denis Denis, un grand baiser d'eternite

 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Mike Hannon
BBC website said she had said she 'found the ageing process rough'.
We could see that from the pic, dear.
Oops, sorry...
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
I say Mike !
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Runfer D'Hills
"Maria" still makes me happy. The ultimate key change !
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - -
Non of us getting any younger, but in her prime Debbie was fantastic singer and a stunning woman, legs that went on for ever too, unusual beauty.

As for ageing, it's just the luck of the draw how quickly or how bad the effects will be, well for those who haven't be remoulded regularly.

Just a shame that women of beauty seem to draw such horrible comments when the effects of time start to show, usually from Z list celebs commenting from the naivity of overmade up youth.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - MD
>>usually from Z list celebs commenting from the naivety of overmade up youth.
Well said GB. Youth is wasted on the young. Bunch of Know nothing Muckers.

 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Leif
This person of a certain age thought it was worth setting aside some time to hear it. Sad to hear they got stuffed by their agent.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Armel Coussine
>> Sad to hear they got stuffed by their agent.

Hardly the big surprise of the decade though. What are agents for? And managers. And promoters, and all the Svengalis... hardly a mensch among the carphounds.

Look, musicians are just matter, raw material, and tin pan alley chaps are crude industrialists, a bit like quarry contractors or scrap metal dealers. Mostly anyway. Stands to reason dunnit? Starstruck teenagers with a bit of twanging ability.... just asking for it.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Runfer D'Hills
Enjoy !
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
Lovely matured voice. BBD has been strangely quiet.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
"she walks like she don't care/walking on imported air"

Thanks Humph....! :-)
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Armel Coussine
Good single Humph indeed. I remember my nephew liking Blondie when they were new.

How would we chattering classes people categorize it I wonder? ''Post-punk mainstream upbeat feelgood, with a dangerous hint of bubblegum' perhaps.

Totally disciplined commercial track though. The backstory involves much pressure and bullying as a rule. And the bullying pressurizer usually makes more money in the long run.

Mind you artists are a right pain. Can't trust them as far as you can throw them, I've been told...

Good band that was Humph. Not for long though.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Leif
Armel Coussine said:
>> Good band that was Humph. Not for long though.

I was a big fan and bought the early records. They were sort of punk, or at least punk influenced, and then drifted into more funky mainstream after 3 or 4 albums. Competent musicians and catchy tunes. I still listen to the greatest hits album and in my view the music has survived the years, which is more than some. I might even buy the early albums on CD, there is a simplicity I like.

I guess agents are often hard nosed scumbags with few scruples and musicians tend to be somewhat naive and innocent, especially the young ones. As someone who was once naive, I got ripped off by senior managers who were little more than professional liars and cheats. The scum tends to float to the top. Or something like that ...
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
I have one of her LPs on coloured vinyl - I must go and dig it out from one of the many boxes around here !
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Bromptonaut
Nice clip humph. A new example of Holly hic?
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - Zero

She is 63 years old in this clip - stunning.
 Debbie Harry today's Castaway. - R.P.
Reminds me when I was a lanky youth - she seemed very "dangerous" then, far more sonorous than many of her female contemporaries.....

"All I wanted was 20/20 vision/a total portrait with no omissions".....brilliant

All this and Walter Gabriel (and there is an obscure link to that couplet) in one evening...!
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