Here the wage rise of 3.6% was rejected and our unions have asked for 6.0%, Personally i was happy with 3.6% they will argue for approx 4 months and we get back pay.
Rail ticket prices are too high there is cheaper deals to be had if you shop about.
Bigtee - the voice of reason.
You'll never get anywhere in the NUR speaking like that.
Iffy, the country is in the carp folk losing jobs and were asking for huge wage rises it's crackers!!
3.6% and give it to us now not in 4 months but it's always the same iffy they always do this.
We will negotiate something we may not get 6.0% but in recent years it's been 4.7% and over 5%, This is why we pay our union stamp.
We've had a wage freeze for, I think, the last two years, and a smallish increase this year, about two or three per cent.
I'm not delighted by that, but neither am I moaning.
Last year, people I know at an American-owned media outlet were 'invited' to take a week or two of unpaid leave in addition to their normal holidays.
>> We've had a wage freeze for, I think, the last two years, and a smallish
>> increase this year, about two or three per cent.
>> I'm not delighted by that, but neither am I moaning.
Same here on both counts.
When I think of the number of friends who have either taken pay cuts, had contracts terminated early, or had 'take it or leave it' changes imposed on their T's and C's, I count myself pretty lucky.
I just find it very annoying when the unions seem to think they deserve to be exempt from the harsh realities that everyone else has to face.
>> I just find it very annoying when the unions seem to think they deserve to be exempt from
>> the harsh realities that everyone else has to face.
Well said. People in the union went on strike earlier last year where I work. I disagreed so made sure I went into the office that day to cross the picket line. Note I rarely need to go in the office but I did that day.
I also emailed someone in communications department to say what I thought of the strike etc. (I replied to an email from Chief Exec about the strike).... and the next day the Chief Exec emailed me to say thanks for my comments.
>> I also emailed someone in communications department to say what I thought of the strike
>> etc. (I replied to an email from Chief Exec about the strike).... and the next
>> day the Chief Exec emailed me to say thanks for my comments.
It is one thing to disagree with a strike, but to go out of your way to cross a picket line when you dont have to? And then to creep and grovel and mail the CE? That's really slimey RTJ.
I have never been on strike andonly joined a union briefly for expeidency (they were as usless as I ssumed they would be - in fact worse). I have crossed a picket line a few times, where I had just cause and would not hesitate to do so again, but I wouldnt do it just to be a hero or score brownie points.
No I had to be in the office on a course that day. I could have cancelled my attendance but I'd have lost out. Pickets were gone by 10am too - no commitment?
It's because of the unions that at the time we risked losing out on new contracts we were bidding on.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 20 May 11 at 18:48
It is interesting that the boss of Tata steelworks blames weak management for the job losses.
About 1500 jobs to go in Linconshire and the North East.
Why can we have a system in this country that workers are part of a works council and make decisions with management? Instead of us and them .Cameron said we are all in this together or a we.?
If it were not for unions what rights would you have now if any.The railways are totally mismanaged its reckoned when it was British Rail less subsidy was payed.Somebody is having a good time with taxpayers money.Whilst the vunerable are having less care because there is no funding for councils.