Non-motoring > "the most severe sanction"??? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: PhilW Replies: 3

 "the most severe sanction"??? - PhilW

He wrongly claimed £40,000 of OUR money and is suspended from the House of Commons for seven days, will have to pay back substantial sums of money, and has been made to apologise to his fellow MPs.

7 days?, apologise to MPs? (why MPs, why not us?) and repay the money?

I bet I'd get a similar punishment from my boss if I did that with my expenses! Wonder if HMRC would take such a lenient view if I did similarly on my next tax return?? Always assuming that they managed to find out, of course.
 "the most severe sanction"??? - Roger.
He's just unlucky - all the bar-stewards are, or have been, at it.
 "the most severe sanction"??? - Manatee
With the probable exception of the Beast of Bolsover.
 "the most severe sanction"??? - Zero
And the 2nd Viscount Stansgate Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, wouldn't have had his fingers in the till either.
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