Non-motoring > Exercise tracker Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 16

 Exercise tracker - BobbyG
Previously I have used Nokia Sports Tracker on my Nokia N95 for tracking cycling routes etc. I now have an Android phone and playing about with other versions of the similar idea.


It is the missus' birthday this week and with her doing a lot of dog walking she is asking for something to gauge how far she is walking etc. As far as a phone based application is concerned, she has a basic Nokia 6700 with a £10pm contract and no data allowance.

I assume these things use data to connect etc?

So my options are

1. Give her my N95 , put her SIM in and try and get contract changed to include data.
2. Find something else that will do similar but is not phone based - is there anything?
3. Buy her one of those crappie pedometer things out the £1 shop and run like **** when I hand it over, gift wrapped!

Any other suggestions?
 Exercise tracker - Zero
Get her an iphone4, it has perfect apps for that.

4. I have sent her an email to suggest that anything less than a new Iphone 4 on contract is an insult.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 9 May 11 at 17:04
 Exercise tracker - BobbyG
Ha ha zero, once she has mastered the wired remote control for the betamax recorder I will progress her techie skills to the next stage!

When she got the 6700 I offered her android / iphone etc and not in the slightest bit interested in anything more than a phone. Until now.

Oh and she is accident prone as well, summed up with the fact that when she was taking her new phone out of its box, she dropped it into a cup of tea. So no chance of taking out a huge 24 month contract on something like the iphone.!
 Exercise tracker - VxFan
>> So no chance of taking out a huge 24 month contract on something like the iphone.!

Tesco do a 12 month contract.
 Exercise tracker - R.P.
By a pedometer about 99p from E-Bay - I have a very nice iPhone4 box to wrap it in if you e-mail me your address... :-)
 Exercise tracker - Focusless
>> 2. Find something else that will do similar but is not phone based - is
>> there anything?

How about a Garmin Forerunner 205 or 305? They are basically the same except the 305 includes a heart rate monitor. They are wrist worn GPS based 'personal training devices' which record where you go, then you download the data to a PC and you can see your route overlaid on a map (and lots of other stuff I believe).

I guess this isn't as convenient as a smart phone where there's no need to connect to a PC, but for <£90 I reckon it's pretty neat. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Father's day...
 Exercise tracker - Runfer D'Hills
Tell her you'll follow her in the car with the trip recorder set Bobby. You can give her a start so you catch her up at the end of her walk...
 Exercise tracker - Zero
She might prefer this?
 Exercise tracker - Focusless
>> She might prefer this?

I don't think that has GPS - some FR60 versions are just HRMs, and others come with a foot pod to do the distance measuring (which has to be calibrated). It doesn't mention the foot pod in the info in the Amazon link, but it does talk about measuring speed which would imply it does come with one.

Personally I'd go for a GPS based device, although I do like the wireless link feature. There are other better specced models as well as the 205/305, but of course they are more expensive.

EDIT and I guess the foot pod only gives you distance, not direction, which would mean no plotting your course on maps
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 10 May 11 at 07:54
 Exercise tracker - Zero
But its purple, this is world of woman, that counts for a lot.
 Exercise tracker - Focusless
True. If she wants GPS as well as purple/pink:
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 10 May 11 at 09:00
 Exercise tracker - Zero
Yes now we are getting there. I am sure for Bobby's loved one the price is no barrier.
 Exercise tracker - Focusless
But what about his wife though?
 Exercise tracker - Zero
she gets the cheap clip on pedometer from poundland
 Exercise tracker - corax
>> How about a Garmin Forerunner 205 or 305? They are basically the same except the
>> 305 includes a heart rate monitor. They are wrist worn GPS based 'personal training devices'

I've got the Garmin 305 and very good it is too, use it for displaying running distance mainly, although it does have many other functions. Though if she is in any way concerned about her image, it is quite big on the wrist.
 Exercise tracker - Suppose
>> Previously I have used Nokia Sports Tracker on my Nokia N95 for tracking cycling routes
>> etc. I now have an Android phone and playing about with other versions of the
>> similar idea.

iPhone (Apple), or Android (Google), tracking your wife - do you really want that?

2nd link made non-clickable as Max Farquar believes in free speech. BTW that includes him not being opposed to censorship imposed by superinjuctions.

 Exercise tracker - Fursty Ferret
My Tracks on a cheap Android phone should work well. Alternatively,get yourself down to Maplins and get a dedicated GPS tracker for about 30 quid.
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