Non-motoring > How often do you buy new music? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 63

 How often do you buy new music? - Iffy
Ripping all my CDs the other day reminded me how little new music I buy.

My last purchase was a couple of years ago after I saw Paolo Nutini on Jools Hooland's New Year's Eve show.

Just remembered, I bought that ELO boxed set a couple of months ago.

I still listen to recorded music most days, if only via my iPod in the car.

Part of the reason is not seeking out new stuff.

Apart from the Great Men on Pick of the Pops and Sounds of the 70s on Radio 2, I rarely listen to anything other than what I already have.

Music threads on C4P usually get a good response, so lots of members are listeners.

Do you buy new music?

If so, how often?

 How often do you buy new music? - Zero

Never. I get a new album once every two weeks or so tho, usually when I hear something I like on the radio or TV,

Jules Holland is a great source for music choices.

Last edited by: Zero on Mon 11 Apr 11 at 09:44
 How often do you buy new music? - scousehonda
Recorded music can only exist if the public buys it. If everybody downloads their music free of charge it will cease to be a commercial proposition in a relatively short time span. Professional musicians are just that – professional – and if they don't get paid they won't play. Something has to change.
 How often do you buy new music? - VxFan
>> Professional musicians are just that – professional – and if they don't get paid they won't play. Something has to change.

One suggestion would be to get the greedy record producers and artists alike to drop their prices.
 How often do you buy new music? - Leif
VxFan said:
>> One suggestion would be to get the greedy record producers and artists alike to drop
>> their prices.

Only the big name artists are making a mint, for ordinary ones it is not so easy to live. That's why I buy CDs. I don't agree with ripping off music, although I might listen to a copy and then buy it if I like it. Mind you in the past many of the big name bands did not make much because they got screwed by agents and/or record companies. If we don't pay for albums, who do you think will record new albums?
 How often do you buy new music? - Leif
Oh yes, and as for the original post, I buy new albums from time to time, Tangerine Dream a few weeks back, Aphex Twin a month or two ago, a couple of albums by Sea Sick Steve before that, etc. The stuff I like tends to be cheap. ;)
 How often do you buy new music? - Zero

>> much because they got screwed by agents and/or record companies. If we don't pay for
>> albums, who do you think will record new albums?

Piracy has been rife since we first got compact cassette recorders, not seen any reduction in the number of new bands and artists, or the number of old bands still going strong.

 How often do you buy new music? - Zero

>> paid they won't play. Something has to change.

yeah, the price they charge for their wares.
 How often do you buy new music? - Fenlander
>>> paid they won't play. Something has to change..... yeah, the price they charge for their wares.

Oh come on Zero and VX... music has never been cheaper and never been available in such handy formats.

You can get virtually any physical or digital CD album for (give or take) the price of a gallon of fuel, 1.5x the cost of What Car or bottle of wine.

All the comparisons could be consumed in an hour but you could still be enjoying the music in 20yrs.

Given your accurate logic in many areas Zero I'm surprised!
 How often do you buy new music? - BiggerBadderDave
I spent about £20 at the weekend on itunes, mainly because I made that mistake - sitting down at the computer with a bottle of wine next to me.

Don't spend much a year these days, certainly don't buy much modern pop.
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
I get a new album a few times a year when something comes along I like. I normally buy off Amazon MP3 (DRM free music) which often has good prices. Sometimes I use Tesco MP3 downloads.

Albums in the last couple of years would include Amy Mcdonald, Adele, Paolo Nutini, Brandon Flowers, Chris Curry (I was listening to Del Amitri a lot recently so got his albums), Duffy, Newton Faulkner. I will have also got albums for artists I already liked/had in this time too.
 How often do you buy new music? - Dog
I don't really do new music, but I bought a Wishbone Ash CD from the 1970's,

I think it was their first 'album' and includes Blind Eye, Lady Whisky & Phoenix.

Oh, ... and I bought Fleetwood Mac - Rumours the other week (again!)
 How often do you buy new music? - Crankcase
Wishbone Ash were on that Top of The Pops from 1976 programme last week, Dog, don't know if you caught it? Might be still on iPlayer.

Watched The Return of the Giant Hogweed (Genesis) on Saturday night, which I'd not seen before. Interesting.
 How often do you buy new music? - Dog
>>Wishbone Ash were on that Top of The Pops from 1976 programme last week, Dog, don't know if you caught it<<

No, I missed that, Crankcase ... cop hold of this one ~
 How often do you buy new music? - RattleandSmoke
Over the weekend I have completely rewired my HIFI system and got everything connected again. Listening to my CDs and vinyl I have realised how much better they sound than spotify which I am paying £10 a month for.

Just bought a new CD yesterday and planning to go to my local record shop later to pick up some bargain vinyl.
 How often do you buy new music? - helicopter
Very rarely buy or download music now. I have all my music on Vinyl, CD's or MP3 player.

Why do you have to pay for spotify Rats ?

I do not and never have done, when I registered it was free.

Subject to listening to the odd advert as well , I can still listen to virtually any music I fancy free of charge .

 How often do you buy new music? - RattleandSmoke
Two reasons, one if you get a much better bit rate with premium, it would sound awful on 128kbps on my HIFI system. The other is it means I can use Spotify on my mobile phone which means I can listen to play lists in the car or on a train etc.

 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
Recently I've made the Sunday roast washing up more enjoyable by hooking up my laptop to the not-too-bad Pure mini hifi in the kitchen and listening to my spotify 'favourites' list.

I've only got a free account, and while I'm not bothered about the 128kbps, it is a bit annoying to have 2 or 3 adverts every few tracks, especially with the volume up :)
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
I can't quite see the argument to pay for a service like Spotify at £10pm. Assuming an MP3 album is around £6 (sometimes less) I could get arond 20 albums per year and permanently own them.

If I like music I probably own it anyway. I'd struggle to find enough to listen to on Spotify.
 How often do you buy new music? - RattleandSmoke
It is just a very good source of new music but it is lazyness more than anything. However most of it is old stuff anyway and that is one reason for my record shop visit I will do later today, I reckon I buy a lot of the classic rock stuff very cheap on vinyl.

I do think once I can buy enough records (will only take a few days) I will cancel it.

If I have to spend time finding the record, removing the platter, moving the belt onto a different pulley etc I enjoy the music a lot more.

As for owning it when I was looking through my old vinyl collection which was gathering dust on Saturday I realised too that I actually owned a good majority of what I listen to on Spotify anyway! I have just got lazy.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Mon 11 Apr 11 at 12:00
 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
Us non-paying Spotify users are going to be more restricted in our usage, down from 20 to 10 hours per month:

Might have to do the washing up quicker :)
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
I did wonder when they might change the way it worked. I know at one point there was a change for new free users with restrictions. The original accounts were left alone. I assume this will be applied to all free users.

There's always Audio Hijack ;-) Or buying what you like.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 14 Apr 11 at 17:11
 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
Might go back to - browser based so not as many features as spotify, but AFAIK no restrictions on free music.
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 14 Apr 11 at 17:12
 How often do you buy new music? - Iffy
...Might go back to -...

There's always Jango:

My account is free and advert-free and I didn't have to do anything special to get it.

 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
>> There's always Jango:

Thanks iffy - had a quick look and it doesn't appear to have as much music as the other 2. That is, I searched for Laura Cantrell and it came up with 9 songs rather than a list of albums.

And no Sylosis! :)
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
If you want good value classic tracks... this seems good value for 99 tracks:
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
There's loads of those blasted 99 track albums at a good price. Bother ;-)

Might have to buy some.
 How often do you buy new music? - rtj70
One thing it is good for is finding music you like. But these days I still tend to listen to the radio in the car. And then when something is on I like I tag it with Shazam (if safe to do so!)
 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
Now I've just fired up Spotify and been warned that I can only listen to each track a maximum of 5 times for free :(
 How often do you buy new music? - RattleandSmoke
Yeah they are slowly discontinuing the free service. I've been buying a lot of vinyl lately. I bought a mint Whitesnake album for £1, and a James album for £1.50. OK its old stuff and not cutting edge, but its very cheap and far better quality than even high bit rate streaming.
 How often do you buy new music? - CGNorwich
Well pay the £5 per month then. It really is a bargain.
 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
>> Well pay the £5 per month then. It really is a bargain.

For the amount I use it, we7 for free with adverts is still a better option.
 How often do you buy new music? - CGNorwich
Probably is at the moment but will be interesting to see how long it can last. Spotify is the superior site in terms of content and is winning the race to derive revenue from its investment although it's still running at a lose. Sites like WE7 and Jango don't seem to have much of a future.
 How often do you buy new music? - Crankcase
Good stuff Dog - but at a paltry six minutes...

Any idea what the longest ever track of the genre is? I don't actually know, I'm asking.
 How often do you buy new music? - Zero
>> Good stuff Dog - but at a paltry six minutes...
>> Any idea what the longest ever track of the genre is? I don't actually know,
>> I'm asking.

Jethro Tull, thick as a brick.

1 track 45 minutes, split over both side of the LP. (you can stitch the two together to make a single 45 minute MP3)
 How often do you buy new music? - Crankcase
Hmm. My version of Thick as a Brick is 43:50. I like that one a lot. But I also like Tales from Topographic Oceans a lot, and if you assume that's effectively one track across four sides...all sounds the same anyway.
 How often do you buy new music? - Iffy
...Oh, ... and I bought Fleetwood Mac - Rumours the other week (again!)...

Tesco has a decent Fleetwood Mac compilation - the one with the green cover - for just £3.

 How often do you buy new music? - Dog
>>Tesco has a decent Fleetwood Mac compilation - the one with the green cover - for just £3.<<

I like their early stuff, with Peter Green ~
 How often do you buy new music? - Fursty Ferret
>> Buy?
>> Never. I get a new album once every two weeks or so tho, usually when
>> I hear something I like on the radio or TV,
>> Jules Holland is a great source for music choices.

If you get a chance could you steal some milk for me from Tesco on your way past?

No doubt 5 years ago your excuse was (and quite rightly) DRM. Now you reveal to the rest of us that you're simply a low down thief.

It has never been more convenient to buy music online, and prices are fairly reasonable, especially in comparison to CD prices in the past.

Being a petty criminal is nothing to boast about.
 How often do you buy new music? - Zero
>> If you get a chance could you steal some milk for me from Tesco on
>> your way past?
>> No doubt 5 years ago your excuse was (and quite rightly) DRM. Now you reveal
>> to the rest of us that you're simply a low down thief.

Mind your Halo doesn't shrink in the wash and strangle your holier than thou neck.

>> It has never been more convenient to buy music online, and prices are fairly reasonable,
>> especially in comparison to CD prices in the past.

And distribution and marketing has never been cheaper, while record companies profits, VAT, corporate taxation, and the wealth of artists has never been higher.

If you want to see being ripped off, look at the price of Ebooks, dearer than making and distributing all those heavy books.

>> Being a petty criminal is nothing to boast about.

I have paid for all my music, all the times i was ripped off from the 60's to late 90's, thats thirty years of paying. SO get a life and get off your sanctimonious high horse.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 8 May 11 at 10:27
 How often do you buy new music? - Fursty Ferret
It is not sanctimonious to criticise someone for stealing. You know full well it's wrong, and your exaggerated reaction and feeble excuses make this clear.

I have many faults, but I'm not a thief and if in your book that earns me a halo for perfection then I reckon you've got some pretty sloppy standards. From what I've read in this thread I dislike you, but doesn't give me an excuse to come round and nick your TV.

You disagree with amount of money that record companies make? Fine. Don't buy their music. But don't steal it either.

Most artists allow you to buy their music from private sites, or at gigs. No excuse.

eBooks are an interesting subject - and beside this post - but the issue is mainly the Agency pricing model which Amazon is fighting against. Most publishers are slowly beginning to realise this, and you can see from Amazon's top 100 Kindle sellers that 95% are £1 each or less. Some releases are rip-offs, so I buy the paper version, but as an example, Wilbur Smith's "Those In Peril" is £5.99, £13 cheaper than the hardback list price.
Last edited by: Webmaster on Mon 9 May 11 at 21:37
 How often do you buy new music? - Zero
>> It is not sanctimonious to criticise someone for stealing. You know full well it's wrong,
>> and your exaggerated reaction and feeble excuses make this clear.

I don't need or intend to make feeble excuses to you.

>> From what I've read in this thread I dislike you,

Like I am really all cut up about that. If in life you are perfect you can give me your sanctimonious b*******. You aint so don't bother.

I have paid for, and more, for my music in the past, my conscience is clear.

>> eBooks are an interesting subject - and beside this post - but the issue is
>> mainly the Agency pricing model which Amazon is fighting against. Most publishers are slowly beginning
>> to realise this,

No the publishers are fully aware of what they are doing, they are trying to bring back the net book agreement that was declared illegal.
 How often do you buy new music? - BiggerBadderDave
"It has never been more convenient to buy music online, and prices are fairly reasonable, especially in comparison to CD prices in the past."

I have to disagree. Most tracks on itunes are now 99p up from 79p so an album with 14 tracks won't give you much change from £14 for something that in comparison, has no manufacturing, distribution or retail outlet overhead.
 How often do you buy new music? - Iffy
...and prices are fairly reasonable, especially in comparison to CD prices in the past...

That is true.

i've just checked a few prices on iTunes.

Most of their top 10 albums are under £8, although prices vary a lot. an album with 14 tracks won't give you much change from £14...

Much cheaper when you buy the whole album at once - see above.

And iTunes is not reckoned to be the cheapest.

 How often do you buy new music? - BiggerBadderDave
"Much cheaper when you buy the whole album at once - see above."

Absolutely, but why can't tracks be a division of the £8 album price?

I often don't won't a whole album, especially if I'm replacing old vinyl, I just want the tracks I like and not the fillers.
 How often do you buy new music? - Fenlander
As Iffy says most albums £8 or less to download... so you only want the best tracks... perhaps 6 in all so you get what you want of that album for £6.

I'm amazed that folks who spend a fortune on many other things refuse to pay the tiny prices for music today.

A round of drinks for two lasts 15mins.... an album for the same price can be played for the rest of your life.

So the cost argument has no grounds really... it's the attitude towards rewarding the artist.
 How often do you buy new music? - BiggerBadderDave
"So the cost argument has no grounds really... it's the attitude towards rewarding the artist."

That's not true. The cost argument is critical to everything I pay for. There are plenty of tracks that I might buy for 60p but won't buy for a pound. The artist gets nothing if I spend nothing.

What I'm prepared to spend on a round of drinks or a coffee table is irrelevant.
 How often do you buy new music? - Fenlander
>>>What I'm prepared to spend on a round of drinks or a coffee table is irrelevant.

Perhaps it suits you to ignore that aspect for the purposes of this argument. However relating the cost of an item to other staple items or income has long been a valid comparison.

Whatever method you use for valuing music it's peanuts these days (and has been over decades) for something with a lifetime's pleasure.
 How often do you buy new music? - L'escargot
>> Do you buy new music?
>> If so, how often?

Do you mean sheet music?
 How often do you buy new music? - Zero
You need some more rolls of music for your pianola then?
 How often do you buy new music? - Focusless
You can download sheet music as well these days; I'm thinking of downloading this and arranging it for clarinets:
 How often do you buy new music? - Boxsterboy
Hopefully Postie will have delivered the new Foo Fighters through my letterbox today. But I buy less than I used to.

I'm a bit of an old git who likes to sit down, relax and enjoy the physical side of 'playing' music now and then, even if I actually listen to more music on the iPod in the car (from my own CDs). Can't be doing with downloads.
 How often do you buy new music? - VxFan
>> Do you mean sheet music?

Yes, quite a lot of it is nowadays.
 How often do you buy new music? - Stuu
I bought a couple of CDs yesterday for in the car which is the first time ive bought any for 4 years. I also bought them online as they arent stocked instore, which was a first for me.

Being a cheap old so and so, the albums are 13-14 years old so less than £14 for the two.

Unlikely ill be buying any more now until im 35 :-)
 How often do you buy new music? - RattleandSmoke
Just bought two records, sadly my local shop has become more of a soul specialists now so not much in the way of rock. They have a big Factory/Smiths section but I already own all of that.

However managed to buy a Black Sabbeth and Van Hallen album for £4 the lot :).

As for Fleetwood Mac was listening my Tango in the Night LP bought for 50p yesterday, brilliant album.
 How often do you buy new music? - Woodster
I regularly buy new music and trawl the charity shops when I'm in town for some oldies. I always buy on CD these days and record in lossless for the ipod. mp3 files? Urghhhhh.
 How often do you buy new music? - Roger.
Absolutely 1000% NEVER!
 How often do you buy new music? - Armel Coussine
Never, except perhaps some bubblegum diva for the nippers by request at present-giving time... laddy goo-goo, he's well buff grandfather...
 How often do you buy new music? - BobbyG
Well, I bought Adeles 21 just last Friday............ :)

The last one I bought before that was Eliza Doolittle and I can't remember the last one before that!

Most of my commuting is done at rush houw when I listed to one of th elocal radio stations for news, travel etc. When ferrying the kids around at night I usually listed to the football phone-in shows or commentary if a game on.

If going on a decent drive or non rush hour I will plug the ipod in and listen to that. Stick the full plibrary on shuffle, one minute you get Bat Out Of Hell, next minute it might be Bob The Builder, Bob Seger or Bob Newhart!
 How often do you buy new music? - Dulwich Estate
I'm a bit behind the curve with films and music. I often see a "must-see" film for the first time on the telly a few years after release. It's no surprise I just can't answer the questions on the more popular (ahem ! - downmarket) quizzes.

I'm way behind with music, so I buy CDs second hand on eBay, add to the pile by the hi-fi and also stick them on the iPod. I couldn't be happy with virtual music - I need some sort of hard copy. I don't think I've ever paid more than a couple of quid.
 How often do you buy new music? - Dulwich Estate
According to today's newspaper (DT), it seems I am lawbreaker and should be locked up for my evil crime of transferring CD music to iPod.

For all I know it's a crime to even sell a CD to someone because the new owner would not have been the original purchaser.
 How often do you buy new music? - zippy
>>>>>According to today's newspaper (DT), it seems I am lawbreaker and should be locked up for my evil crime of transferring CD music to iPod.

Yes, amazingly there is no "fair use" law in the UK!

>>>>>For all I know it's a crime to even sell a CD to someone because the new owner would not have been the original purchaser.

No, you are allowed to sell CD's. You may not be allowed to sell electronic copies as they are subject to licences, which may restrict re-sale, though it has not been tested to see if these fall under unfair contract law.
 How often do you buy new music? - Iffy
Download music sales in the UK have passed £1bn as average album prices fall:

 How often do you buy new music? - Snakey
I buy,download and copy music. So obviously I'm a petty thief as well.

I'll buy a CD in preference to paid MP3 downloads as I usually can't find my type of music (heavy metal) - the likes of itunes are rubbish for that genre. Amazon are usually a good source as they cater well for me and an album is usually £8-10.

What I do a lot is download some sample tracks and then end up buying the CD. If I didn't like the tracks then I wouldn't download/buy the album anyway.
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