I came across the exchange outlined below on the pepipoo motoring advice forum.
The mod threatens the poster with cyber annihilation - including his IP address - and then wishes he gets sent to prison.
Made me laugh, and makes our lot look like cub scouts.
It's also hypocrisy, because about 75 per cent of inquiries to pepipoo are of the type: "I did it, but can I wriggle out of it?"
Here's the exchange:
The pepipoo poster: "What would happen if i remembered that someone else was driving at this point?...or couldn't remember at all ?"
The pepipoo mod: "The first thing that would happen is that I would ban you and your IP from this site.
"Hopefully you'd then come a cropper and do some porridge for perverting the course of public justice.
"Knock off any talk of that kind - no more warnings."
It's post 15 in the thread, by Southpaw 82.
I've read a few threads on pepipoo and the modding is very, very strict - one topic, one thread, instant suspension for any drift, and don't try cracking a joke - they'll send the boys round.
To take this thread on, I was wondering if anyone had any experiences of other forums?
Not just the modding, how does the general atmosphere elsewhere compare with Car4Play?
Our member hobby resigned on Friday, saying this was no longer a nice place to be.
Seems to me this forum is friendlier - and more tolerant - than some others.
I think that we are a different lot here. I haven't seen any posts asking about perjury etc and I don't think that our Mods would let a thread along those lines run for long either. I don't think anyone would be banned though!
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Thu 31 Mar 11 at 08:52
...I haven't seen any posts here asking about perjury etc...
The poor sap was only asking if he could get off his speeding ticket by saying he didn't know who was driving.
It was the stupid mod who started banging on about sending him to prison.
Iffy you are right; there was a hint of perjury, I thought, perhaps wrongly. Wouldn't arise here as we don't have stupid mods! Exits stage left in grovelling posture!
''Our member hobby resigned on Friday, saying this was no longer a nice place to be''
Well that's a pity, what went wrong, i obviously missed the thread involved.
Modding must be strange job, and doubt i'd ever get asked seeing as most of my posts are utter barely tolerated rubbish anyway, but hey, someone's got to do it.
I notice the stick doesn't get used often here to beat the proletariat with, though with being a fairly small forum that in the main appeals to a more mature (in years if not nature..;) bunch we maybe don't attract those who make it necessary.
I don't think many of us take ourselves too seriously, which does give this place a pleasant feeling.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Thu 31 Mar 11 at 10:01
>>''Our member hobby resigned on Friday, saying this was no longer a nice place to be''
Well that's a pity, what went wrong, i obviously missed the thread involved.<<
Indeed, id not noticed but I liked hobbys contributions. Come back old son, need more like you, less like the others!
Last edited by: KosaiIggypop on Thu 31 Mar 11 at 11:13
I spend (too much) time on a French Car dedicated forum, which is very easy going. But then we do all have the strange afflication of an addiction to cars with Chevrons on the front....
Hopefully he'll be back and he's just taking a wee break.
I'd be surprised if anyone genuinely can't stand another poster. It's just the electronic dimension means they sometimes overstep the mark (p.s. Alanovic is a jessie ;-P ).
I see it sometimes at work, if you let folks communicate with you over IM, email or the forums at work they can be total toss pots, but face to face or even on the phone they're just normal folks.
We don't have the benefit here of being able to rock up at another poster's desk here to clear the air.
Now iffy, about that post the other week, i'm coming down for a word! :-)
Last edited by: Skoda on Thu 31 Mar 11 at 12:54
>> (p.s. Alanovic is a jessie ;-P ).
See you. *administers Glasgow kiss*
Who moderates the moderators?
>>Who moderates the moderators?<<
The site owner!
I used to be a mod on a Yahoo! health group about 8 years ago,
The site owner gave a rollicking to a group member which was totaly out of order IMO,
So I gave the site owner a rebuke, and got banned :-)
...So I gave the site owner a rebuke, and got banned :-)...
Even a younger Dog would have known it's not a good idea to upset its master. :)
I have been a member of this forum for ten years (if you count t'other place) and the atmosphere has always been far more laid back and intelligent than on any other I have used.
Cycling forums can be the worst as they attract a certain percentage of the intolerant PC brigade who try and control the direction of threads they don't like by ganging up on individuals and attempting to get them banned or shouted down.
It can be quite amusing to see a mass flounce when The People's Front of Judea fall out with The Judean Peoples Front and storm off to another forum in protest.
I got 'suspended' for a month from a Merecdes Forum I used to go to regularly for posting a really lame joke. Funnily enough, I have hardly been back since.
>> Seems to me this forum is friendlier - and more tolerant - than some others.
Yes, the pre-crash HJ forum, and the post crash car4play are very relaxed. Post crash HJ is awful IMO. It filled up with people who automatically think speeding is dangerous/criminal, and speed cameras are the best thing since the last best thing. I know one forum where a rule is that if you argue with a moderator you are banned. Don't get any ideas ...
Quite honestly I dont think ive ever felt the strong arm of moderation here and boy have I made some noise on occasion that may have had me out on my ear at other places.
You have to be blatantly uncivilised to get a tap on the shoulder, perhaps because we often have people who support either side of any given arguement and will take up the cause should it become too much for the original participants, so ganging up its extremely rare.
I remember when I left the BR feeling that it had become just a little too restrained and heavy handed, something which was promised wouldnt happen here and I believe that was absolutely true and stands true today. We get away with an awful lot which is just aswell given the tenancy for this place to have gobby people :-)