Aside from who travellers are, do they actually travel, as in the days when they were known as Gypsies. There is a genuine traveller in my bit of leicestershire. Real old fashioned horse drawn small wooden van, camps on the verges of very very minor roads and gets on with life.
Another group I see live in very large vans, jacked up and with the wheels removed, certainly electricity, probably some water, and a brickbuilt ablution block. The latter are no more travellers than I am.
In Essex a group of nearly 80 families, in illegal occupation of some land are being moved on having been given 30 days notice before the police and the bailiffs get involved.
There was a quote from the forum's favourite paper but I went for this more local one
They'll enjoy that. A bit of travelling. The poor sods whose land they put concrete down on won't.
>>In Essex a group of nearly 80 families, in illegal occupation of some land are being moved on having been given 30 days notice before the police and the bailiffs get involved<<
I was talking to my f-i-l about that this afternoon, I had assumed that site was one of the ones that springs up over a bank hol, no he says - "I remember that site being there over 50 years ago"!
>>"I remember that site being there over 50 years ago"!
I think you'll find there has been a site there for many years. Those being evicted are on an 'extension' to the original site.
>> I think you'll find there has been a site there for many years. Those being
>> evicted are on an 'extension' to the original site.
There has, it was there when I lived nearby 40 years ago. It was illegal then too.,+Crays+Hill&aq=1&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.194454,28.256836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Oak+Ln,+Crays+Hill,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=16
>> They'll enjoy that. A bit of travelling. The poor sods whose land they put concrete
>> down on won't.
Nothing like getting your disinformation in first ;)
It IS their land, they bought it years and years ago. However the site does not have planning permission (retrospective PP gone all the way to the Home secretary on appeal and turned down). This is why they are being evicted.
Touche! Nonetheless, they will be travelling and they will be looking for somewhere to park up. I hope it isn't the tree lined rolling acres beside the grand drive up to Castle Zed.
Doubt it, our own local itinerant tarmac layers of Thorpe will drive them out.
Poor people, what a terrible thing to happen.
>> Poor people, what a terrible thing to happen.
>>>>> i agree
is there a spare bit of land at the side of your house you could accomodate at least one poor itinerant family ?
Nope, but my great grandmother lived in a 35ft caravan for 25 years down the side of my nans house, so us lot have form :-)
Last edited by: KosaiIggypop on Tue 15 Mar 11 at 21:14