The 21" 4:3 CRT has packed in downstairs (I think the degausser has gone has the tube appears to have bee magnetised). My parents are using an old 14" widescreen TFT PC monitor with PC speakers and a composite input at the moment which is not ideal.
They are not bothered about size and I have seen a 19" Samsung at Richersounds for £100 but is 1360 x 768. The 19" in their bed room is the proper 1,280×720 and mine is 1080P 1,920×1,080 so I assume the image on a 1360 has to be converted how much does this impact on the image qualility?
It will be me that is paying as usual but I've had a very busy month so I don't mind.
There is the LG M227WDP which is 22" and 1080p which is also the TV/Monitor I have but thats £150 which is more than I wanted to spend.
The other option is picking up a clearance TV in one of the richersounds in London.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Sun 13 Mar 11 at 15:30