Non-motoring > Local crimes Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Focusless Replies: 88

 Local crimes - Focusless
Interesting new police website, especially perhaps for house buyers - enter your postcode and see what crimes have been committed and where:
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 1 Feb 11 at 06:59
 Local crimes - Perky Penguin
What reported crime has been committed! The truth might be worse. In any event, a useful source of information
 Local crimes - Crankcase
Doesn't work for me. So slow I thought it was going to give me a crime number and tell me to just claim on my insurance, and then finally produces a completely blank screen and says "done" in Welsh.

 Local crimes - Focusless
>> Doesn't work for me.

I suspect the site is creaking and groaning a bit under the strain - it's only been live since midnight, and the story is the top read on the the BBC news site.
 Local crimes - BiggerBadderDave
"I suspect the site is creaking and groaning a bit under the strain"

Somebody maybe typed in 'Manchester'
 Local crimes - Cliff Pope
I get an error message and guess what:

"and we're currently looking into it".

Must have been written by a policeman, so at least I'm on the right site.
 Local crimes - Cliff Pope
They have now looked into it, it suddenly converted the postcode into my actual address, but then said:

"Sorry, we couldn't find a policing area that matched your search".

So it's either a police no-go area, or doesn't appear on maps because no crimes have been committed at our house since Mrs Jones carelessly left a chink in her blackout curtains in 1939.
 Local crimes - Zero
Sorry, we couldn't find a policing area that matched your search.

And me. It sounds right, I havent seen a copper here since the local gypsies smashed up the police helicopter two years ago.

 Local crimes - Fenlander
I looked round the site much earlier and it was interesting..... guess as said above the BBC linking has caused an overload.

They say they've shifted the exact locations of crimes (they're all placed by street on a zoomable map) to keep privacy but from actual local examples I know it's not shifted far.

Looking around places we know and places we are looking at for a possible move the anti-social crimes are the most interesting.
 Local crimes - John H
>> Sorry, we couldn't find a policing area that matched your search.
>> And me. It sounds right, I havent seen a copper here since the local gypsies
>> smashed up the police helicopter two years ago.
me too. fails regardless of which town you input.

Deja Vu from 2009 -
"New police crime-mapping system crashes on first outing
Can't map out for falling down
20th October 2009 12:16 GMT"
 Local crimes - R.P.
My local force was on the pilot scheme 2 years plus ago - didn't work then either.
 Local crimes - Zero
>> My local force was on the pilot scheme 2 years plus ago - didn't work
>> then either.

the scheme or the police?
 Local crimes - Bellboy
my house has just dropped $20,000 in value........
 Local crimes - Pat
Worked perfectly for me at 5m.
We have only had 24 crimes in the whole of December.

 Local crimes - John H
>> Worked perfectly for me at 5m.

not any more. As is usual with Govt IT projects, they failed,as reported in TheRegister:

"The portal has been struggling to stay stable over the past few hours since the government hit the live button on the site.

A Home Office spokesman told The Register that its tech team was currently "looking into" what had gone wrong.

Reports on Twitter suggest the site is largely failing to cope with all the interest it is currently receiving from UK residents keen to see how much crime is taking place on their doorsteps.

Emma Mulqueeny, who tweets under the handle hubmum, was exasperated by how much cash the Home Office had spent on

"£300k paid by taxpayer funds c/o Home Office for data driven map in the name of open data? Exactly the opp of the whole flipping point," she said.

The Google Maps-powered API could have cost a lot less if the open-dev community had got their hands on the data, she argued.

We asked the Home Office if it could provide us with a breakdown of costs and also put Mulqueeny's concerns to the government department.

A spokesman said it was unlikely the figures could be released "for commercial reasons"."

Last edited by: John H on Tue 1 Feb 11 at 10:20
 Local crimes - L'escargot
Our postcode drew a blank. I assume it means no crimes.
 Local crimes - John H
>> Our postcode drew a blank. I assume it means no crimes.

Don't be too sure, it probably means the system has crashed!
 Local crimes - madf
I tried to access the site 10 minutes ago. Still not open..

I take it that the muppets who designed it did no real testing?
 Local crimes - Bromptonaut
It's a new site and it's been the headline on every UK news channel since around midnight. Unsurprisingly it's struggling to cope as the world and his wife try it out. If it's really carp we'll know in a day or so but at the moment it's nothing more than overloaded. Just like the private sector sites that sell event tickets and the like.

Perhaps they should have hired in extra capacity to keep it stable over that period but then again folks would complain about the cost.
 Local crimes - John H
>> Perhaps they should have hired in extra capacity to keep it stable over that period
>> but then again folks would complain about the cost.

No. There is no reason why it had to be a simultaneous national rollout.

A good manager/planner will ask for the rollout to be phased, by Police Force boundaries if the capacity is judged sufficient for that, or break it down even further in to the boroughs or whatever smaller divisions are available.
 Local crimes - Bromptonaut
>> No. There is no reason why it had to be a simultaneous national rollout.
>> A good manager/planner will ask for the rollout to be phased, by Police Force boundaries
>> if the capacity is judged sufficient for that, or break it down even further in
>> to the boroughs or whatever smaller divisions are available.

The technical advice probably said exactly that. If however the Minister wants a public launch with all the 'tarrantarra' we've had today then that's going to trump the techies caution.
 Local crimes - John H
>> The technical advice probably said exactly that. If however the Minister wants a public launch
>> with all the 'tarrantarra' we've had today then that's going to trump the techies caution.

If that is probable, then this is almost a certainty: Some public servant will have advised the Minister that a good PR opportunity was coming up. That servant will have overridden the techies concerns, by telling the Minister that there was no chance of repeat of the fiasco from October 2009. Let me remind you what was reported then:

"widescale public interest in the site has been its undoing. One Reg reader sent us a screen grab yesterday showing a part of a map, accompanied by a series of "cannot connect to mysql" warning messages.

Even this was probably a better result than they would have obtained this morning, when repeated attempts to connect to the site all resulted in a screen message stating that "the connection has timed out".

According to the Home Office, this is no more than teething problems caused by high levels of initial interest. A Home Office spokesperson said: "The high level of public interest in the new national Crime Map has put temporary pressure on the website. Urgent work is underway to resolve this and the website should be fully working again shortly.

"Despite providing significant bandwidth public interest in the website has been much higher than expected - which shows the popularity of the service being offered by crime maps. Contingency plans prepared in advice have been activated to provide additional support for the website."

As of this morning, the contingency plans do not appear to have worked.

A similar fate befell the UK 1901 Census database, which was swamped by inquiries from enthusiastic genealogists from the moment it went online and required several months of additional work before it was able to re-open to the public."
 Local crimes - Tooslow
That's a bit harsh. If they'd specced the hardware to cope with the first day rubber neckers, prompted to visit by the news reports, they'd then have been criticised 6 months down the line for having hardware that's running at 2% of capacity. And the software companies make darned sure they get their pound of flesh as you ramp up the hardware capacity. So I have no problem with it being swamped on day one, it's to be expected. Have a look in a week.
 Local crimes - Zero
Yup as they said.

New Commercial web sites rarely, if ever, get exposure like this on launch day. You cant spec capacity for for a launch like this it would be madness.

However, what you do is drip feed the launch publicity.
 Local crimes - madf
After 20 minutes it advised we are not part of any police authority...

Now what did I say about testing?
 Local crimes - Zero
And what did we say about using YOUR money to over specify?
 Local crimes - Cliff Pope
I get a permanent message now saying "Loading".
Perhaps soon it will say "Aiming", and then I'll become just another crime statistic.

 Local crimes - bathtub tom
I've just had a look and I'm in a remarkably crime free bubble - at least for December.

Could just mean we're all a load of retired, nosey old curtain twitchers.

Could also be beneficial for house prices?
 Local crimes - R.P.
madf, it's belongs to the National Policing Improvement Agency - nothing to do with Police Authorities. In fact totally divorced from them.
 Local crimes - madf
You misunderstood. The system said where we live does not belong to any Police Authority - (so it had no data).

That was by town name. I tried by postcode: but it crashed..

 Local crimes - R.P.
Sorry - widely plugged on R2 as we speak. Daily Wail has changed its headline from suggesting it was a cutting edge Neighbourhood Watch scheme to something more disparaging now. The Wail claims 75000 hits an hour this morning.
 Local crimes - Zero
>> PU
>> You misunderstood. The system said where we live does not belong to any Police Authority
>> - (so it had no data).

No it means it could not access the data. Ok so the message is a bit misleading. But thats all.
 Local crimes - Fenlander
>>>Daily Wail has changed its headline from suggesting it was a cutting edge Neighbourhood Watch scheme to something more disparaging now.

I hate the Daily Mail for the way they will alter or flip a story as the day goes on. Shows they have no core standards.

 Local crimes - Snakey
Didn't work for me, timed out and I got bored of trying

Another quality government it system.
 Local crimes - R.P.
In fairness Snakey it's been inundated at levels that will be nowhere near normal after so much publicity. Private Sector ones get the same problem. Wait for it to settle down in a few days/week.
 Local crimes - Perky Penguin
Could mean no police?
 Local crimes - SteelSpark
Great, a burglary and two instances of anti-social behaviour on my street in December and there are only about 30 houses!

Maybe they actually occurred on nearby roads, and where shifted to mine by the anonymity algorithm.
 Local crimes - Zero
You should behave yourself then SS
 Local crimes - SteelSpark
>> You should behave yourself then SS

Well, either that, or they should add a way for the user to filter out the crimes he/she has personally committed.
 Local crimes - ....
I wonder if any journalists or insurance companies dare do a cost analysis of how much this has cost the country today in lost time at work?

They did it for the snow.
 Local crimes - Cliff Pope
It's working now.

We score Zero in all categories.
 Local crimes - Iffy
Worked OK for me just now.

The few streets surrounding Iffy Towers scored two anti-social behaviours and one violent crime.

Not sure what that tells me, but there it is.

Last edited by: Iffy on Tue 1 Feb 11 at 15:29
 Local crimes - Tooslow
It's working fine this morning. Straight zeroes. Looked up where I was born & brought up - 815!!
 Local crimes - movilogo
It was working fine since last evening.

I was quite surprised to find some so called posh areas have much higher crime rate than not-so-good areas.
 Local crimes - Perky Penguin
My partner's rather genteel cul de sac in Bracknell had 258 crimes within one mile in one month. 74 were anti-social behavior, 31 were vehicle crime and 27 were violent. Quite disturbing really. My 800 house village in Lincolnshire had 4 crimes total.
 Local crimes - Focusless
>> My partner's rather genteel cul de sac in Bracknell had 258 crimes within one mile
>> in one month.

Having previously lived there for about 10 years, that doesn't surprise me :)
 Local crimes - Alanovich
Perky, That is a staggeringly higher number than my part of Reading. I was actually amazed how few crimes show up near where I live. Although there was one burglary in my street in December, and I hadn't heard about it.
 Local crimes - Perky Penguin
Alanovic - my flabber well ghasted too! The 1 mile radius includes the town centre but there are only pubs there, no all night discos and night clubs, so it is a bit of mystery.
 Local crimes - Focusless
93 for my bit of Reading in December - nothing in the immediate vicinity fortunately. Looks like the closest was some ASB at the local shops where yoofs probably hang out, although the few times I've been over there after dark it's seemed pretty safe.
 Local crimes - henry k
I looked up my area and my first observations were.

It is obviously reported incidents as specifically in the area : -
No record of a shop having two smash ins oft he front door. Was it reported or faulty database?

One non specific item was a suicide.

Car crime. I guess that covers a big span of items.

So mixed value to me.
 Local crimes - movilogo
>> No record of a shop having two smash ins oft he front door. Was it reported or faulty database?

It says to protect privacy incidents are not reported at exact addresses but at nearby location.
 Local crimes - henry k
>>It says to protect privacy incidents are not reported at exact addresses but at nearby location.

The location of suicide was very accurate within only two pairs of semi detached houses.
No obvious nearby for the other events
 Local crimes - Iffy
...The location of suicide was very accurate within only two pairs of semi detached houses.
No obvious nearby for the other events...

Suicide is no longer a crime, therefore it will not be on the website.

Perhaps there was a linked incident.

Did the person stab somebody else before killing themselves?

Or perhaps there was no linked incident and the 'other crime' is something else entirely.

 Local crimes - Fenlander
Now it's up again had a good look around. Our village and the area within a couple of miles a reasonable 3 crimes, a local village that we think of moving to no crimes but... as movilogo indicates.... our home area/village where the average house price over last 2yrs (Rightmove) was £991,000 has 17 crimes.

12 of them are anti-social or other (drugs, damage, shoplifting etc) so I wonder if the posh folks are just more likely to report oiks up to no good??
Last edited by: Fenlander on Wed 2 Feb 11 at 10:08
 Local crimes - Bellboy
crime on business statistics are not recorded for public consumption ,this is why crime on your local shop or the two crimes committed on my business premises are not recorded
so dont believe everything you read
 Local crimes - madf
System says we have zero crime. That is plain wrong.

I have read about so many funnies with the recording of crimes that it seems to me it's a waste of time and money....
 Local crimes - helicopter
Well I just checked out my postcode, in our on the face of it quiet Sussex town we had:-

2 burglaries
0 robberies
3 vehicle crimes
7 violent crimes
Unbelievable 43 anti social behaviour reports
& 14 other crimes

I think a lot of it is bored underage kids in the local park of an evening linked with alcohol.
 Local crimes - Dog
My general area has come up wit

1 Burglary.

37 Anti Soc.

0 Robs.

2 Vehicle.

12 Violent!

36 Other.

My actual road is 100% crime free.
Last edited by: Dog on Wed 2 Feb 11 at 12:09
 Local crimes - Perky Penguin
A trend is emerging that there is a lot of anti-social behaviour around, wherever we live. Perhaps chavs breathing has been ruled anti-social?
 Local crimes - smokie
You may wish to re-word that PP, as on initial reading I assumed you must be the offender!! :-)

The text says "Includes all reported incidents of anti social behaviour". Maybe that includes call
outs which didn't result in a collar being felt?
 Local crimes - DeeW
If you read some of the InspectorGadget blog entries, you will see that quite a lot of the anti-social behaviour is Shazz reporting W-ayne cos he looked at me funny, then W-ayne reporting Shazz cos she looked at me funny, ad infinitum.....
 Local crimes - ....
I still have not seen this website working.

I find it odd the website has no privacy policy.
I have my browser set to not accept cookies from a website with no privacy policy and to block cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without explicit consent.

All I get is "loading...". Anyone else use these settings in their browser and found the website to work ?
 Local crimes - Stuartli
Last night's BBC North West programme highlighted the fact that Preston's Glover's Court was listed by this website as the most crime ridden in the entire UK, but that this information was a load of nonsense, backed up by Lancashire Police.

Seems there had been just three minor crimes in the area during December, even though it is in the heart of the city; apparently various crimes were lumped together and connected with Glover's Court...:-)

Local evening newspaper's take on the subject:
 Local crimes - RattleandSmoke
Unless you know the population fo the local area the statistics are completly meaingless.

 Local crimes - Tooslow
Population of town centres - zero. Shops / offices / pubs / clubs. Crime - loadsofit!
 Local crimes - Stuartli
I used to work very close by to the area in question.......
 Local crimes - Old Navy
>> I used to work very close by to the area in question.......

Ah, that explains it. :-)
 Local crimes - Stuartli
>>Ah, that explains it. :-)>>

You want to include it as a crime as well? ..:-))
 Local crimes - madf
I suspect the police don't like the idea and have managed to input the data in such a way as to make it meaningless...
 Local crimes - Woodster
Well yes madf, exactly what constitutes 'anti-social behaviour' ? And if it's a crime, then record the crime itself, because ASB is not a crime, it's ASB.
 Local crimes - Manatee
All zeros here. According to the blog though the police helicopter was deployed to observe a suspicious van 8 miles away last week :-0
 Life and Crimes - VxFan
Crime hotspots were finally revealed on an official website yesterday.

Logging on will now show offences around nightclubs, stations, hospitals, airports, football grounds and shopping centres.

Even details of crimes in your local park are shown on the map-based site.

Entering your postcode, town, village or street on reveals what offences have been committed.

 Life and Crimes - Focusless
Entered my postcode (Reading area) and got:

Sorry, we couldn't find a policing area in England and Wales that matched your search.


EDIT: Reading area (RG) but Wokingham District Council FWIW
Last edited by: Focus on Wed 1 Feb 12 at 14:33
 Life and Crimes - Dog
Only crime near me seems to be a local authority estate (typical!) about a mile away.

And before y'all start - I was bjorn (Guys actually) on a council estate, and lived on the giant Heygate Estate in SE London until the 80's

 Life and Crimes - R.P.
What's new about the site ? It even had the map from my old place still loaded when I clicked in....
 Life and Crimes - Meldrew
These people do a very good free App for Ipad/ipod thingies
 Life and Crimes - devonite
I just put our post code in and checked the "crimes" on the drop-down menu, and the bar-chart shows that all crimes are down on last year overall, but drug crimes are up, all which suggest that the Policeing is working efficiently. I know from personal obsevations, that last year alone there were more anti-social crimes committed that were never cleared up, there were more vehicle thefts and burn-outs that were never prosecuted, and there were more drugs and related crime in the town than ever before! - As in all/most communities folk know who is doing/responsible for what, but due to reprisals dare not speak out. Some how, the culprits always seem to find out who reported them (how?!! - do the Police tell them?) and reprisals are always carried out long before the Police can offer any protection.
 Life and Crimes - madf
All crimes Dec 2010: 67
December 2011 57

Violent crime down.. I stopped beating my wife.
 Life and Crimes - Crankcase
28 "crimes", ie "things the police have labelled in whatever is the current flavour to hit a target".

I enjoyed the disclaimer telling me that the actual location wouldn't be exact, to protect privacy, under the single shoplifting offence. The village has one shop.

 Life and Crimes - R.P.
"crimes" are Home Office directed offences. The definition does change and gets refined now and again but not as often as that.
 Life and Crimes - VxFan
Just discovered the link I posted earlier had been posted before (so I've merged the 2 threads).

The only difference is that the website now shows more info than it previously did.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 2 Feb 12 at 00:24
 Life and Crimes - Cliff Pope
No change since I looked at it a year ago. No crime has ever been committed in my postal area.
 Life and Crimes - Clk Sec
>>No crime has ever been committed in my postal area.

I guess that you have rather less than the average number of neighbours.
 Life and Crimes - Cliff Pope
4 houses within a 2 mile radius :)
 Life and Crimes - Dog
What's your postcode??
 Life and Crimes - Clk Sec
Don't tell him, Pike.
 Life and Crimes - R.P.
Don't tell him, Pike.

Surely that should read

"Don't tell him PL30 5BT" :-)
 Life and Crimes - Dog
Nearly bought a cottage in Lanlivery about 5 years ago, t'was quite olde (like this place) and the septic tank was over the other side of the road in somebody else's garden!

Get a lot of that down here and y'all got to be very careful.
 Life and Crimes - Duncan
>>>> "Don't tell him PL30 5BT" :-)

Looks like a decent pub!
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