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Thread Author: helicopter Replies: 7

 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - helicopter
Yesterday a work colleague and I with his 15 year old daughter and niece went to the Asian Cup Final in Doha Qatar, venue for the FIFA 2022 world cup finals.

We actually got to the stadium entrance before 5 30 for kick off at 6 o'clock, got in a queue and were about to go through the search when the girls were directed to a separate queue for search by female staff.

Friend and I got through in our queue and waited for the girls when at 20 to six the gates were closed and we were told that the stadium was full and no more people would be admitted. Hundreds with numbered allocated tickes were locked out, a complete fiasco.

My colleague had to go out to rescue his girls from the crowd and I went in to enjoy the game only to find no one checked my ticket and someone else sitting in my seat.I just found a seat nearby and sat down and had two empty seats next to me in a 40,000 seat stadium the official attendance was 37,174

What a fiasco for a minor tournament like the Asian Cup.....what is it going to be like in 2022. I dread to think.

Anyway, not a bad game ,Japan beat the Aussies 1-0 in extra time and the firework display was good.

Last edited by: retpocileh on Sun 30 Jan 11 at 14:43
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - Zero
They still haven't worked out how to avoid playing it in the heat of High summer.
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - hobby
It will all be ok on the night...

So they tell us...
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - R.P.
Maybe they'll sub-contract it to the UK !
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - Runfer D'Hills
Shush PU ! Further away the better eh ?

 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - R.P.
You're right of course !
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - Chas
Not a football fan but I was in Doha, Qatar in 2006 days before the Asian Games. They finish work at the very last minute and that seems to be the Arab way.

My sister who lives and works in the Middle East describes the decision makers as "last minute Larrys" but they always put on a fine show. Interestingly the opening night of the Asian Games was a washout with torrential rain and they certainly weren't expecting that!

Fast forward to 2009 and the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Yas Island (where Ferrari World is). That place was a barren flat desert just three years previously and they worked miracles for it to be ready. Went to a Beyoncé concert at the circuit a week before the GP and they were still putting in roads and car parks but it was ready, just, for the GP.
 Any Football Fans ,Roll on 2022 Fiasco - helicopter

This tells the story better than I can......
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