Non-motoring > Airport staffed by holograms Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 6

 Airport staffed by holograms - CGNorwich

Looks like the next big thing. Will be ideal for cars showrooms.
 Airport staffed by holograms - Iffy
Good enough for a grass strip, wouldn't work at a proper airport.

 Airport staffed by holograms - AnotherJohnH
I'd half expected them to have a big "H" on their foreheads....

Perhaps I've been watching too much Blake's 7.
 Airport staffed by holograms - CGNorwich
wasn't that Red Dwarf?
 Airport staffed by holograms - AnotherJohnH
So it is...

 Airport staffed by holograms - Tooslow
and they are REAL holograms not virtual holograms as reported on the news :-(

 Airport staffed by holograms - R.P.
People will see through them.
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