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Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 12

 Countryside pursuits - Iffy
Every now and again, a case such as this seems to crop up.

It's the horse I feel sorry for.
 Countryside pursuits - Woodster
''"He feels complete and utter shame at the position he finds himself in ....''

tee hee.

Actually, it beggars belief doesn't it. There was a programme on TV not so long ago with some very strange deep South Americans extolling the virtues of, er, 'horse love'.
 Countryside pursuits - Zero
In the middle east, where the Goat is an object of such desire, a man caught In flagrante delicto is ordered to marry his victim.
 Countryside pursuits - Bellboy
or get a tug from the law?
 Countryside pursuits - R.P.
I felt a little hoarse this morning.
 Countryside pursuits - Iffy
It has been my, er, pleasure to sit through a few of these cases over the years.

Two horses and a sheep are the one that springs to mind.

At least two of the defendants were roughly similar to the one in the link.

Youngish men, semi-homeless, drink problem, but apparently normal and law-abiding in other respects.

Each gave a similar non-explanation: "Sorry I did it, I've no idea why I did it."

It was particularly hard keeping a straight face during the sheep trial.

The guy was quite short and had stood on an upturned bucket to gain the necessary elevation.

Court proceedings are a comedy of manners, and it was comical to see this damned bucket, in a police evidence bag, being passed among the jury as Exhibit A.

Last edited by: Iffy on Fri 28 Jan 11 at 18:38
 Countryside pursuits - Zero

>> Two horses and a sheep are the one that springs to mind.

A positive Orgy!
 Countryside pursuits - sherlock47
I see that the offender was a Scot - at least it makes a change from the Welsh

-ducks and take cover ;)
 Countryside pursuits - Zero

Wow dont they split?
 Countryside pursuits - MD
A sub-contract Plumber known to us was taken to court by his customer for the same offence with the customer’s Dog. Big hoo ha and with the press in attendance. However, after the prosecution submission the judge called a recess. After an hour he returned to the Courtroom and berated the prosecution Lawyer for not doing his research correctly. When said Lawyer asked why, the Judge clearly stated that there was no case to answer as the defendant was CORGI registered.
 Countryside pursuits - Iffy
...the defendant was CORGI registered...

Good stuff, Martin Devon.


Mmm, you've not posted much today, been busy doing other things?

 Countryside pursuits - MD
>> ...the defendant was CORGI registered...
>> Good stuff, Martin Devon.
>> Devon.
>> Mmm, you've not posted much today, been busy doing other things?
Looking at a damp patch for new Client.
 Countryside pursuits - R.P.
That's what duck tape's for Zeddo.
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