Non-motoring > Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 13

 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - R.P.
Excellent coverage on the BBC today, mind you they were talking to some Wolfie Smith type on R2 this morning - a member of the Revolutionary Worker's Party (but probably an undercover cop) with an Oxbridge accent. He was wittering on as to how he was going to go to Cairo to help co-ordinate protests - One thing made me laugh on how he was pointedly said "The West should keep their noses out" so why are you going then Trostky ?
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - Mark
Can't really say I would feel sorry for him if he stops a baton round or gets tear gassed or worse even, however I have a feeling he will be standing well behind the back line giving his "advice".

Still we might all be lucky and he ends up in an Egyptian prison dodging "Big Mustapha" in what passes for a shower block.

As always


 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - madf
Egptian Government has blocked all internet access.. so he will not get far co-ordinating.
And a curfew.

 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - Iffy
Another clown who will end up as a hostage, leaving everybody else to chase around to secure his release.

 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - R.P.
He'd want his mummy then iffy !
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - MD
>> He'd want his mummy then iffy !
Don't they have a lot of those?
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - rtj70
We were planning on going to Tunisia in Feb but were watching prices so had not booked. Lucky us! Now it is spreading to Egypt and other places.
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - madf
War with Iran by May...
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - swiss tony
I have a friend who works out in Cairo, she lives in one of the buildings shown on tv.
Its not at all good out there at the moment, and she's never out my mind at the moment.
Earlier today tear gas was seeping into the apartment... not nice.
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - rtj70
The coverage looks worse in a short space of time than Tunisia did - to me at least. The BBC reporter Wyra Davies who was in Tunisia (I think) was wearing a helmet in Egypt. Can't blame him! I bet he wishes he was back in Washington or somewhere a little safer.
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - SteelSpark
Hmmmm...blood in the streets...when do you buy?
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - BeefyJed
Cancelled my week in Tunisia, now looks like Egypt will be a no go, Libya looks nice!
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Ghastly place for a holiday anyway!
 Cancelled your Egyptian holidays ? - SteelSpark
>> Ghastly place for a holiday anyway!

I agree. Never been to a country with a greater proportion of highly disagreeable people.

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