Last night I attended a talk by Squadron Leader Jeff Hesketh at Orsett Hall Hotel, Essex.
He is soon to retire as the navigator flying the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster.
He gave a fascinating insight into the history of the BBMF and the planes and crew and it was well worth the £10 ticket price. Proceeds went to the upkeep of the Avro Vulcan based at Southend Airport.
He used an analogy by stating the BBMF can fly for a year for the equivalent price of the BBC employing Jonathon Ross.
I know what I'd rather see.
Don't care how many times i see the Lanc i just stare at it amazed and those lovely Merlins sound gorgeous.!!
Well worth a trip to Conningsby and then another down to see just jane do her taxi rides.
Flying legends is the top airshow in the uk for the vintage aircraft well worth going to see usaully in july, Spits Hurricanes Mustangs Corsairs,ME 109's Fw-190's lots lots more.!!
i used to live near conninsgby and saw the planes daily.
id love a merlin engine in the garage. what a sound they were
| love a merlin engine in the garage. what a sound they were...
There's a guy who takes a static one to shows.
It has a prop on the front with short blades, so it makes enough draft to cool the engine, but not so much that it takes off.
...This is the guy Peter Grieves...
Aye, that's him.
Didn't know if he was still going.
There are no shows listed for 2011 yet, but it looks like there will be.
This is the Aviation forum you will find him on below....Known as "Merlin Pete"
By chance this was posted on my FB account today.
About 18 years ago a Lancaster flew over my house. The noise was incredible. I heard it miles away and was wondering what it was so was looking out when this plane hove into view. Wow!! Rattled a few slates as it went over at not much more than 2,000ft.
Comes over us in Northants 3 or 4 times most summers. I guess the navs want to stay clear of the London/Luton airspacea while keeping S of Brum.
I still miss the couple of DC6's the Atlantic based at Coventry for many years. Seemed to be used for urgent freight out of UK to Europe. Going out at full pelt & latish they'd create more disturbance than a jet (being both low & slooww).
Coming back in just a low burble as they were in gradual descent to CT.
Many years ago I lived close to the A40 near Northolt aerodrome. One afternoon I heard a rumble for what I took to be aircraft engines and it became deeper and deeper and louder and louder and I just stood and waited to see what would emerge. Eventually after what seemed an age, but was probably less than a minute I was blessed with a grandstand view of a Lancaster accompanied by a Hurricane on one wing and a Spitfire on the other. This had to be around 84-85-86. Never to be forgotten. A tear or two? Not telling.