Just for fun you understand !
You read these forum thingies and you can't help, well I can't help forming a mental image of some contributors. Almost certainly innacurate of course but I though it might be amusing to compare how we "see" people.
I'll start with my clearly wildly innacurate cyber people. Best way I can think of doing it would be to choose an actor / well known person to play their part....
PU - Michael Gambon
BBD - Phillip Glenister
Zero - John Challis ( Boycie )
Iffy - Ricky Gervais
AC - Compo ( can't remember the actor's real name, Bill something )
Scousehonda - Ricky Tomlinson
Rattle - Stuart Macconi
Ted - Jimmy Edwards
VX Fan - Vinny Jones
BobbyG - John Hannah
Skoda - Dougray Scott
Tooslow - Michael Parkinson
I could go on, of course but I'd like to know other's views without colouring them first...
Have fun !
we decided that AC was an aged Jason King - with frayed cuffs.
PU = Stan Butler
BBD = Jack the conductor
Humph = Arthur
Iffy = Blakey
And Pat, I'm a nice fella, you can choose between Mum or Olive.,
Marconi is not a bad guess. I am a lot younger and I wear glasses but other than that. I also have longer scruffier hair.
Martin Devon - Brian Blessed
I like to picture Zero as Victor Meldrew
Swine. Have you been reading my mail??
Zero I had you down as Olive....
I have a slightly contrary view (surely not!). For instance I have a picture of BBD as a McGill cartoon character - little chap, small moustache, thin as a rake with a wife like a barrage balloon. Sorry BBD! That's enough libel, I'll leave the others to your imagination - far more fun!
L'Escargot - Capt. Mainwairing
Avant - Sgt Wilson
This thread has made me realise I've not been visualising anybody, although I have been taking notice of character traits, cars people drive and the like.
checking our criminal records?
I have John Denver album. Or I did. Seems to have vanished in a move sometime.
Last edited by: Tooslow on Thu 9 Dec 10 at 19:09
...checking our criminal records?...
Well Zero, if there's something you feel you'd like to tell the forum....
PU - Patrick Head
BBD - Sam Alardice (spelling?)
Zero - RF
RF - John Cleese
Smokie - Alex Higgins
AC - Stirling Moss
VX Fan (DD) - Dennis Waterman
BobbyG - Chris Huhne
L'escargot - John Craven
Humph - Nicky Campbell
Pat - Kylie Minogue ;-)
... no-ones mentioned me yet.....
we all know what Swiss Tony looks like, we have all seen him on tele.
Swiss Tony - Peter Bowles
Cheddar - Kevin something ( bloke from Grand Designs )
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Thu 9 Dec 10 at 20:53
BBD - Father Jack
Rattle - Private Pike
Zero - Bernie Ecclestone
AC - Keith Richard
Pat....Pamela Anderson.
AC ...Clement Freud.
Rats....Plonker Rodney.
Dog.....Clement's Henry
MD.....Bob the builder
Ted....Brad Pitt.........sorry, Cess Pitt.
I do have the advantage of knowing what 5 of them look like anyway !
I am not sure if I should take offence of being called Rodney or not! Mind you one of our cats is named after him!
TooSlow - Jon Snow
Humph - Tommy Sheridan when he had a full head of hair
Iffy - Brian Cox
BBD - Freddie Mercury
corax - John Mayer, before the long hair
Zero - Peter Firth
Ian (Cape Town) - Peter Capaldi
stunorthants - Martin Brundle
Bellboy - Fred Dibnah
Rattle - (young) Paul McCartney
Well, I'm flattered, but will never dare to meet any of you now:)
AC - Winston Churchill
Bellboy - David Frost
Mapmaker - Prince Albert
FT - Lloyd George
Martin Devon - Tommy Walsh
Swiss Tony - Bruce Springsteen
PU - Martin Clunes
Cheddar - Brian Blessed
Skoda - Agostini
Zero - Basil Fawlty
Humph - Leonard Rossiter
Dog - Dylan
AC - John Surtees
Dog - Long John Silver
Iffy - George Young
Avant - Terry Waite
Rattle - Pte Pike
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Fri 10 Dec 10 at 07:58
I always picture Humph as a dapper, older Rodger Moore lookalike.
The funny thing is that no one looks like my mental image of them.
I've seen a pic of Pat, Looseat Len, Pugley, Mike Hannon, and none of em looked like I first imagined (no bad thing!)
>>Who be 'e?<<
S'wot Bathtub Tom called imself when he first 'came over'.
(In response to Pat.)
Pat I think of as Nora Batty.
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Fri 10 Dec 10 at 17:25
your a dead man you are.
>> Pat I think of as Nora Batty.
Try saying that to her face, mind you Gran would be as dangerous. :-)
He wouldn't dare ON:)
I always tend to think of AC looking more like Nora Batty!
Or is that me in 30 years time?
I am tempted to actually post my picture up but I won't.
>> Ha!
>> corax - John Mayer, before the long hair
Just looked up who this guy was, and I have to tell you, I'm not partial to wearing luminous green body thongs :)
L'escargot - Bill Oddie
Zero - Ian Hislop
Humph - John Barry
BBD - Bluto
stunorthants - Lembit Opik
Bellboy - Dennis Waterman
Avant - John Le Mesurier
May be more to follow, or changes to original line up..
>> Ha!
>> Ian (Cape Town) - Peter Capaldi
I'm often confused with Spielberg.
>> >> Ha!
>> >> Ian (Cape Town) - Peter Capaldi
>> >>
>> Flattered.
>> I'm often confused with Spielberg.
That is pretty accurate.
I hope to have another jar next year with mr Speilberg :-)
Last edited by: henry k on Fri 10 Dec 10 at 20:09
>> I hope to have another jar next year with mr Speilberg :-)
You have my number. Always a pleasure
(May I suggest Mzoli's Tavern in Gugulethu? 11pm on a Saturday night?)
...May I suggest Mzoli's Tavern in Gugulethu? 11pm on a Saturday night?)...
Just keep a very close eye on the taxi driver.
>> (May I suggest Mzoli's Tavern in Gugulethu? 11pm on a Saturday night?)
Thanks for the offer :-)
I think I will opt for the other end of the saga - Mitchells Brewery near the Cape Grace Hotel
but I will not be using a taxi.
Mine is a....
>>I am not sure if I should take offence of being called Rodney...
It's the Plonker bit I might take exception to.
You think that's bad, Nicole is up in arms because (by default) someone thinks she is Marlene, and Fifi is beside herself because someone thinks she looks like Duke.
Fair put her off her Pukeanuba Tasty Morsels.
The dogs not eating either.
Only 17 contributors?
Come on, Humph. You're not trying hard enough.
I'm trying to let it run Tyro. Quite interested to learn others opinions without influencing them too much ! By the way, I've got you down as a slightly more grown up James Blunt !
(At this point, Tyro scuttles over to Wikipedia to find out who this James Blunt chap is. He decides that Humph is probably talking about the singer rather than the American Civil War general.)
Hmmm. Well, I've got less hair on top. Other than that, well, er, maybe.
I suppose the test is to take James Blunt and the other 17 and ask my friends and family which one most resembles me!
Last edited by: tyro on Fri 10 Dec 10 at 10:24
Im not sure I look like Martin Brundle, but ill take it. Only one here knows what I look like, not sure who he thinks I resemble though.
Well so far, I think I've been likened to Leonard Rossiter, Nicky Campbell, John Barry, Roger Moore and Arthur from "On the Buses".
Oh joy !
Think more George Clooney but fitter and better looking ! Well that's who my wife says she thinks of....I think I know what she means by that...
Sniffs haughtily...
Compo indeed... actually there are a couple of candidates for his colleague Foggy who appear on this site.
None of them is you though Humph. I think in appearance you may resemble the gay night club owner in La cage aux folles (a very funny film for anyone who hasn't seen it). Dapper chap, very dignified, not camp.
Others though have been more than flattering in my case. Keith Richards is the likeness I treasure most.
>> None of them is you though Humph. I think in appearance you may resemble the
>> gay night club owner in La cage aux folles (a very funny film for anyone
>> who hasn't seen it). Dapper chap, very dignified, not camp.
That's why John Barry sprang to mind, but like I've said before, the mountain biking throws a spanner in the works :)
>> Others though have been more than flattering in my case. Keith Richards is the likeness
>> I treasure most.
Basil Rathbone.
"Gay night club owner" ??
My day is complete.
As you sow so shall you reap
>>As you sow so shall you reap ( Derek )
Did Boycie say that?
Yup, in a macho not gay voice.
you having a happy hour tonight?
>> >>As you sow so shall you reap ( Derek )
>> Did Boycie say that?
He probably said "As ye sow so shall ye reap.".
...Iffy - John Inman...
I was just beginning to think I'd got off lightly in this thread.
You were one of my Foggy candidates too iffy...
I had Dog down as an Airedale.
Hadn't really visualised anybody else physically.
>> Hadn't really visualised anybody else physically.
More than a few of us will be relieved at that.
>> I had Dog down as an Airedale.
>> Hadn't really visualised anybody else physically.
More than a few of us will be relieved at that.
>> More than a few of us will be relieved at that.
Starting with two Robin Regals.
Saw you as a manatee, Manatee
Trying to picture what a poster looks like is pure guesswork.
However, the style of certain posters is comparable to certain writers of the past, e.g.
Number Cruncher - Bertrand Russell (Ruthlessly logical)
Zero - Charles Dickins (Insistence on grim reality)
Humph - Oscar Wilde (witty and light, but a serious underlying message)
Iffy - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (forensic and kept within bounds)
Pat - Agatha Cristie (Careful wording to ensure the right impression is given)
Avant - Adam Smith (Reasoned argument, but not heavy)
and last, and by all means least, my own style is reminiscent of Shakespeare.....Harry Shakespeare, who used to live in the next street.
>>Pat - Agatha Cristie (Careful wording to ensure the right impression is given)
Blame is on the Pedants:)
>> Blame is on the Pedants:)
Mostly harmless in ones or twos, just squash them under your foot. If they start to swarm tho just break their nest open with a spade and sprinkle liberal quantities of poison in there. It kills them till the next swarming season.
...If they start to swarm...
>>I had Dog down as an Airedale<<
Almost bought one from that country West of England b4 deciding on a R/Ridgeback.
henry k
Captain Mainwaring
...Captain Mainwaring...
That's two Captain Mainwarings, a couple of John Le Mesuriers, a Beck and a Private Pike.
A veritable Dad's Army.
Fascinating how we all relate so strongly to what was a brilliant programme, but one which was last made 30-odd years ago.
Humph has to be Private Farser then by default - I know what he looks like so I have an unfair advantage..
...Humph has to be Private Farser then by default...
Is he doooomed?
To be correct we're all doomed iffy, doomed I tell you...
...To be correct we're all doomed iffy, doomed I tell you...
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Pugugly?
If you think the forum's done?
VxFan goes off on one at the slightest invitation.
And you zap all of our posts without a moment of hesitation.
So who do you think you are kidding Mr Pugugly?
If you think old C4Play's done?
Aye well... I'm now trying to match Jones the butcher and Pvt Godfrey.... but I know exactly who the irritating ARP warden is but I'm not saying....
Any suggestions?
They don't like it up 'em.
No we damn well don't Ian.
See you at Mzoli's at 11.15 then? I trust the dagga's all right there?
>> No we damn well don't Ian.
So you must be a fuzzy wuzzy then? (I think I'd better start walking ....)
>> No we damn well don't Ian.
>> See you at Mzoli's at 11.15 then? I trust the dagga's all right there?
Better is available in Greenmarket Square. If you known who to speak to.
Greenmarket Square is where the (alleged) conspirator was caught on CCTV changing a vast amount of $$$ into local currency.
I've just walked through it - about 40m from my office!
>> Fascinating how we all relate so strongly to what was a brilliant programme, but one
>> which was last made 30-odd years ago.
It has strong characterisation, something lacking in weak sitcoms. I saw the film recently, and there are some excellent bits, especially scenes with the naive Private Pike. Oddly enough Sergeant Wilson had in real life been a Captain in the army.
I think I have a pic of Henry somewhere, from the other place iirc.
I assume Pugugly looks like Rumpole of the Bailey (don't all legal types?), Zero looks like a Gremlin and Robin Reliant (now Robin Regal???) looks like a train spotter, all rustling anorak and notepad. There is a bossy lawyer on the Honest John forum (you know the one) who I am sure looks like Miss Whiplash.
I see PU more as a kavanagh QC type.
>>There is a bossy lawyer on the Honest John forum (you know the one) who I am sure looks like Miss Whiplash<<
Any ideas as to what her fees are?
I've been waiting for someone to say I looked like Ambroise out of Le Manège Enchanté! www.youtube.com/watch?v=19dI3KKRjiI
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 15:59
Funny! I thought you would go for Brian out of The Magic Roundabout!
>> Funny! I thought you would go for Brian out of The Magic Roundabout!
Now there's another 'they don't make em like that anymore'. The translated French storylines didn't gel so Eric Thompson watched the programmes and created his own narration and characterisations. Odd lines put in for the amusement of tha adults; usually a sardonic bon mot from Dougall the dog.
>> >> Funny! I thought you would go for Brian out of The Magic Roundabout!
>> Now there's another 'they don't make em like that anymore'. The translated French storylines didn't
>> gel so Eric Thompson watched the programmes and created his own narration and characterisations. Odd
>> lines put in for the amusement of tha adults; usually a sardonic bon mot from
>> Dougall the dog.
Dylan and his carrot juice... brilliance!
Talking about carrots... Jasper did a brilliant Magic Roundabout take-off!
I'm doing well so far - a combination of Sgt Wilson / John le Mesurier, Terry Waite and Adam Smith. It can't last....
I agree with Leif - the lasting appeal of Dad's Army is in the strong, well-defined characters, superbly acted - in the minor roles as well. Did you notice that when Wilson said 'Would you mind awfully falling in....Thank you so much' - they all fell in.
We haven't really nailed Humph yet, have we - I see a genial Scotsman - as Scottish as Pte Fraser but not morose like him or all those Scotsmen in the previous Government. Maybe a sober Charlie Kennedy. Someone can think of a better likeness I'm sure!
Old Navy is the old seadog from John Carpenters 'The Fog'
>> Old Navy is the old seadog from John Carpenters 'The Fog'
>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwSbRKd_J8k&feature=related
Close, but nearer Captain Birdseye in the fish finger adverts. :-)
I like to think he is more like captain....
>> I like to think he is more like captain....
>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XIIO-fyUEw
Brilliant ! I am not that fat, but I like the hat. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 20:17
I hope I don't look like my Lamborghini?
>> nearer Captain Birdseye in the fish finger adverts. :-)
Har har me hearties, Cap'n Birdseye's best Channel and Solent bottom slurry, reconstituted with nothing but permitted mineral carcinogens, preservatives and colorants and served on a tempting bed of bladderwrack with the odd bladder thrown in, the best the sea can produce in one seductive bar... har har...