Someone send Niallster an invite, he's gone huffy!
As I've said on the other site, I read/post on both sites. I have no idea what went on when the mods and HJ split up and I don't really care but I like to read all views. That's why I'll visit both sites unless one of them has too little web traffic to be of interest.
Just replied.
I have a very naughty idea but it will certainly get me banned.
I have no idea why anybody's that bothered what goes on there let them have there forum and leave this here.
Well wouldn't be nice if we have more of the man with the hats slice of the pie?
Who's this HJ that Car4play members occasionally mention?
I think that, if this forum has a weakness, it is in the technical section. There have been fewer than 60 posts this month to about 8 threads. This does not matter to me as I am happier in the cut and thrust of the non-motoring section banter and repartee! If we could get people like Andy Bairsto and Screwloose to post here it might rectify the balance but perhaps we are all happy with things the way they are? I am.
Why can't you click on people's profiles anymore on HJ?
To be honest this site needs more contributors, it has a very active core though really not enough diversity and the technical section is the really weak point, HJ is much stronger in that respect still.
I dont have the time to be a regular contributor making many posts a day as I once did on HJ and when I do drop in I often find myself in the middle of a long running conversation featuring the same few hardcore regulars.
Its a bit like going into a pub for the first time in weeks and the same half dozen guys are propping up the bar as the last time you visited.
Nothing against the guys at all, as I say it simply needs more diversity.
While spinning off from HJ was the right thing at the time for many reasons it makes me think that there is not really room for both sites unless a constant flow of new members can be sustained.
Agree.... there are many excellent contributors remaining on the HJ site, 659fbe springs to mind, a huge wealth of diesel know-how, wish he could find this place, Injection Doc etc. And many others, it is still very much worth posting on.
The BR thread is now read-only; I guess the mods couldn't quite bring themselves to delete it and did the next best thing.
Says it all, really.
Or perhaps I've got it wrong and Avant will be along in a minute to explain.
Agree more posts.
The Wheeler Dealers post got 1296 views yet 40 Replies, Does this count if the same persons view it more than once or is that 1296 different viewings?
Come on now though folks, this forum IS still here and I cant see it going either. There was a strong suspicion that we would all gravitate back towards the BR and we didnt.
How long has this place been going? How long did it take for the BR to become what it was pre-WW3? Id say cut C4P some slack.
I post on both aswell as plenty of other motoring forums there is just not enough of interest to keep me here all the time, I agree lots more posters are needed than readers you have a key board so join in.!!
That thread is now locked
A Example of if something isnt broke - dont fix it.
The BR forum layout is ghastly, pop up adverts everywhere, adverts that stop (at least my computer) loading in the pages and when they do the page jumps so i click on the wrong link.
The Quality of the posts has gone downhill as well before in the Tech you had to fill in our car details for the header before you could post so it would include it in the header, that seems to have dropped.
Last edited by: Redviper on Fri 19 Nov 10 at 12:24
Surprising how many of us still drop in there! ;>)
I drop in becasue I like reading through the tech posts, becasue if the truth be told there is a lot more new posts in that section on HJ than there is here
But the reliabilty of that site is appalling, sometimes it wont load, and then when it does the adverts make it crash sometimes
I think the problem is google, this site isn't as high up for technical items as HJ is because HJ has much more posts going back years.
It dosn't help that the Fiesta has been very reliable this year and my car is only 6 months old so I am not making the usual ten posts a day in the technical forum either :p.
I haven't been over there since about May. No point - most of you lot are on here these days.
Also, despite using Firefox and various ad-blockers etc I never managed to get around the pop-up ad problem. I switched to Safari for Windows and that wasn't much better.
On the work PC which (then) was still on IE6 and XP Pro the ads were so bad that the site was unusable. I clicked on a thread once and got 6 pop-ups, at least 2 of which were duplicated.
I did get a little bored with being told how they were essential for site revenue. I'm sorry, but when there are so many ads that it drives people away, it defeats the object.
Yep HJ has made the classic mistake that did. It used to be a massive website getting 100000s of unique visitors. They started increasing the adverts and nobody bothered with it any more.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Fri 19 Nov 10 at 12:40
Aww bless em. Its 'hug an HJ day' over there :-)
Be interesting to see how many replies they get and how quickly and compare with this thread :-)
>> Be interesting to see how many replies they get and how quickly and compare with
>> this thread :-)
Be interesting to see if that post gets locked like the previous one.
I forsook the other place when I got bored with HJ himself continually saying (with no proof) that my car's cambelt should be changed at half the mileage that the manufacturer recommends. As far as I'm concerned he's a journalist and knows about as much about cars as Jeremy Clarkson. Neither of them even seems to realise the greater significance of torque at the driving wheels rather than engine output torque.
I'm here now.
I see that we have all been named and shamed " The year or so before the big shutdown was, for me at least, the worst. Fortunately, the causes have gone off to the other side"
Makes me feel like I died!
>> " The year or so
>> before the big shutdown was, for me at least, the worst. Fortunately, the causes have
>> gone off to the other side"
I expect that makes some of us "lost causes" then ? I still try the odd post over there. I wish them no harm. I used to enjoy it most of the time.
The BR reminds me of the burrow in Watership Down in which the rabbits are fed by the farmer who kills a few when he needs them.
All the bunnies keep quiet and tow the line, so as not to jeopardise their easy, but empty, lives.
I'm happier being part of Hazel's mob.
We might not be the smartest or most ordered at times, but at least we've red blood running through our veins.
Edit: I've just realised the Watership Down analogy is more appropriate than I thought.
We could do with some breeding females to get the numbers up a bit. :)
Last edited by: Iffy on Fri 19 Nov 10 at 16:13
>>tow the line<<
Pull it? :)
The reason I came here was that I got an invitation (Thank you) and the HJ site was down for 3+ weeks for a 48 hour server switch ISTR. I need my daily fix of motoring stuff!
>> >>tow the line<<
>> Pull it? :)
>> Pat
Even Pat's become a pedant. It was, surely, perfectly obvious what was meant, and to emphasise the horrible homophone is tantamount to bullying, surely?
...tow the line...
Haven't messed up there, have I?
It would seem opinion is divided, but 'toe' might have been better.
There too much damn pedantry in this forum, you know.
I'm mystified by Mapmaker's comment - but my brain's empty after an Audit Committee meeting this morning...!
>> Even Pat's become a pedant. It was, surely, perfectly obvious what was meant, and to
>> emphasise the horrible homophone is tantamount to bullying, surely?
She must have applying the popular advice that "the best way to deal with a bully is to give him or her a taste of their own medicine".
I was merely suggesting tactfully, that Iffy should ask PU to pull the post since he'd made a mistake;)
>> Pull it? :)
And that, iffy old fruit, is how to be a pedant politely...
I always knew there was a shy pedant inside Pat, longing to be free.
Tee heee...
I look at both websites most days, although contributing only when I have something worth saying. Although HJ went through a bad time, it is very much now improving - and not just in Technical and Legal. Sadly, this site seems to be going sideways and not really getting anywhere.
I wasn't the mod who made the aforementioned thread read-only, and might have replied on it, but I'm not going to reverse a colleague's decision. It certainly wasn't serving any useful purpose.
As I've said before, there is room for more than one forum, especially if one is a place where people come for advice about cars and motoring and the other is a more general chatroom. I post happily on both, and the more that do so the better. Both are better places if contributors to one don't complain about the other.
Purely as a personal view, I think both are better for the more easy-going moderation that both now have. Thread drift, for example, is fun and reflects real conversation. But I will always come down hard on advertising, offensiveness, and (my particular bete noire) unhelpful putting-down of a new or inexperienced OP.
Monkeys are more comfortable when they feel part of a troupe.
As with those who avidly support a given football team and feel almost certain that anyone who supports a different one is unequivocally retarded and to be reviled.
We are, despite convenient rumours to the contrary, all individuals. We were all born at different times in different places and will all die likewise.
No one, apart from our nearest and dearest, particularly cares about that. To the rest of the world we are are all just potential transitory diversions. Able to provide irritation, entertainment, boredom or perhaps occasional information to them but with no emotion laden baggage.
Why any of us should be arrogant enough to even begin to believe that our silly little internet based ramblings have any importance are frankly deluded.
As for which loosely motoring based forum we favour over another....well who actually gives a fig ?
I go where it pleases me, when it pleases me. I like the variety and wish none any ill.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Fri 19 Nov 10 at 22:27
Did you appen to catch the Highland Sessions last night Humph (BBC4) ... 'Real' music :)
Well thanks to the thread on HJ I have now found this place.
I agree with most of the comments that have been made about the HJ forum going downhill and I am surprised no-one has mentioned the farce that let all of the users private email addresses get into the wrong hands.
It still annoys me to this day as the email address that was attached to my HJ login was my personal one which I only ever used for important things and kept away from any likely spam sources. After the HJ farce and to this very day I now get piles of junk mail that I am almost certain came from the HJ site being hacked.
>> and I am surprised no-one has mentioned the farce that let all of the users private email addresses get into the wrong hands.
IIRC, it has been previously mentioned here and on HJ.
Drat! Missed it. Thank goodness for BBC i Player. I used to see/hear him live at the 100 club in the 50s. Also Chris Barber who is still touring in his late 70s I'd guess
Sorry, I'm not with you Porky, The Highland Sessions are about Scottish and Irish Gaelic music ~
Interesting to look at the ranking information for C4P and HJ.
I don't think it would be possible to get the breakdowns for the forums only, but there will definitely be a problem of critical mass, in the sense that Google searches will still get lots more hits on HJ, until there is more content here, and technical content is likely the most important.
There are probably more regular contributors here, but HJ is still getting much traffic. I agree that the site needs to build up more technical content.
Im still waiting for something to come of 'My Drive'.
Thing is, theres no point trying to compete with HJ on content, atleast not the same content.
We need to find something we can do that he cant. Ideas on a postcard :-)
It strikes me that the biggest limitation on HJ was association with newspapers. It was often cited.
>> Thing is, theres no point trying to compete with HJ on content, atleast not the
>> same content.
>> We need to find something we can do that he cant. Ideas on a postcard
>> :-)
I personally think that it should be forgotten that this site was originally created to fulfil the gap left when HJ was offline.
I think that C4P now stands alone.
OK not as many visitors, but does that matter right now?
Many of us now prefer here to there.
many haven't been back there since the downtime...
This is here - HJ is there...
lets all move on....
C4P is a standalone place, those who use both are welcome to do so, but lets make the break, this site doesn't need HJ, just as HJ doesn't need us.
I think you will find this discussion started in the BR, not here.
Maybe its gone over my head, but why is this place singled out for heavy-handed moderating over there?
Just caught up with those threads...there is one point I strongly agree with about here - "If you want to learn English and how to spell and use grammar correctly, then head over to the other forum. " I know some of the intent has been humorous but if that's the impression that someone got from looking in then maybe it's time to rein back on the pedantry.
They aint nout wrong with the sepelling in diz site.
>> I think you will find this discussion started in the BR, not here.
Maybe it did Stu, I have no idea where it started, but, by reading some of the comments above, and previous comments, people IMHO are needlessly putting one site against the other, and even asking which site will end up winning.
I don't think its a battle, I think there is room for both sites, so what Id like to see is C4P to be allowed to develop, in what ever way is natural, preferably without constant comparisons to HJ's site.
Im afraid this place will always be a product of the BR, thats why it exists, its why we all know eachother.
I suspect the reason there are sides taken is simply that the BR tries to erase every mention of this place as if it IS some sort of direct rival, but is it really?
I always read it that the BR was just some sideline to HJs site, not something so commercial, you needed to censor all similar sites to ensure its survival.
I wonder if they delete all reference to any link to any site which links to cars, that doesnt pay for advertising... I suspect not and this place gets special treatment. Sure, rival newspapers, OK, but this place, really?
Yes, C4P is here because of the BR, but things have moved on.
No, this is not a direct rival, although some posts seem to make out it should be. (it shouldn't be!)
Maybe if we stopped going on about the BR, the BR would stop going on about C4P?
But on the BR you cannot even say car4play without the swear filter removing the word. Whereas I could safely type backroom or honestjohn. So the owners of the other site which includes Constable & Robinson do not want mention of this site.
I wonder if the mods will remove reference to Constable & Robinson here?
Edit: maybe not then:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 23:09
It looks like some posters on HJ are dropping hints on how to find this forum. Some are being clever and subtle about it, others are being more direct. Someone over there said people here seem obsessed with HJ's forum. I agree that this topic seems to come up here regularly. Why don't we let sleeping dogs lie and get on with our own lives here?
Last edited by: John H on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 23:27
I agree. And it was me who put a direct link after finding their swear filter still blocks even a reference here. I wonder if that is down to HJ himself?
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 23:44
I edited the above because I cheekily referred to HJ as *****.... But their site might give a better idea of his real name:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 23:51
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 00:05
rtj - not sure why you started off in this direction or where you think it might lead but it seems pretty pointless to me so please desist. The info in in the public domain but I didn't see anyone asking. I would have hidden your posts but that would raise cries of heavy handedness.
smokie, I won't shout if you hide it. I asked the question direct on HJ anyway. So the mods and HJ can decide if that should be hidden.
I only made a reference to HJ and then realised his real identity may be on his own site and found using Google.
I think it it still petty that this site cannot be referred to from there. Similar I guess to how reference to the Times used to be banned.
I've made my views known well enough in the past and I pretty much agree with Swiss Tony.
I am constantly amazed at how petty and juvenile some of the comments get once HJ is mentioned.
There is even a thread referred to from 2001, and that's almost 10 years ago.
Life moves on, things change, bearing grudges is not an appealing trait to have.
And as for not allowing a reference to car4play, it's their forum and they decide what they want to allow. If anyone doesn't like it they have the clear option NOT to post or read their easy is that to understand?
Now wouldn't it be better to move on and decide how we can all make car4play better?
I think that the moderation is about right and doesn't need to change (apart from when PU is having grumpy day).
Let's all see if we can make some suggestions as to how we can widen the attraction of car4play and improve the Alexa ratings.
One of us might just come up with something that works, but if we don't we certainly won't be worse off.
We have a lot of specialist knowledge on here, but how easy is it to find?
Would there be any benefit to making that knowledge easier to find for an outsider?
How about Fuel watch, keeping prices updated?
How about a Road watch Forum, giving up to date info on roadworks and short cuts to avoid them?
Or a Just Off the Motorway section for decent meals on long journeys?
I think we need to move slightly away from the BR format.
Technical is very quiet, so lets call it something else to broaden it a bit and make it less intimidating to use, but more appealing to the search bots.
How about asking some of the experts on here to moderate and host a forum in their field of expertise? ( Bob the Builder springs to mind).
I know you can all think of far more ideas than I can and all of the above may well be total rubbish. I won't be offended if you tell me that!
At the very least it's a constructive way to approach the 'rivalry' not a destructive way, which is what we're still seeing almost a year since this forum started.
A very constructive post and a lot of sense there Pat. Its definitely time to leave the past.
>> Many of us now prefer here to there.
>> many haven't been back there since the downtime...
I'm one of those.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don't like being told what I can and can't post about.
Most of us were BR regulars, some still are, it's still going, so the BR is bound to crop up on here from time-to-time.
So what?
It's only one thread among many, and like all threads, it will drop down the board out of sight in a few days.
If you don't like a topic, ignore it, or post some constructive criticism, but don't try to ban its discussion.
This is not Stalinist Russia - or the backroom:)
Ok, moving on then.
Ill start a suggestions thread, see what ideas we have here, but separate from this stuff :-)
Currently this site is a forum and that's about it. HJ is a business (and a persona adopted by one of the owners) that happens to also have a forum. The forum is not that important but does/did bring in extra traffic. Think of HJ as a Stig if you like - so actually replaceable(ish). HJ is not a person. Someone pretends to be a character called HJ.
Moving forward this site needs to generate money for Khoo Systems on which the site is hosted and whose bandwidth is consumed. There may come the day when the servers and bandwidth are needed for a paying customer.... so it could easily vanish. Or we have to pay ourselves.
So it would be good to come up with ideas, and not just which forums you would like to see. It needs to be more than a forum.
Edit, and yes better to discuss in another thread.
P.S. I only linked to that article before saying the above in case I got censored for saying HJ is not a person. The real person has a share in a company called and is a registered company (06011794).
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 11:48
Years ago it was mooted, in the Other Place, that we would have to pay for access. There was a universal reaction from people saying that they wouldn't pay and the site has survived, after a fashion. I would happily cope with adverts/pop ups etc to keep this site fee free.
I paid member area might work. I have paid to use several forums in the past as longs as it is no more than about £30 a year. There would need to be a lot of incentive though.
At some point this site will need to cover its costs (I doubt it does at the moment). It runs on a number of servers and consumes bandwidth. Luckily the ads are sent direct to our machines and not via the Khoo System servers.
I would imagine if another paying customer of Khoo systems needed more capacity (e.g. then we would find this booted onto a smaller slice of a server and eventually no slice.
Which is why hopefully the ideas thread will come up with ideas for more than just a forum. But remember we will presumably be offering revenue generating ideas to car4play which will go to Khoo Systems. If it turned a profit these ideas would give the originator nothing. And if we came up with a really good idea maybe we'd want that as a business ourselves.
>>I would happily cope with adverts/pop ups etc to keep this site fee free<<
I'm the other way (haha!) I'd rather pay than have blimmin adverts like HJ has all over the place.
>>I'd rather pay than have blimmin adverts
You can always block the adverts if they cause you annoyance - I did.
Just happened to mention it once, and got a severe ticking- off.
>>You can always block the adverts if they cause you annoyance - I did.<<
I do C/S - don't get any if I use IE8 but one still manages to creep through via Firefox although I rarely visit HJ now
But if we all blocked adverts on this site we'd soon lose it. But the 'pop-unders' over on HJ are annoying.
The ads on this site don't bother me at all as they are not intrusive in any way.
>>they are not intrusive in any way.
Indeed they are not.
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 13:07
Clk Sec,
You have recently made the following statements, albeit in different threads:
"Advertising works very well for me - I see no reason why it shouldn't work for C4P."
"You can always block the adverts if they cause you annoyance - I did."
I'm not having a go, but I think the remarks illustrate why advertising might not be the way to recruit new members.
>>You have recently made the following statements, albeit in different threads:
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Iffy.
Advertising does work for me, and I think there’s a very good chance that it could bring more posters to this excellent forum of ours. And, yes, I certainly did block adverts in another place, as I found them quite obtrusive.
I’m not suggesting a major campaign here, but rather a few lines in various motoring magazines, etc.
>>but rather a few lines in various motoring magazines, etc.
And Saga, of course, for Dog...
I pointed some of my FB friends here - to no avail though - obviously too scared to step over the threshold..!
They probably think Zero is waiting for them with a plastic bag and a big chopper.
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 16:00
>>They probably think Zero is waiting for them...
I don't think he's at the head of that particular queue.
>>And Saga, of course, for Dog...<<
Actually not a bad idea comrade C/S, I don't read it myself although I should do as they have some good articles,
so I'm told.
I stayed with the HJ site after the down time, but I was struck by the hostility of other posters. There is one legal person who is really pompous and condescending. And when I asked a couple of innocuous non motoring questions, most of the responses were sarcastic. It has also filled with people who seem to tow the government line e.g. on speed cameras, and I got sick of simplistic nonsense such as "if you don't speed you won;t get a ticket so where is the problem". In the end I thought "stuff it". I have since posted here, and the difference is striking. There is vigorous debate here - hello Zero ;) - but in the most part people are not hostile.
>> There is vigorous debate here - hello Zero ;) - but in the most part
>> people are not hostile.
We are obviously not trying hard enough...
>>hello Zero ;) - but in the most part people are not hostile.
I think zero's a big softie really.
You lot trying to goad me into a fight?
this ones not worth taking my jacket off and rolling up my sleeves,
Oh go and dream about owning a Matra old boy ;-)
Its never been a dream stu my old mate, it was just a quick fancy, when they were new.
That's just made me think I'll do a curry tonight....
Bagheera was a tiger in Rudyard Kipling?
One of our Scout leaders liked to be called Bagheera. He was a fairly weedy accountant by day as I recall. Not really tiger material but of course he may have had hidden talents...Good at knots now I come to think of it or lashing as the Scouts would say.
"Good at knots " oh yeah? liked to be "tied up" did he? :-)
What's all this got to do with curry?
It's the Indian Rope Trick. Best done after a good curry. But that's not until Friday.
>>But that's not until Friday.
I've got one on Friday, but I'll give the rope trick a miss.
Humphs having hallucinations.
>>Humphs having hallucinations.
So it seems - poor chap.
Bagheera, sounds a bit like a curry. Well it does to me anyway. Perhaps more of a side dish in fairness. "Chicken Madras with a plain nan, a sag aloo and a portion of bagheera rice please"
See ?
>> a tiger in Rudyard Kipling
Bagheera is a black panther or leopard. The tiger in the Mowgli stories is called Shere Khan.
How many here know that Kipling was a keen early motorist and wrote at least two stories about motoring?
A colleague used to be amused by his 'I'll have a tarka dahl' joke which he'd then add 'it's like a korma but only otter'. I'll get my coat.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 24 Nov 10 at 18:49
Excellent! I usually ask for a Roald Dahl!
Thanks AC. At ninety five, I forget things..
We don't know for sure that it's a Matra Bagheera that Zero is lusting after.
It might be a Rancho - an old Simca van tarted up to look butch.
A Rancho! No.... Hmmm. A Rancho? Lulu had a Rancho....
in its day, the rancho was a pretty good looking and funky alternative.
You need a car for longer than a day tho.
the baht seems to be in freefall
Mapmaker.... you are wanted on the other site...........