I'm Currently staying in a hotel near Heathrow due to a course. The fire alarm went off a little earlier slk thought I'd stay warm and hopi to the bar in the nation building.
Threw is a huge party for a wedding and they are all gettng merry. But the wedding is tomorrow! And they plan on partying the following night as well. And bug that Ii mean Wednesday. If this normal down south? Really curious now. For all Ii know zero is here :-)
Only if the strippers have shown up
Oh !! Something you want to share with us Zeddo ?
Was there an aptitude test for that ?
Last edited by: Pugugly on Mon 15 Nov 10 at 23:33
Party if that's the word is still going strong. There is a scottish connection. But they have come from all over. Not seen zero yet. No strippers mind. Male or female. The wedding is here tomorrow.
>> Only if the strippers have shown up
So you're pimping in your retirement eh!
Not up to your usual excellent literary standard, rtj. Too many after course tipples? :)
But word perfect 43 minutes later!
Now what did you do in that 43 minutes? :)
Last edited by: pda on Tue 16 Nov 10 at 06:13
>> But word perfect 43 minutes later!
>> Now what did you do in that 43 minutes? :)
>> Pat
During that 43 minutes he forgot where to put capital letters.
I was posting from my phone as I am now. So accidentally made mistakes and didn't edit them out.
Should get an iPhone Rob far easier to type on ! :-)
Nice one PU
...Should get an iPhone Rob far easier to type on ! :-)...
It's not done much for Zero's typing.
I type badly just to upset you.
Judging by your spelling your still recovering from the night before!
>> Judging by your spelling your still recovering from the night before!
:) Judging by your spelling, you're too.
>> you're too
* you are too. Informal contraction in a grammar nazi post. o/
Don't mention clothes hangers.
I did once, but think I got away with it. ;>)
>> grammar nazi post. o/
Clearly, your nazi English needs improvement.
Let me explain in case you don't ("do not", if you prefer) geddit (get it). The spelling correction referred to use of "your" in place of "you're" .
"you are" is never misspelt as "Your".
"you're" is frequently misspelt as "your".
Now, whatcha gonna do about it? D'ya kinda wanna fight?
Ah suppose man, ah'm too much ay a perfectionist, skoda? It's likesay, if things go a bit dodgy, ah jist cannae be bothered, y'know?
Last edited by: Suppose on Tue 16 Nov 10 at 14:03
I am going to take a contract out on pedants.
Contracts out on pedants. A contract out on a pedant, surely?
Perhaps a generalized fatwa would be a better idea. Cheaper too.