Im told this is northern thing and up here in good old Yorkshire as kids it was played well & chatting to friends of the things we did back then involving dog poo and drawing pins and putting this on door handles, Yes you grab it the pins stick in your hand you try to lick it off.!!
Plus tying a few bangers and air bombs with the sticks broken off all tied together lob them in a garden lit of course then run like hell, Not the 1st green house to explode.!!
So is this a Northern thing do you Southerners do it or are you all in bed as kids waiting for the next day?
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 9 Nov 10 at 13:09
lots of egg mess on my truck that i had to clear up
horrible stuff
when i was a kid it was just door knocking and running off
todays kids are more evil
>> todays kids are more evil
Because these days they know no one can touch them.
Because these days they know no one can touch them.
Yes you can with a dog poo filled catapult, Don't forget your rubber gloves.!!
>> lots of egg mess on my truck that i had to clear up
>> horrible stuff
>> when i was a kid it was just door knocking and running off
>> todays kids are more evil
Cobblers, as a kid we were just as evil.
90 views does the south of england know what this is?
Not sure that view counter is working correct!!
Depends what you call North. Can't recall anything of that nature where I grew up in Edinburgh. Of course there were what you might call naughty kids but even they stopped short of the sort of things you describe. Not suggesting there was any higher degree of morality but there was certainly the ever present guarantee of significant and instant physical punishment for anyone who crossed a line. I could imagine anyone caught putting poo on a door handle being made to lick it off ( after the cuff round the ear ! ) and before the second punishment when their own parents found out.
Can't say as my boyhood in Northants Herts or Kent saw such nasty tricks, though i was no saint there was a line that wasn't crossed.
Did those kids grow up into the sort you'd expect, lack of respect or discipline workshy drunken drugged layabouts or politicians.
did i miss anyone out..;)
Do I detect some deep lying resentment there, Zero?
Been 'out-banked' a couple of times have we?
Join the club.
Should replace the B with a W.
>> ...Bankers...
>> Do I detect some deep lying resentment there, Zero?
Oh, it's just that bankers have been the subject of your ire in a few posts.
There's no shame in being outwitted by them you know.
These guys are very good at taking, I mean making, money out of the likes of you and me.
This happened the night before bonfire night and no he's grown up to a respected individual with a good sense of humour.
It must be a Yorkshire thing as you guys have never heard of it we must have more fun here.!!
Always been celebrated in the North West for as long as I can remember, although it's not celebrated to the same extent now.
The difference between my days when young and the youngsters of today is that we got up to mischievous things, whereas it's more often of a malicious nature now.
However, the vast majority of youngsters (at least where I live) are terrific - it's just the odd few that let down the rest of their kind.
It wasn't always thus. From Wikipedia
"For the lower classes, the anniversary became a chance to pit order against disorder, a pretext for violence and uncontrolled revelry. This theme continued into the 19th century, with reports in Lewes of annual rioting, intimidation of "respectable householders", and the rolling of lighted tar barrels through the streets. In Guildford, gangs of revellers calling themselves 'guys' terrorised the local population; proceedings were concerned more with the settling of old arguments and general mayhem, than any historical reminiscences."
Can't help thinking a few lighted tar barrels would liven up some of our cities no end.
Definitely a northern thing.
At 20 I was sharing a house in NW London with a girl from Wigan and two guys, one from the Welsh Marches the other from West Sussex. Suggested on night of 04/11/80 that perhaps we should be ppd for mischief night. Chris knew exactly what I was on about; the other two just looked blank Needless to say we were untroubled. Mischief night was added to black pudding, short vowels and getting the 'buz' home as subjects for northerner jokes.
No harm done in long term; Wigan gurl and Sussex man became an item and SFAIK remain so 30yrs on.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 7 Nov 10 at 20:03
We used to get "plagued" by the local brats, trouble is/was if you gave one bunch a treat, word went round like wildfire and you got gang after gang (often same ones more than once), if you refused, your house got "egged or floured".
last year and this, ms D hung a variety of fruits (nannas an apples) on door handle, with a card which read; "Please don`t knock, help yourself to the treats"
no-one knocked, 1 nanna went, no eggy-flour! - success!
Look, I don't usually adopt a pedantic line, but it's getting on my nerves.
It's bad enough pronouncing the word 'mischevious', ignorant and semi-literate whatever people may say. But it's completely unforgivable to spell it like that.
Sorry and so on. But some things you can't allow to pass.
>> Sorry and so on. But some things you can't allow to pass.
That is the sound of the crumbling of civilisation and all that is decent. Perhaps.
>> That is the sound of the crumbling of civilisation
No Leif. Just further erosion of correct speech. That's quite bad enough.
Only the most tenuous of connections to this thread but this has just reminded me of something which made me smile. I was speaking recently to an Italian friend whose English is now more or less perfect if accented. However, when he first started coming to the UK his English language skills were quite limited. He tells a lovely little story of coming down to his first ever English breakfast in a London hotel. An experience he had been looking forward to...
"Good morning number"
"Eeez just me, I am alone"
"No your room number sir please?"
"No sir, which room are you sleeping in? The number on the door?"
"Oh, 311 !"
"Very good sir...a table for one then?"
"Yes, of course"
"Would you like a cooked breakfast sir?"
" I want the Heengleesh breakfast plis"
"Coffee or tea sir?"
"Coffee plis"
"I want two peez"
"The restrooms are by the bar sir"
"No, I want two peez toast"
"Very good sir"
My mischievous nights were mainly on haloween night. Torches concealed inside pumkins or marrows so old codgers couldn't blow out the candle when we left them on their doorsteps - no matter how hard they tried. Dog poo under lit newspapers, and bangers crow scarers thrown into people's gardens who insisted on trick rather than treat.