"Talking of Pandas, pal of mine works in ops at LBA,.............."
Blinking LBA !! Cost me a small fortune tother nite picking up Mrs and Junior FC.
Due in around 21.00 so I stopped for some cheap nosh at the Hawthorne Farm. Checked Flight radar at around 20.00 and the plane is just crossing the Lincolnshire coast.
Got into the Pick Up and Drop Off one way at the front of the terminal - wrong place and that was £7 notes to drive in and out.
At 20.19 found the 1 hour free parking and walked to Arrivals. But they were still sat on the plane at 20.45 and had to go through Immigration and Baggage. Back to the car to look at extending time. Think it was About £60 for overstaying the hour with corresponding increments.
Bailed out the car park. Red lines and cameras all over. Then I received the call at 21.05 that they were now out. So the 1 hour free would have worked in hindsight.
I'd had enough by this time so it was back in the Pick Up and Drop Off where they were now waiting and that was another £7!!
What a stress inducing rip off!! And you know there will be some Jobsworth monitoring ANPR to really make your day.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Fri 24 Jan 25 at 17:23