Non-motoring > Travel Insurance Query Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 13

 Travel Insurance Query - Bobby
The missus and I are due to go to Lanzarote on 26 Jan on an Easyjet package holiday.

Her father, who has an ongoing blood cancer condition has taken a rapid turn for the worse this last week to the extent that he got blue lighted to hospital today. As I type , he is getting blood transfusions overnight and then if they can get his haemo levels under control, they can then start tests to see what is causing the drastic falls (internal bleeding , organ failure etc

Barring miracles, I can't see us getting to Lanza due to either bereavement , or support/care needing to be provided.

Anyone any experience with similar situation as far as travel insurance goes? Do we just wait to see what happens nearer the time, is there anything I can put in place just now or should be warning the ins co about?

How would it work for proof for travel insurance if there is no death? I would obviously have no right to have access to any medical reports to justify our position?

I will have a look at the small print and maybe livechat them but just wondering if anyone has experienced similar?

Edit - the insurance states exclusuion for
"Any claims for known or existing events. For example, cancelling or cutting short your trip due to a known illness or injury of a close relative or travelling companion"
Last edited by: Bobby on Mon 6 Jan 25 at 21:20
 Travel Insurance Query - Bobby
On further checking of the actual policy document

"Any claim where the event, incident or circumstances already existed when you opened your account or booked your trip (whichever is later). For example, you’re aware of the serious illness of a close relative or travelling companion, which could reasonably be expected to affect your travel plans.

Define serious?
Define reasonably expected?

Very open to interpretation?
 Travel Insurance Query - Falkirk Bairn
When did you book the holiday?
When did you take out the travel policy?

What was the recent health state of your F-i-L when you booked holiday & travel insurance
 Travel Insurance Query - Zero

>> Define serious?
>> Define reasonably expected?
>> Very open to interpretation?

No not really, its very simple to interpret. Close relative? its a close enough relative if you feel the need to cancel.

Serious? if it causes you to cancel, then you thought it was serious enough.

Reasonably expected? Its a cancer related pre existing condition. That qualifies.

I have done loads of trips since my two cancer experiences, I have been pretty diligent in disclosure for insurance, often resulting in a form of screening, which leads to either a: Exclusions, b: increased costs, c: refusal. Currently I cant get annual travel insurance, but can get trip by trip based with a combo of a: or b:
 Travel Insurance Query - Bobby
We have annual travel insurance through the bank.
Booked this holiday in September.
FIL has been having 4 weekly routine blood transfusions since June for a “blood cancer” issue, not sure of exact name.

No reason (for us) to expect these wouldn’t continue or take a turn for the worse.
 Travel Insurance Query - Falkirk Bairn
IMHO it looks a strong case for the insurance to pay out.

If it had been booking the holiday a week ago and taking out insurance since then there may have been grounds for the insurers to refuse a payout.
 Travel Insurance Query - Zero
>> IMHO it looks a strong case for the insurance to pay out.

If i was betting, I would back the refusal horse.
 Travel Insurance Query - James Loveless
"No reason (for us) to expect these wouldn't continue or take a turn for the worse."

You're saying that, in your mind, his condition was "stable". However, that term, speaking from a medical/legal point of view, is slippery. I see one travel insurer defines it thus: "A controlled and well managed pre-existing condition that has remained unchanged for a specific period of time (as determined by the insurer) prior to your date of departure."

Most of us, I suspect, would think your claim would have merit, but Zero is probably correct in thinking that the insurance company would think it wasn't clear-cut and that their default reaction would be to refuse to pay out.
 Travel Insurance Query - Terry
If it is one of the premium account add on insurances I suspect you may face initial refusal and an uphill battle to get paid. I had one of these and had two claims rejected:

The first was travel insurance for which a medical problem caused cancellation. As I had failed inadvertently to disclose a long standing but unrelated condition, they refused payment. Part of their process was to get permission to write directly to my GP to find out.

The second - emergency call out. I reported a blocked sewer. They insisted it was not an emergency as it had not yet overflowed. It was just a matter of time until the level in the drain rose flooding the garden - it would then be an emergency but cost a lot more to clear up. in the end I phoned Wessex Water who sorted it.

I then changed my account as the costly premium service was actually "rubbish". For the best chance of a claim you need as much detail on the health condition as possible - consultants letters, health at the time the holiday was booked, prognosis for the particular type of blood cancer etc.
 Travel Insurance Query - Biggles
If the prognosis back in June was 6-12 months, then unlikely they will pay. If 2-3 years, then it should be considered unexpected. That would be my guess, anyway. The insurance company will likely refuse payment but there is always the insurance ombudsman.
 Travel Insurance Query - Bobby
So update to this thread!

Due to travel Sun 26th.
Phoned travel insurance on 18th explaining FIL still in hospital, looking unlikely, what do we need to do.
She set up a claim ref and asked how much the holiday was(£1300) and advised to keep them posted but if I cancel I should ask for a cancellation confirmation from Easyjet holidays.
Phoned Easyjet on 25th to cancel and they said they would issue the confirmation after my return date.

Phoned travel insurance on 27th. Explained the situation. I now knew my FIL initial diagnosis was sepsis.
Took my details.
Took a note of the holiday cost. £50 excess for each of us deducted and also the Air passenger duty which easyJet should refund us.
Said if they need any more info they would be in contact.
Wed 29th. Insurance payment in our bank account!

No invoices provided, absolutely nothing. All done over the phone. No booking ref required.
This was Nationwide bank and Aviva insurance.
Absolutely delighted with how it was handled.
And if to prove we were justified in cancelling the holiday, FIL passed away this morning.
 Travel Insurance Query - Bromptonaut
Sorry to hear about FIL Bobby.
 Travel Insurance Query - Bromptonaut
I suspect the presence of sepsis may have worked in your favour as it were.

A long standing condition getting worse is one thing but a bacterial/viral illness is another.

My maternal Grandfather died of sepsis in 1936. Contracted from a work related task involving a body retrieving a body from the River Aire.

He might have been OK after penicillin etc was available but Fleming's work was later.
 Travel Insurance Query - zippy
Please accept my condolences too, Bobby.
Last edited by: zippy on Thu 30 Jan 25 at 19:47
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