NIgel seems to have fallen out with his American mate who he thought was going to fund Reform to the tune of $100m and propel Nige to position of power he dreams of.
Never mind Nige there's always Clacton.
Apparently all because Nige wouldn't let that nice Tommy Robinson in to his party.
With friends like that - who needs enemies?
And a fantastic reason as to why huge donations to political parties from one source should be banned.
Nigel has his eye on mainstream voters, i.e. Tories. He won't get those if he lets Yaxley-Lennon anywhere near Reform, a stance which has earned him Musk's disapprobation.
Musk is a rich man-baby with more money than sense. It was he who cavorted in a childish celebration at one of Trump's rallies. Now he thinks he's a real political heavyweight who can influence others.
The truth is he had no interest in politics (and even voted Democrat) until he suddenly hitched himself to Trump's wagon a few months ago, hoping no doubt to benefit from the president-elect's economic policies. He also has a rather nasty right-wing side-line in gender politics, emanating no doubt from his non-relationship with his daughter (born male), claiming that he had been "tricked" into authorizing trans-related medical treatment for her when she was 16. He says she is dead to him; she claims he emotionally abused her as a child.
That this nasty piece of scum and Trump are buddies (probably only for a while) comes as no surprise to anyone.
Now Musk says Farage is no good as leader of Reform and should be replaced, probably because Farage, mindful of a potential backlash from the voters he is courting, has rejected Tommy Robinson, another nasty piece of right-wing work of whom Musk approves.
The real worry is that there are plenty of voters here in the UK who rather like the sound of Farage, Musk and Trump. It's incomprehensible to me, but there we are.
Last edited by: James Loveless on Sun 5 Jan 25 at 22:05
"He who sups with the devil should use a long spoon".
Unfortunately, if Farage is astute enough (and in this context I suspect he might be), he may well be able to turn this (his stance on Tommy Robinson) to his political (though evidently not his or his party's financial) advantage.
>>He also has a rather nasty right-wing side-line in gender politics...
I'm simple. I don't care how people identify and I will try and "get it right" but don't want to be castigated / cancelled if I "get it wrong". Everyone should have the right to be who they want to be.
I do have a worry on the subject: There are some nasty people out there who will use gender identity to take advantage of others - on both sides of the equation - politicians etc. to get their own political way and thus harming people that truly are transgender - or people pretending to be transgender to get thrills. Brompt. has posted on another thread that there are existing laws protecting others - I understand that, but will the authorities be too afraid to act - as they were with other sexual crimes and minorities?
This is the sort of thing where some nasty people will take advantage:
Imagine someone like Wayne Cousins having the ability to do that!
>>He says she is dead to him;
Last edited by: zippy on Sun 5 Jan 25 at 23:20
>> I do have a worry on the subject: There are some nasty people out there
>> who will use gender identity to take advantage of others - on both sides of
>> the equation - politicians etc. to get their own political way and thus harming people
>> that truly are transgender - or people pretending to be transgender to get thrills. Brompt.
>> has posted on another thread that there are existing laws protecting others - I understand
>> that, but will the authorities be too afraid to act - as they were with
>> other sexual crimes and minorities?
>> This is the sort of thing where some nasty people will take advantage:
On the question of people pretending to be trans for the 'thrills' do we have any evidence that men are actually doing it and getting away with it. I don't mean 'women with a willy' who are genuinely trans; surgery is prohibitively expensive. I mean men doing it in a planned fashion?
Mrs B has a friend who is often duty manager at her gym. He's had incidents where women of a Gender Critical persuasion have called out trans people but not the sort of thing we mean here.
The failure to investigate in the 'Rape Gang' cases was far more complicated than reluctance to do with ethnicity. Massive cultural issue with police attitude to the victims was much more of an issue.
If some bloke is jerking off of otherwise indulging in lewd behaviour in female spaces then I doubt there'd be reluctance. They'd have you quick enough for the same offence in male spaces!! The swimming baths in Holborn used to have, and may still have signs warning about such activity.
I'd like to know more about the facts of the multiple warrant cards before coming to judgement.
>The failure to investigate in the 'Rape Gang' cases was far more complicated than reluctance to do with ethnicity.
Storm brewing about an ex-cop called Dion Miller who says that Gordon Brown sent a letter to all police forces about the grooming gangs telling them not to get involved.
>> Storm brewing about an ex-cop called Dion Miller who says that Gordon Brown sent a
>> letter to all police forces about the grooming gangs telling them not to get involved.
Let's see the colour of Mr Miller's evidence.
>Let's see the colour of Mr Miller's evidence.
None needed. It's Trial by Xitter.
PS. 'Mr Miller' is female (or identifies as one).
>> PS. 'Mr Miller' is female (or identifies as one).
...but did he/she have multiple warrant cards?...
>> PS. 'Mr Miller' is female (or identifies as one).
Unfortunately I posted and then went down the Xitter rabbit hole.
My primary point remains that I'll believe it when I see it.
EDIT: it seems the Miller vid is old news that has resurfaced.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 6 Jan 25 at 13:46
Miss Miller is historically tagged as being "extreme right-wing", "an ex-police friend of Tommy Robinson", etc. by t'interweb (which, of course, if I'm to be uber-balanced, may or may not be true).
The comments also don't present any evidence, but reference "A BBC Radio 4 interview" which has never seen the airwaves, containing a comment by Nazir Afzal (ex CPS) about a/the circular (which no-one has apparently seen).
There's no such thing as dangerous as terminal certainty, but given the people involved (Afzal has long-term been an very outspoken proponent of prosecution) and the complete lack of any audit trail of hard evidence, I'll go with the probabilities for now. ;-)
Doesn't seem to have prevented the Twittersphere going into conspiracy meltdown, though.
No FoI requests have managed to identify a scrap of evidence that the government instructed police forces not to act.
>> >> Storm brewing about an ex-cop called Dion Miller who says that Gordon Brown sent
>> a
>> >> letter to all police forces about the grooming gangs telling them not to get
>> involved.
>> Let's see the colour of Mr Miller's evidence.
I wonder if Dion Miller is in the UK or has more than a couple of pennies to rub together?
It's easy to slander when your either out of the country or are potless - when you're not worth suing.
In a democracy the majority rule.
The most common boys name last year was Mohamed.
Work it out for yourselves.
>> In a democracy the majority rule.
>> The most common boys name last year was Mohamed.
>> Work it out for yourselves.
Since pretty much every Muslim boy has Mohammed in one or another of it's spellings in his collection of names I'm not sure that tells us much.
Apparently it unseated Noah.
There were 591k births in 2023. There are no obvious splits between male and female that I can easily find. Assume 50% male = 296k male.
From ONS:
Muhammad is top at 4.7k
Mohammed is 1.6k
Mohammad is .8k
Which I make to be 2.4% of the total of male births and 5.3% of the top 100.
Last edited by: zippy on Mon 6 Jan 25 at 14:15
Mohammed apparently means "praiseworthy" and is frequently given to honour and respect the Islamic prophet.
Look back in the UK over the last 100 years and the top names of boys in the UK also reflects (I assume) either a religious or monarchical association - George, John, Thomas, Christopher, David, Paul. Currently trending upwards are Jacob and Noah.
My take on that would be that Muslims in general tend to be considerably more religion-minded than many other major religions and thus Mohamed and it's variants are names used with a deliberate religious meaning whereas the other names you mention just happen to be popular names, particularly these days (as opposed to maybe the 1950s when religion was more of a thing than it is now) - as I think followers of the religions where those names would be considered for their religious connection are much fewer.
Afraid our autistic ketamine addicted Mr Musk could well be talking his way into a world of trouble. He has upset both sides of the political spectrum in the UK, been likened to a National Socialist in Germany, already had a brush with FartTrump, and is alienating his car buying target market.
>> Afraid our autistic ketamine addicted Mr Musk could well be talking his way into a
>> world of trouble.
Two malignant narcissists, who were getting along for a while on the basis of mutual benefits - favourable tax regime in return for hefty political donations. What could possibly go wrong?
Link to Guido Fawkes article.
>> Oh FFS!
>> Link to Guido Fawkes article.
I wonder if someone disgruntled with Labour at the agency that produced that video chose the soundtrack anticipating the fallout.
Even if this wasn't the case, the agency should be sacked for not undertaking due-diligence.
I wouldn't be surprised if "X" gets banned in the UK / EU.
>> I wouldn't be surprised if "X" gets banned in the UK / EU.
I wouldn't be surprised if Musk gets banned from entering the UK.
I see Facebook are getting rid of their fact checkers.
How long before it goes the same way as "X"?
Mind all the uproar about Islamist preachers in the streets, radicalisation of Muslims, brainwashing etc.
Yet what gone on with Musk etc is not treated the same way yet could have far more devastating consequences.
At what point could Musk be deemed a threat to the country?
>> At what point could Musk be deemed a threat to the country?
For what, for telling the truth? For being a threat to Labour politicians’ livelihoods?
I should think the Government are sitting there in Cabinet discussing whether they can ban Twitter. Shoot the messenger, it’s easier than solving the problem.
>> >> At what point could Musk be deemed a threat to the country?
>> For what, for telling the truth?
And what truths, exactly, is he telling. Not sure truths and facts are part of his way of life.
>> >> At what point could Musk be deemed a threat to the country?
>> For what, for telling the truth? For being a threat to Labour politicians’ livelihoods?
>> I should think the Government are sitting there in Cabinet discussing whether they can ban
>> Twitter. Shoot the messenger, it’s easier than solving the problem.
Strange that he wasn't criticising the last lot for exactly the same failing!
There's a lawyer on YT who is the same. Constant criticism of the current lot, claiming it's not political, but was strangely absent in criticising the last lot.
As for telling the truth, the out and out lies that he allows on his website under the guise of free speech is awful.
Remember, this is the person who got upset that some divers rescued the kids in a cave before he could make something to do it and called them podophiles and got away with it because of free speech in America.
Personally, I wouldn't trust a word he says, types or spews!
Last edited by: zippy on Sat 11 Jan 25 at 16:47
Musk will be bored of politics by the summer. Easter maybe even.
Once he realises there’s nothing he can change that will hasten the boredom.
This could be a worrying trend for the future as more and more youngsters get their information from social media sites where the nutters like Trump and Musk can promote easy answers to complex questions -
>> This could be a worrying trend for the future as more and more youngsters get
>> their information from social media sites where the nutters like Trump and Musk can promote
>> easy answers to complex questions -
The bigger part of the problem may be that the 20% who would like an unelected leader may each want a different one depending on which influencer or social media provider they rely upon.
>This could be a worrying trend for the future as more and more youngsters get their information from social media..
It's not the youngsters you have to worry about:
FB is so full of AI generated garbage and scam adverts now that its credibility must be crumbling.
>FB is so full of AI generated garbage and scam adverts now that its credibility must be crumbling.
AI has enormous potential. The Govt. has a cunning plan to make the UK World leaders at filling potholes with it.
If the Guardian is worried then maybe the rest of us should not be.
When did this place cease being an offshoot of the Telegraph?
>> When did this place cease being an offshoot of the Telegraph?
Spring 2010, do keep up back there MM! :-D