Small drift...
My f-i-l and his bro inherited the family greengrocer business, two open fronted shops about 400 yards apart, diagonally opposite each other at a crossroads in Leytonstone High St.
As his son in law I worked in f-i-l's shop on Saturdays (not open on Sundays of course) at weekends for a free bag of greengrocery and a free flat over the one of the shops, till we could afford a mortgage. Working in the shop was b***** freezing in winter (as was the flat!), and you had to keep tally all in your head (and work out e.g. what three potatoes cost based on what fraction of a lb they were - no ready reckoner on those scales!!).
Anyway, every day one or other of the brothers went up in their lorry to Covent Garden market in London, leaving at 3am, buying their stock, and returning to the shops then doing a full and fairly hard days' work, till the shops closed about 6 IIRC.
No idea if it was cash though... or if it's still there. New Covent Garden now I believe, probably with a different function...
It was the supermarkets which killed their business.