Non-motoring > Payment problems Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 28

 Payment problems - CGNorwich

Seems pretty widespread. Couldn’t pay for Dartford Crossing this morning
 Payment problems - zippy
Yes. We have the same with work laptops - some impacted, some not.

Miss Z isn't on shift today but has been told lots of operations have been cancelled as patient records cannot be looked up.
Last edited by: zippy on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 09:15
 Payment problems - Zero
Its a meteorological thing

Caused by Broken Cloud.

 Payment problems - legacylad
Went to the hotel spa to change my beach towel this AM..potential massage customers being turned away because their computer system is down not allowing any bookings.
Quite why you can’t turn up and pay cash is beyond me..
 Payment problems - Zero

>> Quite why you can’t turn up and pay cash is beyond me..

Because they don't have the facilities for it. You need tills, with cash drawers, and a float, and a bank to take it to, handling cash is expensive, time consuming, and open to petty larceny
 Payment problems - legacylad
Neither does my plumber or electrician. They don’t have a problem accepting cash.

I’d have thought the masseuse could squirrel away a €50 note somewhere. :-)
Last edited by: legacylad on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 10:32
 Payment problems - Zero
The other half is up to town on the train, ticket machines OOA. SWT have staff with hand held machines.
 Payment problems - Zero
Its been caused by a software update to security services on MS cloud customers. Affects only windows based machines and services. A swiss company called "Crowdstrike" is in deep doo doo.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 11:25
 Payment problems - CGNorwich
Prescription system to pharmacy not working. Garden centre cash only (I needed some cheapo rip off Crocs)
 Payment problems - Runfer D'Hills
>>needed some cheapo rip off Crocs

Anything that slows down or preferably prevents that eventuality is strangely welcome.
 Payment problems - zippy
It's been a mare at work today.

My laptop is blue screening. Went to the nearest branch to work and took an age to long on to a free computer then download my files.

Worked on them until 4pm when the thew a wobbly and deleted everything that I had been working on, backups and all.... the air was blue!

About half the computers in the branch were effected.

I can't see that this is going to be an easy fix. My laptop can't be accessed by IT as it won't boot, so it'll be a trip to a main office or they wl need to send IT staff to branches to fix the computers there.

The other problem is that the computers are so locked down, we can't even make changes under the direction of the IT team.
Last edited by: zippy on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 19:37
 Payment problems - Zero

>> The other problem is that the computers are so locked down, we can't even make
>> changes under the direction of the IT team.

The PC needs to be booted in safe mode, to delete a file. To delete the file you need the bitlocker encryption key, which is held on your server. Your server is blue screened and needs to be booted into safe mode to delete the file, to delete the file the bitlocker encryption key needs to be accessed which is not available in safe mode....... Errrr Gotcha.
 Payment problems - Bobby
So what effect will this have on my personal laptop running Windows something or another?
Think when I last used it I just went into standby rather than shut it down.
So anything I should be aware of before I open it up?
 Payment problems - Zero
No nothing to worry about, its highly unlikely you have crowdstrike* on your PC.

*Its a centrally managed corporate security tool.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 20:06
 Payment problems - Bobby
Cheers Zero
 Payment problems - Bobby
Brings back memories.
In Safeway we had the fallback system of the metal card swipe things that imprinted the cards on the voucher and details were added manually!
 Payment problems - Zero
>> Brings back memories.
>> In Safeway we had the fallback system of the metal card swipe things that imprinted
>> the cards on the voucher and details were added manually!

I have been selling sackloads of these today.
 Payment problems - Bobby
That’s the ones!
We called it Code 60.
All staff came to checkouts.
Helped push through customer shopping and agreed a price with them for their full basket/ trolley.
If paying by card then it was swipe machines like the one you posted!

Played havoc with the stock control system!
 Payment problems - Zero
I remember code 60's. We were measured on the number of them nationally. Most of the time we managed to blame it on BT.
 Payment problems - bathtub tom
>> Brings back memories.
>> In Safeway we had the fallback system of the metal card swipe things that imprinted
>> the cards on the voucher and details were added manually!

The local museum had them?
 Payment problems - Bromptonaut
>> In Safeway we had the fallback system of the metal card swipe things that imprinted
>> the cards on the voucher and details were added manually!

That was how credit card sales were processed until into the eighties. The voucher contained several sheets of carbonless copy paper with copies for the customer, retailer etc.

Machines that used the magnetic strip and either a cable link or keypad to collect the transaction amount came along in the eighties. Verification was by signature and the early machines, prodiced I think by Barclays, took no account of people who write with their left hand and producing a proper signature was a 'mare.

The French had chip and pin by 1990, years before we did.
 Payment problems - CGNorwich
Dartford crossing payments system resumed yesterday evening
 Payment problems - Bromptonaut
Neither Pay by Phone nor Freebird (French App?) would let me pay to park in Le Mont Dore this morning.
 Payment problems - tyrednemotional
I've been in the Dales for a few nights. Everything long as you've a few chickens to barter with......
 Payment problems - Runfer D'Hills
>> I've been in the Dales for a few nights. Everything long as you've a
>> few chickens to barter with......

Well at least you speak the language, I expect I’d have to use a banjo.
 Payment problems - zippy
Rumours are going around that CS made cuts to their QA teams and were using AI to do the testing.

If true, that went well didn't it!

Still down and no resolution in sight here.
 Payment problems - zippy
IT are working overtime here. Called yesterday and today - annoyingly at the weekend - to try to fix. Both times unsuccessful. Apparently me hard-drive key is different to the one that they have on record - because I have been given the wrong laptop! Doh!

(Of course that may mean that someone else also has the wrong laptop.)
 Payment problems - Bromptonaut
>> Apparently me hard-drive key is different to the
>> one that they have on record - because I have been given the wrong laptop!
>> Doh!

When I was in the Quango we had some sort of security key which generated a code to log on.

Our Chairman, a retired Cabinet Minister, was given one allocated to another persons laptop so it didn't work. Took about 48 hours before somebody in IT thought to check the serial number on the back.....
 Payment problems - zippy
>>When I was in the Quango we had some sort of security key which generated a code to log on.

Yes, we had those too, now its texts to the phone and annoyingly for every application that we seem to use - i.e. not covered by the one initial authenticated log on - and of course it doesn't work if you can't get a phone signal - which happened to me when I was seeing a client recently.
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