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Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 14

 Jay Slater - legacylad
Appears the sad episode has now reached its conclusion. Possibly.

One couldn’t help but occasionally read updates on the BBC and I find it quite a puzzling situation start to finish.

I’m glad a body has been recovered and hope that his parents contribute the remainder of funds raised on the JustGiving page to the local mountain rescue organisation..or whatever the Canarian equivalent is.

Mountains can be dangerous places, and it’s made me take stock of going on a solo recce up a remote barranco, even with a fully charged battery pack, bananas, 3 litres of water and a head torch..which is my standard modus operandi.
 Jay Slater - smokie
What's striking me over some of the recent disappearances is the time they seem to take to find a body which eventually turns out to be near where they expected or likely it to be. That lady who fell in the water (Bullen?), the radio chap who went off on a walk and now this one spring to mind.
Last edited by: smokie on Thu 18 Jul 24 at 09:01
 Jay Slater - zippy
>> What's striking me....

All walking.

It's clearly safer to drive!

 Jay Slater - legacylad
You have a point…added danger are the hunters in Spain…on ‘hunting days’ when cutting back overgrown paths we wear ( very) bright orange polo shirts.
Wild boar less of a problem, unless encountered unexpectedly when you can potentially be in deep poo poo.
 Jay Slater - Zero
People tend to think (specially us Brits) that Europe, the Europe we travel to, is a safe place environmentally wise. In truth thats far from the case. There are many very inhospitable places, where the geography, climate and wildlife is out to kill you at the earliest opportunity.
 Jay Slater - sooty123
Falling off a cliff isn't usually going to end well. Wherever that cliff is.
 Jay Slater - Runfer D'Hills
>>…. There are many very inhospitable places, where the geography, climate and wildlife is out to kill you at the earliest opportunity.

Doncaster after dark for example?
 Jay Slater - Zero

>> Doncaster after dark for example?

If you are wearing crocks you are safe
 Jay Slater - Runfer D'Hills
Can you run in Crocs?
 Jay Slater - Zero
>> Can you run in Crocs?
Yes, they have a sports mode
 Jay Slater - legacylad

>> Doncaster after dark for example?
Or Ponte…..after dark is immaterial
 Jay Slater - Zero
>> What's striking me over some of the recent disappearances is the time they seem to
>> take to find a body which eventually turns out to be near where they expected
>> or likely it to be.

"near" is a bit of a misnomer. The recent one is within two or three hundred yards away from his last phone ping. BUT thats two or three hundred yards down a steep ravine, probably wedged and hidden between rocks.

Bullen? yes she was found near where they though she would be and some time after, BUT she was tangled under a river bank, in a swollen stream, and it may have taken some time for nature to move her there.

Its not a matter of location, but one of difficult circumstances.

Edit, ergo MH370. We know roughly (actually closer than that now) where that went down, chances of finding it? zero.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 18 Jul 24 at 09:39
 Jay Slater - legacylad
Too true.
Some of the inaccessible barrancos I venture down ( and up) should you fall and lose consciousness you’d be wild boar dinner.
Hidden in undergrowth out of sight…even my whistle and torch wouldn’t be much help even if I were conscious.
Note to self. Don’t go alone !
 Jay Slater - Bromptonaut
>> Note to self. Don’t go alone !

In my early twenties I did a walk in the Lakes alone staying in Youth Hostels starting from, I think, Thirlmere and going on to Grasmere and several other places including Duddon, Coniston. Wasdale and Black Sail.

A couple of slightly older 'serious walker' types made very clear they thought I was a b***** Fool doing so without a companion.
 Jay Slater - Biggles
Was the woman who went missing in the Pyrenees a few years back ever found?
Answer, yes.
Last edited by: Biggles on Thu 18 Jul 24 at 20:58
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