Non-motoring > Trump shot - apparently not seriously. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 52

 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - zippy

Looks like a lucky escape.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - smokie
I heard it from an American in an online poker game before it hit the news here!

I think someone shot from the left or right side. In the footage he is looking to his right as the shot is fired, and holds his right ear (the one away from the crowd & camera) right after the shots and before going down. You can see blood on that side of his face later, so he's probably had a lucky escape. The reports said on the soundtrack someone says Shooter Down while he is still down but I couldn't hear that.

Watch out for the redneck in the foreground flipping the bird and shouting F you (doesn't take much lip reading skill!!) towards the camera as Trump is hustled into the car and away.

The secret service are impressive in their devotion to duty, in the way they shield him despite him wanting to fist pump and essentially remain something of a target.

I detest the man but he doesn't deserve to be shot. I'm sure he'll try to score political points from it.
Last edited by: smokie on Sun 14 Jul 24 at 00:25
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - zippy
>>I detest the man but he doesn't deserve to be shot.

Agreed. Horrible - as in my other thread, re what is wrong with people - this is not right. I fear some attending the rally may have been hurt?

>>I'm sure he'll try to score political points from it.

Yes. God is protecting him etc.

And no doubt conspiracies - "the left are responsible - they planned it etc..."
Last edited by: zippy on Sun 14 Jul 24 at 00:35
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - zippy
I recall how upset I was at the news of the murders of Jo Cox and Sir David Amess.

There is no place for violence like this in society.

 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - bathtub tom
The wits are already at it. One said he escaped serious injury because the bullet went in one ear and out the other.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Lygonos
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - R.P.
Did Donald duck ?
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - James Loveless
I would never condone violence of any sort, anywhere. In politics, it undermines democracy.

However, the poisonous atmosphere in US politics has been largely initiated by Trump's violent rhetoric, though the other side has no doubt responded in kind.

There will be quite a few people who, while they may shrink from violence, are thinking that things would be a lot better if Trump were not around.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - maltrap
What concerns me was his initial response when he stood up.
He gave a clenched fist and shouted fight,fight.
The same rhetoric that he used on January 26 before the attack on Capitol Hill.
As someone said “pray for America”
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero

>> However, the poisonous atmosphere in US politics has been largely initiated by Trump's violent rhetoric,

Indeed, reap what you sow.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Bobby
I feel for the sniper.
To get into position to be able to kill Trump and manage to only graze an ear and then get shot dead for your efforts.
What a waste!

Listening to a Newsagents podcast the other day, they were saying there is a good chance Trump will win by landslide and gain power in the two houses and the world will be his oyster so to speak about any rules and laws he wants to introduce.
Especially if Biden keeps going the way he is.
Scary country!
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
I am always amused by the predilection of the population to shoot at their presidents, who all have to cow tow to the citizens & their second amendment rights to be so equipped to do so.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - CGNorwich
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
Assassination is of course undemocratic. Like Trump.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - tyrednemotional
I think that should be "Like Trump, without democracy* to control him".

(I concede that some US "independent" institutions are more political than one would like - but that's their system).

Frankly, I suspect that these happenings, underpinned by Biden's shortcomings will unfortunately see Trump re-elected, but that will be down to the electorate, so will be "democratic".
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
They seem to have lost their minds. It beggars belief that such a despicable person can be leading the polls in what should be the best country in the world.

No real reason why it won't be the same here, we are just a few years behind. Equally staggering that people such as Farage, Truss, Rees-Mogg,Johnson back him.

No Mike Pence this time. Vance: "Frankly I don't care what happens to Ukraine".

We are about to enter the next Dark Age. It might take 10 years or 50, but it seems inevitable.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - smokie
Have I warped into a really weird world???
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - James Loveless
Oh my God.

Even in the distorted parallel universe that is right-wing politics in the US, that is utterly bizarre. People who do this have lost (if they ever had it) the power of reason and common sense.

Will they start dying their hair next? Applying orange sun cream?

A few years ago I thought Trump was finished, politically. Now it seems he really may be re-elected. That in itself is enough to convince the rest of the world that the US has collectively lost its mind.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
Shouldnt the bandage things have MAGA emblazoned on them?
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
I refuse to believe Trump will win. But the Dems probably need to replace Biden.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
I am afraid its now highly likely. I dont know wether to feel sorry for the American public given the choices open to them, to pity them for their stupidity in allowing this to happen, or to despise them for facilitating it.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - sooty123
Agreed he's ahead in several of the swing states, narrow but consistantly ahead.

Latest odds, Biden 9/1 Trump 2/5.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Terry
Trump and Biden are old men. The chance of either surviving compos mentis for a full term are no better than 50:50 - although at the moment Trump seems to be in better condition.

That the Democrats should have chosen as presidential hopeful someone with greater mental acuity and physical resilience is blindingly obvious. Biden never expected to serve two terms.

Like him or not (I don't) Trump is a very effective campaigner. He can sway opinion in the same way as Boris or Nigel. Democracy means the one with the most votes gets to chose the game and the rules. The most persuasive win, not the one with the best policies.

Not all Trump supporters are bonehead rednecks - Republicans include the well educated, sincere and decent. Just as there is no justification for asserting all Boris and Nigel supporters as flawed, corrupt, unpleasant and selfish.

Democracy can deliver extremes of governance through ignorance, stupidity and gullibility. The losers need to accept responsibility for their failure to win and allowing bluster and bullying to dominate the debate.

Trump was a known quantity, his electioneering tactics no secret. The Democrats (IMHO) are largely responsible for his current ascendancy. Biden should have announced he would be stepping down 1-2 years ago so a credible successor could be groomed.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
No decent and intelligent person could support a candidate who does not accept election results. I'd say the same now about both Johnson and Farage.

Some sort of tactical vote maybe, but the alternative would have to be truly awful
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - CGNorwich
“include the well educated, sincere and decent“

I don t accept that premise. There is something very wrong with your education, sense of decency and judgement if you can believe that Trump should be allowed anywhere near the Presidency.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - smokie
Believe it or not, it is of courser true.

I know a modest number of what I'd consider fairly normal American people who are Republican voters. I also know probably about as many who aren't. It's not really any different from people here who vote for [insert whichever party you oppose].

I said in the election thread that while didn't really want to vote Tory again I'd struggle to vote for Labour, and I didn't want to waste my vote but a least we have a semi-credible third option.

Here we aren't directly voting for the PM anyway. Different there but I suspect there are many who couldn't bring themselves to vote against Republicanism, despite Trump. And also as Terry says, he does have the Farage-type populist appeal
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
And yet...the sheer numbers say Terry must be right.
I put my foot on it recently while chatting with a friend who described his son's American in-laws. Lovely, hospitable people, beautiful house, good jobs. I asked what they thought of Trump running again, thinking they must have been appalled, but apparently they were big Trump supporters.

I hate stereotyping but I think Americans must be very susceptible to 'patriotic ' fervour. Meeting them in social situations I have found most to be incredibly proud just to be American. My daughter when she was 9 spent a day in school with the daughter of friends living in the Carolinas at the time. Every morning, these little kids stood before the flag and pledged allegiance, and sang Hail to the Chief.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
My daughter when she was 9 spent a day in school with the
>> daughter of friends living in the Carolinas at the time. Every morning, these little kids
>> stood before the flag and pledged allegiance, and sang Hail to the Chief.

Because its a state mandated rule. Same thing happens in North Korea, only there we call it indoctrination. Not surprised its in the Deep south. America is a country still divided by the civil war. And one day, will fracture again.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 09:38
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
>> “include the well educated, sincere and decent“
>> I don t accept that premise.

Nor do I. Well educated, yes*, Sincere and decent? No. They allow trump to exist purely to get power and control, and in the process make themselves wealthy. They know, that allowing Trump to gather all the disparate loony factions - Yes the religious, the red necks, the racists, - all the nutty types together, they will obtain the path to such money and influence.

* well educated? Extensively Educated Yes, well? not so sure. Bit like Boris really, a man who was educated beyond his intellectual capability
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
Decent Germans must have voted for Hitler.

That might lead one to think that sometimes ordinary folk will vote for evil demagogues even seeing what they are. But when they do, something is going seriously wrong.

If Trump wins, he will gerrymander the system such that the Dems can't win.. He's already said he will replace 50,000 non partisan civil servants with political appointees. He's already captured the Supreme Court
Last edited by: Manatee on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 09:42
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
>> Decent Germans must have voted for Hitler.

Brainwashed, with fervour, pomp, showmanship and good oratory. Just Like Mussolini, and Trump.

The population needs to be cynical, distrustful of their politicians, hold them to account. I like the French, they are almost ungovernable.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Terry
There seem to be two basic propositions:

- it is inconceivable that anyone voting for Trump is decent, honest, sincere, intelligent etc

- by elimination voting Biden is the solution for the decent, honest, sincere, intelligent etc

That you may feel strongly about Trumps policies and outlook is entirely reasonable.

Dismissing those who think differently as somehow "sub-human" is a denial of basic democratic principle. Democracy works (sort of) by allowing all to express society acting accordingly.

Those who win political races communicate and motivate the most people most effectively. Trump, Johnson, Farage clearly have/had the talent. The solution is for the opposition to up its game, not dismiss the winners as unworthy.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
I'd be more inclined to take your pure view on democracy were it not for the fact that Trump (and many adherents) won't accept election results.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - sooty123
>> I'd be more inclined to take your pure view on democracy were it not for
>> the fact that Trump (and many adherents) won't accept election results.

They would but only open and fair ones as they see it.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero

>> - it is inconceivable that anyone voting for Trump is decent, honest, sincere, intelligent etc
Very possible, and you only have to see the interviews of many trump supporters to back this up.

>> - by elimination voting Biden is the solution for the decent, honest, sincere, intelligent etc

Not at all, at least no-one on here has said that*

>> That you may feel strongly about Trumps policies and outlook is entirely reasonable.

>> Dismissing those who think differently as somehow "sub-human" is a denial of basic democratic principle.

It may be, but it does not alter the fact that a lot of the trump supporters have had their prejudices, unfounded grievances, and lack of normal objectivity massaged and heightened by trump.

>> Those who win political races communicate and motivate the most people most effectively. Trump, Johnson,
>> Farage clearly have/had the talent. The solution is for the opposition to up its game,

Very true, and this leads us to* above. Biden is clearly not fit for role or office. ergo trump thrives.

>> not dismiss the winners as unworthy.

But in some cases they are not. That fact cant be changed
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
Kari Lake is being sued by an election official whom she accused of fabricating votes for Biden. Here she tells Emily Maitlis she needs her head examined.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
Think that just about sums my points up. Is she educated? Bachelor of Arts in communications and journalism from the University of Iowa. Is she decent, honest, sincere,? make you own mind up.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - BiggerBadderDave
'make you own mind up.'

I have. I'd do her.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
Wot? trumps sloppy seconds?
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - sooty123
Problem is in America each side thinks the same about each other. For everyone thinking trump is a looney and a danger, his supporters think that about the Democrats and their supporters. They genuinely think the Democrats are a danger to democracy and need to be stopped just as much as people think it about trump.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - BiggerBadderDave
'Wot? trumps sloppy seconds?'

Certainly won't have been the first...
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - martin aston
Manatee, the is new to me. Thanks for mentioning it. Amusing and alarming in equal measure.
Last edited by: martin aston on Fri 19 Jul 24 at 20:19
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - bathtub tom
I know an American, who married an English guy and moved here. Since then, she's been able to see what a nut-case Trump is. She's fallen out with her family over this.

Are they that insular?
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - maltrap
Trump is a megalomaniac.
I repeat.
Pray for America.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - CGNorwich
>> Trump is a megalomaniac.
>> I repeat.
>> Pray for America.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - CGNorwich

>> >> Pray for America.
>> >>
Too late. He has God on his side. He told us .
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - RichardW
The hand of God intervened and deflected the path of the object whizzing through the air!
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - tyrednemotional
Him and Maradona, eh. Never see them in the same room, do you. ;-)
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Zero
>> Him and Maradona, eh. Never see them in the same room, do you. ;-)

Tricky feat that, one of them is dead.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Bromptonaut
>> Tricky feat that, one of them is dead.

Hmm, would the world be safer if Maradona were the one still with us?
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 20 Jul 24 at 16:26
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - James Loveless
Biden has just announced he's dropping out as presidential candidate.

Things could get very interesting. I think.
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - legacylad
And not before time.
My USA friends tell me he should have gone years ago..after the recent debacle they’re surprised he lasted 48 hours
 Trump shot - apparently not seriously. - Manatee
I can understand why Biden hung on. Who, if they cared at all about the USA, wouldn't want to defeat Trump if they could. But it was very apparent he was no longer the best option.

Obvious as it was...we still have another candidate who is if a similar age and frankly to my mind is clearly suffering badly from declining cognitive ability. The focus will inevitably shift if the Dems can field an intelligent, articulate opponent.

Trump is clearly mentally unfit. His own speech is now frequently slurred and his comments SM on Biden's withdrawal are not the words of a sane person.
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