Non-motoring > New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 17

 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - zippy
Really only useful if you use tap-in / out on the London rail services.

There are fake ticket inspectors doing the rounds asking for your card to verify you have paid.

I have never seen a ticket inspector out of uniform.

Example video here:

(Warning - some bad language and racist comments.)

 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Fullchat

I once had the pleasure in an official capacity of removing a similar hard sell salesman from a house. The householders were at their wits end and called the Police.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - BiggerBadderDave
This is a huge problem for me. My folks are 86/87. She's at advanced dementia (she barely recognises me), he's a tough ex-merchant navy engineer but now suffering cancer and a partial foot amputation. I stayed with them last year until he regained mobility and I was there for about three months.

I can't tell you the amount of calls that I intercepted that wanted his bank affairs. And the number of door to door twits wanting tarmac or charity donations. I caught him actually waving his cheque book at one who certainly won't be coming back when I finished with him. Plus a family opposite who I can only describe as 'grooming'.

When I left him last week I said 'under any circumstances give no details of any kind regarding banking, nothing at all, absolutely nothing and go personally straight to the bank for verification'.

I just don't think he really listened to me. Very worried.
Last edited by: BiggerBadderDave on Fri 12 Jul 24 at 22:51
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Fullchat
A trusting generation. Sad what we've become :(
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - zippy
It's a trusting generation. I used to take great pleasure in teasing my aunt about modern tech and scams and when she realised I was taking the mick (usually when my kids were smirking), she would chide me - never seriously.

I really miss her.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - smokie
I recall when my mum was well that way my sis took over her financial stuff such that she only had access to small amounts of money without intervention. Eventually formalised with Power of Attorney. I suppose it's more difficult for you managing that at a distance.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Falkirk Bairn
I used to be with Talk Talk - Indian Call Centre had computer hacked.
3,4 + Scam calls per day.
Kill yourself to get to a phone and it's a scam.

Switched to Sky - free software call Sky Shield that monitors calls.
Good list get through
Banned list Blocked
New calls filtered, the computer rings you, they give a name and you agree or refuse+ you can add them to the "good" or "scam" lists

No scam calls since - about 7 years.

It's a pain the the ar5e getting numbers in
The numbers are easily put in but many people you know have multiple numbers - house, work, mobile, work mobile etc etc

Other telephone companies will offer similar blocking -with some it is £ extra per month.

Scam calls on my Sky Mobile are increasing, no Sky Shield there.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Bobby
You still use a landline?
How retro!
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - smokie
Did you get a new number when you changed? And go ex-directory? And are you on the TPS?

Can't think that I get many scam calls, though once in a while I get a burst of accident lawyers for a few days then it dies off.

The thing I do get is companies calling me about my solar panels. Somehow the installed database has been circulated. These people often won't repeat the name of their company for me, can't offer a company website and I don't know who they are working for. My neighbour followed through with one and a local company came out and did a survey of his panels and made a number of technically incorrect, completely pointless and costly suggestions and observations. He isn't stupid (or poor) so didn't fall for it. So not quite a scam but getting there.

OTOH he also allowed a cold call company (which I usually hang up, if ever I get them) to do a free insulation survey which resulted in him getting a load of extra loft insulation for free (albeit a massive amount of work clearing and unboarding it for access). So sometimes it's possible to cut off your nose to spite your face...
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Fullchat
Ive had the same calls regarding maintaining my panels.
Ours were fitted by a company called Evoenergy in 2011. They are still trading and installing industrial solar systems and no longer domestic installs.
I had a chat with one of their representatives regarding these so called 'maintenance' calls.
He informed me that someone had walked away with a database which they were exploiting under several guises.
Also that there really was no need for extensive 'maintenance' as such.
Also calls regarding retro fitting of battery storage. It must all be linked.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sat 13 Jul 24 at 13:43
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Bromptonaut
Had one or two recently where the voice seems to be recorded.

Most recent was earlier this week on my work phone. Female voice and said she was from Housing.

Although my role is Welfare Benefits I do from time to time support people who are in housing need either for a new home or adaptations for disability so I needed to find out an address/name. However voice just kept on talking about problems like damp, mold etc. Clearly had no comprehension of being talked to. No idea what she wanted as once I was certain it wasn't a proper professional call I cut her off.

Had similar on the home phone from 'energy advisors'.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Ted

Latest for me last week was from a detective ringing from Acton in London saying that two men had been arrested trying to buy an expensive mobile phone using my credit card details. Wife answered phone and got all this spiel but when she handed the phone to me, the caller rang off !

MiL was totally out of touch with all financial stuff towards her 90s. All mail was hidden under the settee cushions and not dealt with.. luckily, she lived next door and I checked every time I went in. Having POA, I was in charge of her pension and paid everything for her. On one occasion, a man came down the drive and entered her house by the back door. He went upstairs and started rummaging through her drawers, looking for jewellery. He had been before asking if she wanted to sell anything, so she knew him by sight. I saw him go down the drive between our houses so I armed myself with my old police staff, which hung on the radiator by my front door, and confronted him on the stairs. I ended up punching him and throwing him down the couple of steps from the patio where he got up and ran for it. I made and fitted 6ft high gates across both our drives between the houses couple of weeks later !

In spite of being with TPS for years, I get plenty of scammers but I can deal with them, rudely sometimes. As a guy on the telly said " I treat it as a blood sport " !

 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Fullchat
"....I saw him go down the drive between our houses so I armed myself with my old police staff, which hung on the radiator by my front door, and confronted him on the stairs. I ended up punching him and throwing him down the couple of steps from the patio where he got up and ran for it......."
Still got it Ted :)) (as well as the staff)
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sat 13 Jul 24 at 17:58
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Ted

Yes, got one or two bits from the old job.. My old regulation staff and whistle. A staff that was SWM's grandpas from the first war with his name and the city coat of arms onit. I have a slightly longer onewith a thick string strap, it's a lighter wood, maybe military. Also a 15inch length of rebar with 6 inches of rubber hose over one end as a handle which I took off some thug.

Another useful bit of kit is a replica Samurai sword made out of wood...I think it was used for practice.

There is my old Noddy bike as well...not so easy to use as a weapon though !

 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - bathtub tom
It seems the calls usually start with: "Hello, how are you today", or something similar. If I'm in the mood, I'll wind them up for a while. If I'm not, I'll leave them on speaker, listening to R4 or anything on.
 New Scam - Fake Ticket Inspectors - Ted

I like to do a wind-up as well.

A favourite of mine is " Could you ring back later please only we're just expecting the undertaker to arrive "

Curious how they put the phone down on me instantly and don't ring back...very rude !

 Card Scams - Bromptonaut
Mrs B and I have both had our debit cards stopped and replaced in the last year, twice in my case, because of suspect transactions.

Arrived in France yesterday of the overnight ferry to Caen At around 09:)0 my Santander Credit Card wouldn't work when buying fuel on the Autoroute. Two tries; both refused. Used my Barclaycard and thought no more of it.

A couple of hours later, when we stopped again for a comfort break there was a message from Santander for 2 payments of around £168 declined by Total at 08:00. First thought was along lines of oh no not again then realised the print out for the abortive x/action was for 200Euro. That's presumably what the fuel station sought to earmark until the delivery was complete.

A not particularly quick call to Santander in the UK sorted it.

Better safe than sorry.
 Card Scams - smokie
Reminds me of years back when buying fags in that cheap shop just over the French border in Adinkerke, Belgium. Exactly as I was carrying out the purchase the phone went. It was my bank (probably NatWest) checking it was me trying to spend. That was speedy!!
Last edited by: smokie on Tue 16 Jul 24 at 10:57
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