Non-motoring > Diane Abbott Miscellaneous
Thread Author: maltrap Replies: 33

 Diane Abbott - maltrap
Abbott says she has been barred from applying for a Labour seat.
Starmer says she hasn’t.
Is someone telling pork’s?
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> Abbott says she has been barred from applying for a Labour seat.
>> Starmer says she hasn’t.
>> Is someone telling pork’s?

It's odd.

Nominations close next week so if the constituency party adopt her she's their candidate.

I suspect though there's a message, if only subliminal, that says the NEC will not support that and impose their own candidate.
 Diane Abbott - Zero
Who wants her, she is an idiot. (nothing to do with her sex or race, just her capability)
 Diane Abbott - Robin O'Reliant
>> Who wants her, she is an idiot. (nothing to do with her sex or race,
>> just her capability)

Not fit for cabinet definitely, but by all accounts a very good constituency MP. Although I too regarded her as a bit of a joke I do not believe she should have been suspended for claiming that blacks suffer more racism than jews. I don't agree with it having myself lived in a strong Jewish area and seen what they can face, but everyone is entitled to an opinion and in denying that we will end up with a load of grey Jim Hackers, terrified of doing or saying anything that might offend some group or other.
Last edited by: Robin O'Reliant on Wed 29 May 24 at 18:41
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> Who wants her, she is an idiot. (nothing to do with her sex or race,
>> just her capability)

Not a race sex thing but if you think the real Diane Abbott is an idiot then maybe, just maybe, you need to check the focus of your political telescope.
 Diane Abbott - Zero
>> Not a race sex thing but if you think the real Diane Abbott is an
>> idiot then maybe, just maybe, you need to check the focus of your political telescope.

I think Boris is an idiot as well, which I am sure you will agree with Is your pollical telescope a bit occluded and getting in your way?
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 29 May 24 at 20:56
 Diane Abbott - stan10
No particular fan of Diane Abbott, but
she has made a clear public statement that she has been barred to stand for the Labour party.

Starmer has publicly stated that she has not.

So - one of them is lying ?

Who ? Diane Abbott, if so Starmer is right BUT - he's now endorsing a liar to represent his party.

Or, Diane is right and Starmer is lying to try and protect his image, and promote his career.

Either way one of them is lying.

IMO all ambitious politicians put their own careers way before our interests,
(even Winston Churchill changed horses on his way to the top)

No wonder that most ordinary people distrust politicians.

Last edited by: stan10 on Wed 29 May 24 at 19:14
 Diane Abbott - Kevin
The last time I saw her appear on TV, probably a couple of months ago, I was shocked. She appeared deurmekaar (a useful Afrikaans word). I think she's got problems.
Last edited by: Kevin on Wed 29 May 24 at 19:32
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
I've said elsewhere she doesn't look/sound in good health. Her issues last time with inability to get numbers right were said to be down to poorly controlled diabetes but I wonder if there's more. Something I've seen in the last 24 hours mentioned health.

Whatever you think of her politics, and she's on the opposite side of the Broad Church to me, she was an award winning orator in Parliament, she's not who she was.

I don't think it's as simple as a binary she's lying or Starmer is issue.

Anybody who has seen employment disputes, which in a sense is what this is, at first hand will recognise that perceptions are all. It isn't a black/white thing.
 Diane Abbott - maltrap
Abbott and Corbyn very friendly at one time .
I recall she was opposed to private schools, then sent her son to one I think he had some problems.
 Diane Abbott - Bobby
Saw one account, maybe Peston, suggesting that the plan was to give her the whip back and then she would retire and not stand again so she could leave with plaudits and best wishes.

But somewhere leaks were made to the press before Abbott knew.
 Diane Abbott - Zero
Well gobbing off (something she is prone to do) and disrupting the party election messages is not going to win her many future plaudits. cept from the Tories maybe.
 Diane Abbott - Terry
A guess - Abbott wants the Labour nomination but suspected she would be blocked by "permanently changed" Labour.

Making the unsubstantiated claim that the national Labour party would not allow her to stand puts Starmer on the spot.

He may see her a threat to party stability (or even dislike her) and not want her to stand. Denying her could alienate a lot of her (Labour) supporters.

To avoid commitment the Starmer comment was that "no decision has been made". This may be true, it may not - but he is probably hoping that in a weeks time it will be old news.
 Diane Abbott - Falkirk Bairn
IMHO Diane Abbot has some £91,436 + expenses reasons for wanting to stand
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> Saw one account, maybe Peston, suggesting that the plan was to give her the whip
>> back and then she would retire and not stand again so she could leave with
>> plaudits and best wishes.
>> But somewhere leaks were made to the press before Abbott knew.

That's pretty much what's emerging. They were trying to sort out a deal whereby she would agree her time as an MP was over, perhaps quoting her health, but have the whip returned. A Life Peerage might have been mentioned too.

It was leaked to The Times creating the train wreck now littered across Hackney.
 Diane Abbott - James Loveless
I suspect part of the real agenda here is getting rid of the remnants of the hard left as represented by Corbyn and his cronies. Whether that is a real concern any more with potential voters I have no idea. However, I have little doubt that the intention is for Abbott not to stand for re-election, but to make that look as palatable as possible.

However, what Abbott represents as a black person in public office is significant for a sizable proportion of the electorate and Starmer's clumsy way of dealing with all of this looks likely to backfire.

I agree that as a parliamentary politician she has become dysfunctional and her time as Shadow Home Secretary gave rise to some toe-curlingly embarrassing interviews.
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> I suspect part of the real agenda here is getting rid of the remnants of
>> the hard left as represented by Corbyn and his cronies.

That I think is spot on. Two other prominent left wingers, Lloyd Russel-Mole in Brighton and Faiza Shaheen who came close to unseating IDS last timeout have both been blocked. Historic tweets seem to be part of the case against at least Shaheen.

Abbott I think, in spite of her foot in mouth moments, has totemic status as first black woman MP. There are a lot of Labour people, including many who were never Corbynites, who are disgusted by the way she's been treated. I'm one of them.

I wouldn't be surprised if she's allowed to stand rather than the party face the fuss that will follow if she's defenestrated.
 Diane Abbott - sooty123
How should she have been treated?
 Diane Abbott - Terry
She should either have had the whip removed permanently 6 months ago, or be allowed to stand.

Readmission is tacit approval she is an acceptable member. As a sitting politician with a massive majority she should be allowed to stand - there is no good reason to deny her.

It may be that re-admission was a kick the can down the road attempt to avoid confronting the problem, or that a deal was planned where following re-admission she would step down anyway.

The affair demonstrates party unity and political integrity leaves a lot to be desired despite the efforts of the leadership to promote the illusion the party is "permanently changed"
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
Yvette Cooper has spoken strongly in Abbott's favour including particularly work in the Constituency and Windrush. Angela Rayner has said she should be allowed to stand.
 Diane Abbott - Fullchat
Abbott over the last few years has become the 'elephant in the room'. As a member of the opposition she was manageable. Now the Labour party are potentially heading towards an election victory she isn't really a suitable candidate for membership of a cabinet.
The writing was on the wall some time ago and the fact that there are now issues just several weeks before a general election is worrying. in so far as what does this say about the real leadership abilities of a future PM and the ability to manage difficult decisions?
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> Abbott over the last few years has become the 'elephant in the room'. As a
>> member of the opposition she was manageable. Now the Labour party are potentially heading towards
>> an election victory she isn't really a suitable candidate for membership of a cabinet.

I don't think anybody has suggested she would or should be in the cabinet. Question is whether she can stand in Hackney and serve on the back benches. I think that's doable.
 Diane Abbott - CGNorwich
The Labour Party will win th next election because it is now perceived as a left of centre moderate party thanks to the efforts of Starmer. There is no place for the loony hard left if Labour are to be taken seriously as a party of government.
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> The Labour Party will win th next election because it is now perceived as a
>> left of centre moderate party thanks to the efforts of Starmer. There is no place
>> for the loony hard left if Labour are to be taken seriously as a party
>> of government.

Do you think Abbott is 'loony hard left'.

Clearly on the left but some way from loony IMHO.
 Diane Abbott - CGNorwich
I think most voters would perceive her as part of the “loony left”. She is certainly an electoral liability fo a party claiming the centre ground.
 Diane Abbott - Robin O'Reliant
I suspect Labour are also worried that she might stand as an independent. She has a large personal following in what is predominantly a black constituency (Unless things have changed since I last visited Hackney) and would likely win it.
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> I suspect Labour are also worried that she might stand as an independent. She has
>> a large personal following in what is predominantly a black constituency (Unless things have changed
>> since I last visited Hackney) and would likely win it.

Corbyn's likely to win in Islington and I guess another independent is, relisitically, something they need like a hole in the head.
 Diane Abbott - R.P.
Abbott and Corbyn very friendly at one time

I read somewhere that they went on a motorcycling holiday to East Germany on an MZ. I am not one to judge people by their choice of 2 wheels but I'd would prefer to be on a Honda rather than an MZ

Abbott was a career campaigner, but clearly became a little odd during the last election but one.
 Diane Abbott - Zero

>> I read somewhere that they went on a motorcycling holiday to East Germany on an
>> MZ.

Only because they couldn't get a Russian Ural M-62
 Diane Abbott - James Loveless
Today, as Starmer finally announced she is free to stand as a Labour candidate, it was noticeable how badly her hand holding her microphone was shaking as she addressed crowds in London.

There are various theories swirling around - that she has dementia, or parkinson's - or that at least there is something quite seriously wrong with her health.
 Diane Abbott - CGNorwich
I rather think she is looking to retire rather than be sacked and now has an agreement to that. I very much doubt she will stand as an MP.
 Diane Abbott - Bromptonaut
>> There are various theories swirling around - that she has dementia, or parkinson's - or
>> that at least there is something quite seriously wrong with her health.

She has diabetes and failure to control it was said to be responsible for that train wreck interview in 2019.

I don't think she's demented but Parkinsons is a possibility.
 Diane Abbott - James Loveless
I knew she had diabetes, but some time ago she announced it was under control. If she is in fact unwell, one (generous) interpretation of Starmer's actions is that it was a clumsy attempt to encourage her to retire.

Whatever the truth about that, I sense that a lot of damage has been inflicted on itself by the Labour Party. Pointed questions are still being directed at Starmer, whose only comment seems to be that the matter has been dealt with. The issue seems to be dominating the election headlines today.
 Diane Abbott - sooty123

All been pretty messy, looks like she is standing.
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