Non-motoring > Getting rid of booze... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 29

 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
I have two cupboards full of mainly unopened spirits, some from when I worked for a ferry company many many years ago and some from a raffle prize of a wheelbarrow of booze I won not quite so many years ago (though clearly that was partially made of someone's drink cupboard clearance)

No-one I know drinks spirits, except gin & vodka. So I have whiskies and brandies and possibly some others e.g. Tequila (and what's Metaxa?)

Must be quite a few hundred quids worth to buy, and I'm sure it won't have gone out of date (whisky, brandy etc).

So I'm looking to reclaim the space. So is it likely to still be OK? There's no wine-type drinks - we aren't tee-total y'know!! (And I'm going to probably keep the Gentleman Jack).

I don't think eBay or Gumtree will accept booze ads. Nor Freegle, if I wanted to give it away - but before I try, does anyone have any idea how I could monetise it?

I'm not about to host a car4play tasting party before anyone suggests it!! :-)
 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
Metaxa is, I think, a Greek brandy.

Edit: After a Google they also produce Ouzo.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 24 May 24 at 15:32
 Getting rid of booze... - Fullchat
And their lower end stuff is probably only suitable for de-greasing car parts. :)
 Getting rid of booze... - Kevin
Metaxa is indeed a Greek brandy. The 3 star is a bit rough but I will be having a 5 star after dinner in Kefalonia on 4th July. The 7 star and especially the older special edition stuff is too good for my jaded palate.

I'd offer to take it off your hands but only drink booze on holiday.
 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
I seem to remember bringing one of the higher star ones back from Corfu c1982. Silly cheap by UK standards and very nice indeed. Not quite the same as the good French stuff my Dad liked but more 'cos it was a different product than any relationship to Firewater.

Thing I like in the brandy line is Calvados.
 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
Yes there is a Calvados there, and I think that's one I'll keep - we used to bring stuff back each time - often some weird liqueur type thing which never tastes the same in your sunny back garden as it does at the beach bar. Those will be going down the drain.
 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
We did the liqueur thing too. Something from Spain the colour of Meths is one I remember.
 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
There is a 3/4 full plastic bottle without a label in amongst all this, so I opened it and took a sniff and it's BBQ lighting fluid!!
Last edited by: smokie on Fri 24 May 24 at 17:29
 Getting rid of booze... - BiggerBadderDave
'We did the liqueur thing'

I always do that on the first date.
 Getting rid of booze... - Zero
Make the world's most powerful triffle
 Getting rid of booze... - Bobby
Smokie, in exactly save boat as you. Have a kitchen cupboard full of unused booze and the space could be better used.
We rarely drink spirits, more prefer a lager or white wine for the missus.
Have openly spoken about this to the kids in the hope they had a party to go to and could take the lot. But to no avail.
Meanwhile it was the missus birthday couple weeks ago and son bought her bottle of Gin! To add to the collection……
 Getting rid of booze... - Manatee
>> Make the world's most powerful triffle

Genius. Go for it. Nothing sophisticated, trifle sponges, jelly, custard, tinned mixed fruit, whipped cream, hundreds and thousands. And a litre or so from the cupboard.
 Getting rid of booze... - CGNorwich
Got a bottle of 100 degrees proof Akpeteshie from Ghana. Thanks should do the job.
 Getting rid of booze... - R.P.
We occasionally get bottles of booze at the Foodbank. Down the sink it goes !

We have a half a dozen bottles of wine, one bottle of beer, half a bottle of Gin atm. There is also a bottle of Penderyn Whiskey which we one in a raffle.....I rarely drink at home these days.
 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
We don't get much but our Foodbank has a staff draw every so often for any booze and other odds and sods we can't give out. Anything with alcohol is a no-no, my recollection is even if it's just a miniscule amount as an ingredient like in a shop Christmas pud.
 Getting rid of booze... - zippy
>> Make the world's most powerful triffle

One of my favorite foodstuffs.
 Getting rid of booze... - legacylad
Got any Benedictine ?
Served with ice out here in my current May rental
Hot water in my winter rentals. Or apres ski
 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
Probably, have loads of liqueurs.

I know what'll happen. I'll get rid of it all then someone I know will ask for one of them.

Anyway to revive 1 question (for now) are the spirits likely to still be as drinkable if they are, say, over 30 years old? I don't want to break open sealed bottles to find out, even if I was sufficiently skilled to know the difference! (Could be a fun evening though :-) )
 Getting rid of booze... - bathtub tom
The unopened spirits should be fine. Any whisky could have a monetary value, particularly if it's single malt. I've just been given some Laphroaig for my birthday - apparently it's forty quid a bottle!
 Getting rid of booze... - Ted

I'm halfway through a bottle of that Tubby. Also birthday at New Year from eldest. Alternating with a bottle of Jura.

I ration myself, always have a bottle of Aldi, Co-op or Tesco Scotch for non-malt indulgence.

 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
I think there is one unopened bottle of Glenfiddich. There is some Lagavulan, which I once had a taste for, but went off after a spectacular overdose of it one NYE!!

I need to do a bit of an audit in the next few days.
 Getting rid of booze... - Fursty Ferret
I'll take the Lagavulin off your hands if you've gone off it...
 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
I'll share it with Fursty...
 Getting rid of booze... - bathtub tom
So Ted and I are hoping he's got some Laphroaig, Jura or, heaven forbid, Port Ellen.

Ted, ALDI do a very respectable Isla, Glen Marnoch in a purple banded tube. They do a couple more under the smae name, including a Speyside.
 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
>> Ted, ALDI do a very respectable Isla, Glen Marnoch in a purple banded tube. They
>> do a couple more under the smae name, including a Speyside.

I like that one too.
 Getting rid of booze... - Ted

Yes, I've bought the Marnoch and Lidl do a palatable malt too...Glen Sumfing. Currently finishing a bottle of Aldi's Highland Earl non-malt. Ok with diet lemonade as a long drink.

Currently sat in front of a bottle of Smithwicks Red Ale from the fridge waiting for the kick-off.

If the correct team win, the malt may come out late !

 Getting rid of booze... - Bromptonaut
>>Currently finishing a bottle of Aldi's Highland Earl non-malt. Ok with diet lemonade as a long drink.

Their Highland Black is excellent as a premium blend too. Very similar to the equivalent in Sainsburys.
 Getting rid of booze... - Manatee
Yes check the whisky before disposal.

I have a bottle of Glengoyne Teapot Dram I never broached, probably cost £50 in 2013, can still be bought for £210. And a few more in special boxes or tins including a Talisker in a particular RNLI box still on sale for £245. The Glengoyne I bought on a distillery visit, and the Talisker I'm pretty sure came from an airport duty free!

Trouble is once you know it worth something you don't want to open it.

I have a Johnnie Walker Green Label (vatted malt) I picked up for nearly half price when they were about to be discontinued. That did actually appreciate, then they decided to relaunch it...can now be had for £35 and a bargain at that. I'll open that when my whisky pal comes over from NI.
 Getting rid of booze... - smokie
So here's the quick audit, all unopened and most likely unwanted. I only post this out of interest, not trying to shift it here.

70 cl Famous Grouse whisky
2 x 1l Johnnie Walker Red whisky
2 x 1l Pernod
1l Pastis
750cl Bells 8 year old whisky
1l Teachers whisky
70cl Grants Family Reserve whisky
70cl Metaxa, boxed
1l Glenfiddich 18 year old, boxed
70cl Ron Barcelo Imperial (boittle number 4379)
20cl Tekirdag Gold series

Very roughly that's a bit over £400 retail today, with the 18yo Glenfiddich topping the chart at about £90. Too good for the drains I'd say!! :-)

I've ignored the stuff which might get used - gins & vodkas. And there's a lot more in opened bottles - I found I have 2 x Glenfiddich malt open, 1 with only 1 measure missing - plus the weird cheapo stuff from holidays.

I guess we'd hang onto a whisky though there are a couple open.

That was thirsty work, time for a King Goblin or two I think :-)
 Getting rid of booze... - Dave_
When we cleared out Dad's house, we found he'd brought back a duty-free bottle of cheap whisky from every overseas business trip over about 20 years. He had a cupboard full of the stuff.

We sold it to the local conservative club for a few quid a bottle, I believe they passed some of it along to the Legion around the corner. Might be a way to shift your little stash?
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