Non-motoring > One of Our Helicopters is Missing Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 29

 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - zippy

Israel is saying:
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
Dont worry, its only a hard landing. Ryan Air does that all the time
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
Such bad luck that the one (out of three) that had a "hard landing" is the one with the VIP on board.........
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 19 May 24 at 17:50
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - bathtub tom
>> Dont worry, its only a hard landing. Ryan Air does that all the time

Is that like one of Elon Musk's: 'rapid unscheduled dismantling'?
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
No that is mid air. Uncontrolled air/ground interface, musk speak for this one.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - James Loveless
Some news sources are saying it's much more serious.

A crash in the mountains in fog, with the helicopter and its occupants "missing".

Iran state media are the ones saying it was a "hard landing", but are probably desperate to downplay the incident, at least until they actually know what happened.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - zippy
According to the news, he's second in command of Iran with the Supreme Leader being the head of Govt. there.

Apparently a butcher. Ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners in the '80s.

Sounds like a lovely chap.

 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - James Loveless
Iranian state media are now saying the president and foreign minister were killed in the helicopter crash.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - James Loveless
I have a friend who is from Iran, who was telling me earlier today that there is almost universal rejoicing among ordinary people over the death of Raisi. They are well aware of his history as a murderer who had been personally responsible for many deaths.

Meanwhile, the government has announced five days of mourning and state-run media say he was "martyred", which is difficult to square with what we know of the circumstances of his death, unless they're going to spin it to look as if there was some "interference" - foreign or otherwise.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - martin aston
Apparently their helicopters are all old. I doubt they have the spares to maintain them properly, even those used by the government. I wouldn’t like to be one of the maintenance engineers that signed this one off.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - zippy
>> I wouldn’t like to be one of the
>> maintenance engineers that signed this one off.

He won't be able to sign anything off once his hands are removed.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Ted

I wonder how Mossad organised the crash.

 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
Amazing how only the important one crashed.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Falkirk Bairn
The helicopter that crashed was one of the newer helicopters owned by the Iranians - A Bell Ranger.

Military helicopters mostly date from before 1979 (45+ years old) when the Shah was overthrown and the Clerics took over.

Age combined with the limited availability of spares means parts for planes, helicopters, oil industry, power generation etc etc are crucifying the economy.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - James Loveless
Now we know why the Iranian state-run media say he was "martyred".

Apparently it's all the fault of the Americans, because their sanctions mean that aviation spares are unobtainable.

A pretty stupid idea, as it's a tacit admission that the helicopter was not being properly maintained and yet the president was still allowed to ride in it.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - zippy
>>Now we know why the Iranian state-run media say he was "martyred".

Surely it was the will of Allah!?
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Rudedog
An older helicopter flying over mountainous ground covered in fog... carrying your top leaders... a recipe for disaster, always seems an odd mode of transport to use for your heads of government/state.

 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Bromptonaut
Seems a clear cut case of flying into cumulus graniticus.

But it also looks like a very old single engine Bell. Even a modern helicopter with all singing all dancing kit wouldn't be my choice in 8/8 on the deck cloud.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Falkirk Bairn
US Embassy diplomats & staff in Tehran held hostage for 444 days after the coup

Hence boycott of new aircraft/helicopter & a parts embargo - so far lasting 45 years

They still buy some parts via 3rd countries BUT even legitimate supplies for 45 year old helicopters are difficult to find - even for helicopters within the USA itself.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - smokie
Am I the only suspicious one here???
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Fullchat
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
Nope. As Gibbs from NCIS says 'Rule 39. There is no such thing as coincidence"
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - sooty123
I was watching some stuff about this. Generally thoughts were he's a nobody, he has no power backers, no base. He's not from a foreign policy or security background. His job is to parrot the lines given to him. It changes little in iran as its destabilises or changes nothing. Plus there's a pretty poor air safety record in iran
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Manatee
>>But it also looks like a very old single engine Bell.

According to the BBC it was a Bell 212.

Appears to be a reasonable sized twin (up to 15 occupants). But not made for 25 years or more.

He was a pretty bad egg by all accounts.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Bromptonaut
Joke on Social Media said that Raisi was killed by and Israeli agent named Eli Copter.

According to Times Radio a French media outlet reported it as a real allegation.....
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - sooty123
Been repeated on Russian tv as well.
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - zippy
I was a passenger in a car being driven over a pot holed road when I read that and read Rishi was killed!

An omg moment! :-)
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Zero
That's really funny, I had to giggle
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - helicopter
He was stoned to death by a mountain...
 One of Our Helicopters is Missing - Bromptonaut
Doing rounds on SM is a picture of Raisi in robes etc shaking hands with the Azerbijani leader.

Caption is 'I guess the wingsuit wasn't much help'.
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