Non-motoring > Infected Blood Scandal Legal Questions
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 11

 Infected Blood Scandal - zippy
There was a bit on the radio about this earlier today.

A heart-rending story of a child born in 1982 who died 7 years later weighing 13 pounds. His name was Colin.

His parents were told he had HIV in 1984, without any explanation as to what it was or precautions that they needed to take (other kids in the house / potential for cuts being a cross infection risk).

1984 was before many people knew what HIV was.

His medical notes contained a note that suggested that Colin was part of a trial - something that the parents were not told and had not given consent to - I thought this was illegal?

There was also a suggestion that the UK had been warned as early as 1973 that the blood / Factor 8 from the USA was potentially infected but seems to have been totally ignored.

The inquiry concludes on Monday I believe.
 Infected Blood Scandal - Falkirk Bairn
News in the last few days in Scotland.
Factor 8 was produced in Scotland.
The Blood Transfusion Service was sourcing blood from the general public + PRISONS!

Only 1 pint of blood from an infected prisoner could pass on HIV to many recipients as the blood of many was mixed in the production process.
This was known and production from "dodgy donations" continued even after they were aware of the problems.
The full report appears on Monday


From the age of 18 until 60 I gave over 100 units in Scotland.
In 2010 when I was desperately ill I received 4 units, 2 before my operation and 2 after I had the operation.
So I still have over 96 units "in reserve"
 Infected Blood Scandal - sooty123
- something that the parents were not told and had not given consent to -
>> I thought this was illegal?

As far as I'm aware/know yes it's illegal. Children aren't able to give consent so clinical trials can't be carried out from what I remember. Drugs for children are worked out rather than carried out iirc.
 Infected Blood Scandal - bathtub tom
SWMBO had a blood transfusion in the early '70s. She's concerned it's what led to her health problems.
 Infected Blood Scandal - zippy
Woman interviewed who said husband had HIV from infected products. Hospital knew but said nothing and they were trying for a family.
 Infected Blood Scandal - Falkirk Bairn
Middle aged man on TV this week.
His dad got HIV from the Factor 8.
His mum contracted HIV when pregnant
His younger sister, a baby, died of HIV.
He was brought up by Grandparents IIRC from Primary School age

The pay out by HMG is reckoned to be between £10Bn & £20Bn
5000 victims of factor 8, 3,500 early deaths & 1500 living with the affects for decades.

The lead campaigner in Scotland could not give evidence to the London inquiry - he is very ill and needs a liver transplant due being infected by Hepatitis C when a young man in the 80s - he was given a blood transfusion .

After 40 years the Government is not ready to pay out - the systems & people will not be in place for another few months
 Infected Blood Scandal - Bromptonaut
Did this stuff first come to light in the eighties or is my imagination over active?

Edit: World in Action highlighted the risk of hepatitis in 1975
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 18 May 24 at 11:26
 Infected Blood Scandal - smokie
A good potted history
 Infected Blood Scandal - Bromptonaut
>> A good potted history

Thank you, that was where I went and where World in Action was mentioned.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 18 May 24 at 12:33
 Infected Blood Scandal - zippy
>> Did this stuff first come to light in the eighties or is my imagination over
>> active?
>> Edit: World in Action highlighted the risk of hepatitis in 1975

The radio interview yesterday with the child infected in the early 80's said the UK were warned as early as 1973 and today on TV a young man who's father died said the equivalent of WHO, then. were warning all blood products should be heat treated to kill hepatitis as early as the 1950's but it wasn't done due to costs.
 Infected Blood Scandal - Rudedog
From the bits I've heard of first hand accounts the one particular harrowing story centres around one of the boarding schools for young children with haemophilia, when the news came out about HIV it seems groups of young children were lined up in a class and then a doctor went along each line and just tapped each infected child on the shoulder - no parents - no explanation, many were under ten years old.

 Infected Blood Scandal - zippy
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