It does. I was also told it's important to make sure you get your passport stamped on entry and exit as that can be used as a basis for calculation - so if you haven't had your exit stamped you may be denied entry next time (probably Daily Mail stuff though, as I imagine these days they will depend on machines to do the recoding and calculation not humans!)
I also gather that entry to countries as they introduce the changes could be really slow as they will do retina scans or fingerprinting or whatever of everyone for the first time, but everyone will be caught in the queue. Again, may or may not be so...
EDIT: Coming back into Heathrow in April we breezed through passports - no delay at all. But all that means (if your flying) is you get to tut more while waiting for your bags in the baggage hall, if you have any!!!
Last edited by: smokie on Mon 6 May 24 at 12:06