Non-motoring > Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 20

 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Hastings is without water!

We've been away so have missed most of the problems - but it's also meant that we haven't been able to store any in pots and pans.

There is apparently one pipe from the reservoir to the town and it failed in the middle of a wood.

The pipe is now fixed - yesterday apparently - but water pressure still hasn't returned with water being diverted to the hospital - understandable.

Problem for the town is it's bank holiday weekend. We get thousands of bikers down on Monday and the "Jack in the Green" festival is on and it's a real income boost for a lost of bars and restaurants as well as other establishments which cannot open (even shops need toilets for staff if not punters).

The town is already one of the most deprived areas in the South East, hitting local businesses in the pocket isn't going to help.

Also - why is there no redundancy in the system - one pipe from the reservoir to the town with over 80,000 people makes no sense.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - bathtub tom
I understand it's one of two pipes connecting the area. Depends which one you're supplied by. Suppose they can't connect one t'other if there's a hole. Hotels providing buckets of sea water to flush loos.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - John Boy
Mine has just come back on, as Southern Water predicted for my part of St Leonards.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Nothing here
Last edited by: zippy on Mon 6 May 24 at 00:47
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Still nothing
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Zero
dont drink the first lot through......
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - John Boy
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Thanks JB saw that.

What made me smile was "Those living west of Fairlight.", which is almost everyone.

We're in St Helens - still nothing.

Went to get some water from Tesco. No queues.

Got some for my neighbour as well. He's not been well. His wife answered the door.

He's been advised to put his affairs in order. It's upset me quite a bit. He's a real character and we often exchange a bottle of beer whilst tinkering in the garden or garage. :-(
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Bromptonaut
>> He's been advised to put his affairs in order. It's upset me quite a bit.
>> He's a real character and we often exchange a bottle of beer whilst tinkering in
>> the garden or garage. :-(

If he's got less than 12months is he aware of 'Special Rules' for PIP or Attendance Allowance?
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Latest update is that we should have water tomorrow (Tuesday)!
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
Thanks Brompt. will let them know.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - John Boy
I hope you continue to engage with him, Zippy. When my Dad was in a similar situation, our neighbour couldn't handle it and stopped visiting, even put his house on the market. It was upsetting for my Dad as they'd previously been very friendly.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
>> I hope you continue to engage with him, Zippy. When my Dad was in a
>> similar situation, our neighbour couldn't handle it and stopped visiting, even put his house on
>> the market. It was upsetting for my Dad as they'd previously been very friendly.

Of course!

I'm just fed up of death at the moment. Too many family and friends in recent years. They say it get's easier - I don't agree.

Seriously considering going part time at work (3 days) to try and get some quality of life back - it's all too short.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Bobby
My sister and husband retired early at 57 ready to travel the world.
Their daughter has just died, leaving them to take over her 3 kids aged 5-11.
They are now back to being primary school parents and their life for the next 15 years at least we’ll be bringing up the kids. Absolutely heartbreaking. When the youngest is 18 , they will be 71/72.
To go from jumping in cheap Ryanair flights with rucksacks to now being tied to school holidays, having to get babysitters etc.
Has absolutely stunned our family.

And that is before they try and sort out the whole legal guardianship. The father of the kids is still about but wants nothing to do with them. But also isn’t willing to co-operate with them.

What a horrible mess.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy

That's so sad. I truly wish your sister and family all the best. The kids must be bewildered and I am sure your sister will do everything she can to show that they are wanted and loved, even if it has messed up plans, there will be different things to enjoy.

As I have posted here before, our god-daughter died during lockdown from returning cancer. One child.

Since then, the father has given up work and won't let the child out of his sight, or let any grandparents, uncles or aunts or cousins see the child. He has even taken the child out of school and is home tutoring. The child is not allowed friends.

I think social services should be involved because if that was an adult he was treating like that it would be controlling behaviour.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - John Boy
>> Seriously considering going part time at work (3 days) to try and get some quality
>> of life back - it's all too short.
If that's how you feel and you can afford to do it, Zippy, it seems a no-brainer to me. I don't know anyone, who has done something similar, who has ultimately regretted it.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Runfer D'Hills
Some here might remember that I agonised about whether to retire for quite a while. Finally did it at the end of November last year. Best thing I’ve done in years. If you can make it happen Zippy, just do it. As someone wiser than me said at the time, no one has “I wish I’d spent more time at work” carved on their gravestone.
We’re still busy, but we’re busy doing stuff we want to do, and that’s the best busy!
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Bromptonaut
>> Seriously considering going part time at work (3 days) to try and get some quality
>> of life back - it's all too short.

I went back to work but only 2-3 days after I left the Civil Service. It's a good work life balance, particularly if you can do Tuesday-Thursday or at least three days on the bounce giving a four day weekend.

Provided of course you can do it without any hardship and making sure you don't lose out on pension or other benefits.

I'm 66 at the end of next year at which point I'll probably knock it on the head, maybe a bit of volunteer adviser work specialising in benefits.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 7 May 24 at 09:11
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Terry
I was offered and, after some deliberation, accepted a voluntary redundancy package at age 58.

Financially I was uncertain and considered work - possibly part time or contract. If you are personally inclined towards extravagance (fancy cars, exotic holidays etc) money may be an issue. If unencumbered by mortgage and children with a moderate income it is no problem.

Like others it was absolutely the right decision. Unless you have risen to dizzying heights in your career, by the time most reach their mid 50s they are side-lined - they may be valued as solid performers, but are not the future of any organisation. Demotivating!!

 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - Runfer D'Hills
I had the opposite scenario. I kept trying to leave and they kept crossing my palm with silver to stay. Flattering at one level I suppose, but in the end it felt like it was time and I have no regrets.
Off to a forest with the bikes today. Priceless.
 Water Water Not Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink - zippy
>> Got some for my neighbour as well. He's not been well. His wife answered the
>> door.
>> He's been advised to put his affairs in order. It's upset me quite a bit.
>> He's a real character and we often exchange a bottle of beer whilst tinkering in
>> the garden or garage. :-(

Sadly my neighbour has passed away.
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