Non-motoring > Steve Wright factoid Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 35

 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
 Steve Wright factoid - Bromptonaut
Who will do Pick of the Pops now?
 Steve Wright factoid - legacylad
Not much older than I.
I’m getting worried
 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
Same age as me. I got worried 4 years ago. Then shrugged and moved on with life.
 Steve Wright factoid - zippy
I enjoyed his radio shows, especially when driving home from a work trip.

 Steve Wright factoid - Robin O'Reliant
He was a lot better than the dross who followed him.
 Steve Wright factoid - CGNorwich
Breaking News

We’re all going to die !

Last edited by: CGNorwich on Tue 13 Feb 24 at 18:37
 Steve Wright factoid - zippy
>> Breaking News
>> We’re all going to die !

Curmudgeon of the day award goes to CGN
 Steve Wright factoid - CGNorwich
Curmudgeon? Not really. Just someone aware of their own mortality And knowing that each day could be my last
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Wed 14 Feb 24 at 09:38
 Steve Wright factoid - VxFan
RIP Mr Angry from Purley.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 14 Feb 24 at 10:58
 Steve Wright factoid - R.P.
I first heard him on R1 and was different and funny. Moved with him to R2 and was a good afternoon listen in the car en-route to jobs.

I got fed up with him in recent years with the Serious Jockeying cobblers. He was past his best in the afternoon slot in my opinion and R2 had to bin him.

Still very much part of my radio life though

Very sad.
 Steve Wright factoid - tyrednemotional
...I date back to Read & Wright on Thames Valley Radio!

I've thought recent pictures of him showed him looking rather bloated, and the very recent one I've seen is shocking.
 Steve Wright factoid - neiltoo
Yes, serious jockin (with no G) turned me off.

He was great with "the old lady" and his two sidekicks, but the impressions were irritating, and seldom funny.
 Steve Wright factoid - legacylad
I just prefer to listen to music on the radio and find the other stuff, “old lady “ or whatever, a huge turn off.
If I want to hear talking I’ll listen to something intelligent on the wireless.

I wonder what caused his relatively early demise ?
 Steve Wright factoid - smokie
Well based on a Mail article which said something like an ambulance was called to an incident at his home, SWMBO is speculating he may have topped himself.
 Steve Wright factoid - sooty123
>> I just prefer to listen to music on the radio and find the other stuff,
>> “old lady “ or whatever, a huge turn off.

Same here, don't really get the thing about DJs.
 Steve Wright factoid - CGNorwich
I dont really see the point of them either. When they start their inane ramblings I swiftly switch to another station.
 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
>> I dont really see the point of them either. When they start their inane ramblings
>> I swiftly switch to another station.

Which has another "presenter/dj"

If you want to listen to music, you stream it/save it. With something like spotify. No need to listen to music on the radio these days.
 Steve Wright factoid - CGNorwich
Not really that interested in music that I would pay for Spotify or go to the trouble of recording it. It’s just bit of background noise when I’m in the car. I mainly listen to speech radio, audio books or podcasts.
 Steve Wright factoid - Crankcase
>> Not really that interested in music that I would pay for Spotify or go to
>> the trouble of recording it. It’s just bit of background noise when I’m in the
>> car. I mainly listen to speech radio, audio books or podcasts.

Spotify gives you audio books, podcasts, and has a huge archive of speech recordings going back decades. They made recordings of the Watergate investigations at the time, which I found fascinating, for example.
 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
>> Not really that interested in music that I would pay for Spotify or go to
>> the trouble of recording it. It’s just bit of background noise when I’m in the
>> car. I mainly listen to speech radio, audio books or podcasts.

So you were just moaning for the sake of it then.
 Steve Wright factoid - legacylad
I wonder if I can get Spotify on my car radio ?
 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
Your car has android auto / car play. You use your phone with that
 Steve Wright factoid - bathtub tom
>> I wonder what caused his relatively early demise ?

I saw a report that he was 'struggling with health issues'.
 Steve Wright factoid - Zero
Last pic I saw he was a blimp. If he didnt have diabetes/heart issues I'm a dutchman.
 Steve Wright factoid - VxFan
>> I just prefer to listen to music on the radio and find the other stuff, “old lady “ or whatever, a huge turn off.

I used to enjoy the ramblings of the DJ's Mark & Lard.

Fat Harry White, Lard's animal sanctuary, etc.

 Steve Wright factoid - zippy
My trips to clients are less frequent than they were before the pandemic.

I used to happily tune in Steve Wright's show and enjoyed it. I was especially happy if I finished early enough to catch all, or at least most of the show, which didn't happen very often. After a usually stressful meeting it was light entertainment, music, laughter and was "happy".

I had a couple of days in the car this week and his replacements are just not the same. Perhaps they need to grow on me, but they certainly are not as fun and silly as Steve was. And if they do indeed grow on me, they have a long way to go.

 Steve Wright factoid - Fursty Ferret
>> I had a couple of days in the car this week and his replacements are just not the same.

Steve Wright in the latter years was just terrible, the replacements are merely mediocre. I always wondered what dirt he had on the Director General to stay on the radio for so long, but to give him credit he appears to be one of the few DJs from the last 50 years to be free of the Saville legacy.

I can live with inane presenters mostly but the music choice on Radio 2 is b***** awful. I'm sure if you enjoy 80s disco you're well covered, but it's basically that and the awful off pitch female Essex warbling that used to blast from the entrance to JJB Sports in the late 90s.

The BBC's better talent went to commercial radio - Chris Evans, Ken Bruce, Simon Mayo are all still broadcasting if you can cope with the ads. Craig Charles on 6 Music is my usual afternoon choice now.
 Steve Wright factoid - Manatee
>>the awful off pitch female Essex warbling

I can't bear it either...Whitney Houston could at least do it properly but even so...

I only found out recently, from listening to Brain of Britain I think, that singing multiple notes to one syllable is called "melisma". How did I get to 70 without knowing that?
 Steve Wright factoid - Boxsterboy
I have enjoyed Steve Wright for many years. I clearly remember being in my Polytechnic Halls of Residence and listening to him playing Frankie Goes to Hollywood Relax for a long time before anyone else cottoned on to it, and then of course the BBC banned it!

Apparently he lived an unhealthy life and had heart surgery in the last couple of years. He certainly looked really unhealthy in recent photos. Sad loss.
 Steve Wright factoid - VxFan
>> Frankie Goes to Hollywood Relax
>> and then of course the BBC banned it!

Instigated by one of Steve's colleagues, namely Mike Read.
 Steve Wright factoid - Dave
So what did he die from? It must be known by now, as even the details on the posh guy that shot himself were released quickly.
 Steve Wright factoid - Bromptonaut
I think Cancer was mentioned somewhere.
 Steve Wright factoid - VxFan
No inquest into how he died.
 Steve Wright factoid - tyrednemotional
 Steve Wright factoid - Bromptonaut

I guess that's what used to be called a perforated ulcer.
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