Roll on global warming.
On our Waitrose delivery list for next week. However Country of origin on product information seems to be confused, -Italy, United, Kingdom, Peru, Mexico, maybe some one has global ambitions, Make Britain Great (again?).
Last edited by: sherlock47 on Sat 5 Mar 22 at 09:42
The one I complained about were the packets of Waitrose shallots that being imported from b***** Australia! I could believe it considering their 'green' mutterings.
I know it was to fill a gap in the growing season but to fly them half way around the world when I could buy the same shallots at the same time from Lidls which came from France was just crazy.
Just got back from doing the weekly shop.... Waitrose asparagus is being shipped from Mexico... still seems very early for the UK hard frost and they'll be toast.
>> Just got back from doing the weekly shop.... Waitrose asparagus is being shipped from Mexico...
>> still seems very early for the UK hard frost and they'll be toast.
Heard something about English Asparagus being grown under some sort of cloches.
Cannot stand the stuff myself.
Season starts in Norfolk ( where the best Asparagus comes from of course) in the first week of April.
I quote
The start and end of the season shifts from year-to-year depending on weather conditions.
Traditionally, the British asparagus season runs from St George’s day on the 23rd April
through to Summer Solstice on the 21st June.
Until a few years ago one of the joys I had was to get to the local PYO at opening time and gather an excess of asparagus, rush home steam it and just gorge on it.
They stopped the PYO but it was still the best crop available to me.
If I can get out soon I will enquire about Waitrose supplies.
We like to have a run up towards Evesham and buy some fresh when the season starts. I didn't realise there were growers in Norfolk.
We actually have a sparrowgrass cooker to boast about, bought from Aldi on clearance for about £10 a few years ago. Quite handy because the vegetable can be stood up with the stalks in the water and the spears in the steam and it cooks proportionately.
It’s quite a nig thing here in Norfolk. You get stalls by the side of the road selling the stuff.
Little known fact. Asparagus is the only type of lilly cultivated for food.
I've been to Norfolk a lot, and never noticed. Probably not spent much time there in May and June
Good quiz question about the lily.
| May 2019, whilst touring along the Elbe in the old East Germany (coming again soon to a continent near you), it was high season for Spargel (German white asparagus).
Every (no exaggeration) b***** eating establishment had a Spargel special. I can take or leave asparagus, but SWMBO gave it a try. (I stuck with the Schweinshaxe).
>> Little known fact. Asparagus is the only type of lily cultivated for food.
>> try telling millions of people in Asia that.
I guess I shouldn’t have believed the bloke down the allotment although perhaps he meant in the UK
Funnily enough I have a lot of Hemerocalis in the garden. I might give them a try come the summer!
>> Quite handy because the vegetable can be stood up
>> with the stalks in the water and the spears in the steam and it cooks
>> proportionately.
One only eats the tips here in Surrey.
>> One only eats the tips here in Surrey.
Such a waste...
>> >> One only eats the tips here in Surrey.
>> Such a waste...
Not really, I have a a couple of well bred dogs who appreciate the thicker stems, tho the elder one insists on them being sautéed in butter.
Does Asparagus have the same effect on dog wee as it does humans?
>> Does Asparagus have the same effect on dog wee as it does humans?
I tend not to get near enough to notice.
edit, dog wee that is, unlike my wee where i have to get near enough to test every couple of days or so.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 6 Mar 22 at 12:45
>> Does Asparagus have the same effect on dog wee as it does humans?
IIRC about 20% of humans generate no pong.
Has anyone tested dogs?
An ideal research project for Zero
>> An ideal research project for Zero
I think ignorance, or more suitably indifference, is probably best outcome required for this project.
i bought some from lidl shipped in from peru, real poor compared to my home grown. wife was cross with me , buying shipped in food.
roll on st georges day. love a fresh asparagus sandwich
>> i bought some from Lidl shipped in from Peru, real poor compared to my home grown.
It is all real poor compared with UK grown.
>>.... love a fresh asparagus sandwich
>>I hope to give that a try. Must dig out my asparagus steamer ready for the off.
Some of the finest asparagus you can buy hails from the Formby sand dunes area here in the North West.
it's been grown by local farmers since the 1800s. Around 200 acres were levelled by hand to create the fields and 10 acres of the site are still used to grow asparagus today.
Mrs CS bought a pack from Waitrose yesterday morning, which we had later with a fish pie and a few slices of their delicious Olive bread.
>> Some of the finest asparagus you can buy hails from the Formby sand dunes area
>> here in the North West.
The stuff from the roadside stalls by the sparrowgrass fields near Evesham is often noticeably sandy/gritty and best rinsed carefully. Perhaps the sandiness is a good thing for growing it. I don't think I'll bother trying to grow any in my soggy clay.
I picked some wild asparagus a few days ago whilst walking in Spain....pointed out to me by a fellow walker. It was thin reedy stuff...chomped on it as we walked along. Not I know the reason why I’d seen locals out picking something on previous walks in that area
The wild and eaten uncooked asparagus has had no effects on my urine colour.
Probably neutralised by Gin, cerveza y vino before and during dining.
Lamb lumbini. Hot.