A couple of weeks ago I was gloating about the weather and the weather forecast accuracy here and I posted a comment that clouds were forecast for last Thursday. About a week before they forecast that rain was due, which is unusual at any time of year but in January is very very rare. Especially since it was forecast to be heavy.
We were then hit by three days of solid rain storm. Biggest rain storm for 100 years. Torrential rain, thunderbolts and lightning [very very frightening me]. Sorry.
b*****ed up everything of course. Mud slides, polluted mains water system, traffic lights and street lights out all over the place and wine crops beaten to crap.
My children, on the other hand, were standing out in the middle of the road at 3:00am, excited and dancing about, getting soaked and laughing since it was so long since they'd seen a rain storm. I think they were out in it for about 2 hours and finally came in looking like drowned rats.
The cat came in looking like it had been thrown in the swimming pool, in a foul mood, hissing and lashing out at everything.
This week it's now back to blue skies and 30-something degrees, but it was fun while it lasted.
Plenty of rain here for past few days, and 30 something degrees.
(Near the coast so no snow by virtue of being 1-2 degrees "warmer" than inland)
My jab's booked for Sunday, 15 miles away. Wellies, snow brush, shovel and blanket already in boot. I'll fill a flask just before I leave, if it's not cancelled.
Mud, ruddy Mud everywhere.. Spend my days hosing off and towelling the dogs after a run. The Thames has flooded hereabouts.