Thank you for your service Sir. You were a shining light in 2020 which we seriously needed.
I'm sure he will get the send off he deserves.
A thoroughly good bloke with whom I would have shared a pint any day.
I hope Covid wasn’t the cause of death, but that he passed away with Covid.
RIP indeed.
RIP indeed Captain Tom. A true beacon to look up to and to take inspiration from!
Last edited by: zippy on Tue 2 Feb 21 at 17:14
"I hope Covid wasn't the cause of death..."
Looks as if it may have been. Tested positive last week. Taken to hospital on Sunday with breathing problems. Having had pneumonia shortly before couldn't have helped.
Some newspapers are giving Covid as the cause of death, but I guess until a death certificate is signed nothing is official.
He was previously diagnosed with pneumonia, and admitted to hospital. Because of that he couldn't have the vaccine - maybe he caught covid along the treatment path, and although it certainly wasn't the primary cause of death, because he was so diagnosed it may appear on the death certificate as contributory and he will be classed as a covid death.
And there, in a nutshell is why our statistics are so high compared to the rest of the world because of the way we record the covid deaths.
All in all he had a good innings.
I said prayers for him for the last couple of nights. I hope they eased his send-off.
Wonderful chap. I say this as one who is sceptical about many people who garner media support.
Piers Morgan this morning was ranting (justifiably) about Captain Tom trolls. He didn’t seem to see an irony in then going straight to their correspondent on the hospital doorstep.
I thought this was a lovely comment from his daughter;
"The last year of our father's life was nothing short of remarkable. He was rejuvenated and experienced things he'd only ever dreamed of."
Splendid fellow; salt of the earth.
>> And there, in a nutshell is why our statistics are so high compared to the
>> rest of the world because of the way we record the covid deaths
Apologies for slight thread drift, but do most other countries record their deaths in a different manner ?
I’d always thought that our high death rate was maybe a result of various contributing factors such as a higher % of the population with obesity and more folks with SE Asian genes who are more susceptible to medical conditions which won’t help if they contract Covid.
Never a reflection on the capabilities of our NHS
Two different matters;
Case rate;
Down to lockdown rules, adherence to precautions and social distancing etc. etc. etc.
Fatality rate;
Reality related to age, health and fitness of population
Perception related to measuring method. For us I think it is anyone who dies within 14[?] days of a positive COVID test or with COVID-19 anywhere on the death certificate.
As an interesting and related aside, for many years Brazil kept it's road traffic fatalities down by not counting anyone who died after the ambulance had collected them from the road. They "died in an ambulance" rates were huge, but nobody cared about that. I have seen people literally thrown into an ambulance before any treatment began at all.
Apparently a COVID death is a death for any reason within 28 days of a positive covid test.
Dunno how that'd be dealt with in the case of a fatal car accident, for example.
>> Dunno how that'd be dealt with in the case of a fatal car accident, for
>> example.
I guess it is what it is.
On the one hand there's the guy who tests positive, recovers and falls off Broad Stand climbing the Scafells to celebrate the fact.
On the other there's his brother who lasts 31 days post test in the ICU and on a ventilator.
Indeed. It doesn't seem the best approach though. I guess with the difficulty of attributing a single cause of death they had to draw a standard somewhere.
But what other items can you add and how?
Do you want a post mortem with all the 'cutting them into little bits' that involves?
It's always going to be a compromise.
I suppose so.
In reality I guess as long as the measurement approach remains constant then I guess you can get all the trend information you need.
It's just not a particularly good approach when the media insist on treating country Vivid cases like the Premier League.
>>as long as the measurement approach remains constant then I guess you can get all the trend information
Just what I was thinking - it's essential to have a consistent method, and importantly one that will stay consistent. Anything that can be 'enhanced' by well meaning people, or bad actors, will be and you end up measuring the wrong thing especially if your measure is used as any sort of target.
The other factor is you have to use the measures you can get reliable data for.
Anyway it passes the smell test. If you look at excess deaths, you get a broadly similar, but slightly larger (5%-10% IIRC) number. Quite credible, given the impact on healthcare overall.
I think the point is probably that a 100 year old man with pneumonia requiring hospital treatment probably died of pneumonia. He happened to tested positive for COVID though, so will be reported as a COVID death. The NHS has certainly been spreading COVID in hospitals because staff were not, and in some cases still aren’t, being tested frequently. Frequent testing picks up asymptomatic carriers, and requires them to self isolate. But when you’re short staffed that’s the last thing you want. And given the high % of asymptomatic carriers it’s inevitable that patients have caught COVID while in hospital for non COVID treatment.
Anybody who has achieved the age of 100 has (a) a limited expectancy and (b) is likely to be vulnerable to infection.
Pneumonia is described as the old man's friend; your routeway to life beyond. It was on my Dad's death certificate but heart problems associated with age were in the mix too.
It's pretty much academic whether Covid was primary or secondary for Capt Tom.
'er indoors sent him a Birthday card from us. Bloomin' decent chap.
I see there's a call for a state funeral. I fear such an event would end up being a circus like princess Diana's. Thousands of people in close proximity would probably account for transmission of the virus resulting in numerous deaths - not what he would have wanted.
Another suggestion was for a statue on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square. At least that would curtail the pretentious tat that's been decorating it.
I like the idea of a bust in his home village (or nearby town). Let's face it, he put more into risking his life by fighting in WW2 (like thousands of others) than by walking up and down his garden, despite the latter raising millions.
Did the people suggesting a state funeral ever listen to the man? I can just hear him saying they are daft beggars.
The charity founded in his name is to have its accounts looked at.
It would seem that they spent more on management costs than was given to good causes.
(edited typo)
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 11 Feb 22 at 11:00