Non-motoring > Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Badwolf Replies: 34

 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Badwolf
Hello all,

I have a large and entirely irrational fear of eight-legged beasties. The full hit - feeling nauseous, clammy, short of breath. Daft really, but there you go.

Anyway, I've been pointed in the direction of one of these:

Has anybody used one, and are they any good? We have a dog, so will this affect him? He's a black lab/collie cross if that makes any difference.

Anyway, thanks in anticipation. And no sneakily posting links that take me to pictures of the loathsome creatures, thank you very much! :-)
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - BiggerBadderDave
I hate them too, the ones in the house any way.

Someone told me that a horse chestnut in every corner of the room will keep them at bay although I haven't tried it.

I tried to make the house spider-proof when they were building it, tight tolerances, rubber seals, brushes etc. etc. but they're like aliens. They find a way in somewhere and sit on your face while you're sleeping.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Badwolf
>>They find a way in somewhere and sit on your face while you're sleeping.

No. No they don't. Never. No.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Skoda
Doesn't the average person eat 8 spiders in their lifetime? Its when your sleeping. Dunno the nutritional value but i guess it gives weight to the old "you'll eat it before it eats you"
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Dog
The thing that *really* annoys me about Spiders is when a Wasp or a B.Bee gets caught in their web and the noise they make echoes around this old owse with high ceilings,
I've actually rescued a few Wasps & Bees, but once they are caught up in all that blimmin web they are history.
I've cee'n a fair few horror films along that line (shudder!)
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Old Navy
Get a pet that eats spiders, or train the dog to. :)

Or get one of these:-
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 16 Sep 10 at 13:49
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Clk Sec
We've had one of these for a few years now and it works very well.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Old Navy
I thought Badwolf sounded in need of massive overkill. :)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 16 Sep 10 at 13:59
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Badwolf
>> I thought Badwolf sounded in need of massive overkill. :)

Too right. A couple of tons of TNT wouldn't be unreasonable. A little disastrous to mine and my neighbours' houses though... Still, firm but fair.

I definitely want something that stops the little beggars from entering my house in the first place, rather than something that gets rid of them once they're in. I'm very much of the "KILL KILL KILL!" persuasion rather than the "scoop 'em up and pop 'em outside" way of thinking. If they're dead then they can't come back to get me!
Last edited by: Badwolf on Thu 16 Sep 10 at 14:05
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Clk Sec
>>If they're dead then they can't come back to get me!

After being vacuumed into a tube and forcibly ejected onto your lawn, that's unlikely.

Incidentally, since my wife installed conkers all over our house, we are no longer visited by the larger variety.

Seems to work.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - CGNorwich
If you can't bear to catch the things in you hand just put a jar over them and slide a piece of card underneath.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - bathtub tom
SWMBO's terrified of these and I'm not too enamoured with them.

She got one of those hand-held, battery powered suckers that collects them, as I'm not allowed to kill them.

Last year she heard about conkers being a deterrent and I have to admit it seems to work, although their effect seems to be wearing off lately, she's collecting more now.They don't half rattle if the vacuum cleaner finds them and one visitor asked why we'd got what looked like a turd behind the settee.

She recently bought a trigger spray of spider deterrent and its contents state it contains essence of chestnut!
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Telb
Didn't notice any difference using conkers. Also got some of the "repellent" oil - same lack of results.

Best plan for Badwolf would be a visit to a hypnotist I think - for him, not the spiders:-)

 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - BiggerBadderDave
"Get a pet that eats spiders, or train the dog to"

We had a bulldog that use to try and eat house spiders as they scuttled across the floor. Unfortunately she couldn't get them right into her mouth so she'd then be left with bits of spider legs and body sticking out of her chops which she'd then proceed to wipe off on your trousers.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - R.P.
One spaniel caught and ate these effortlessly into a ripe old age - the current one plays with them but won't eat them.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - WillDeBeest
Late summer is when spiders tend to make a rush for the warmth, comfort and plentiful flies indoors. So rather than the effect of the conkers wearing off, it's more likely that they never had any and the spiders were elsewhere for their own reasons.

Anyway, I like 'em - especially Araneus diadematus, although that's happier outside anyway. It's the one that makes those fantastic webs that catch the dew and sparkle in the autumn sunshine.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Ian (Cape Town)
>> Doesn't the average person eat 8 spiders in their lifetime?

Do they wriggle and tiggle and tiggle inside, I wonder?

Perhaps you'll die.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - teabelly
Is there any scientific evidence that they work? I'm sure I read manufacturers had been warned about these in the US as they haven't seemed to have proper scientific trials and were selling something which was snake oil.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Zero
Wolfie and BBD

What pathetic excuses of human manhood you two must be.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - BiggerBadderDave
"What pathetic excuses of human manhood you two must be."

You're dead you are.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Zero
>> "What pathetic excuses of human manhood you two must be."
>> You're dead you are.

Woo you really scare me you wimp
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Kevin
>Is there any scientific evidence that they work?

I think there was an article in Nature magazine that showed ultrasonics to be responsible for mutation in spiders. Something about two heads, ten legs and aggression.

 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - teabelly
I'll stick with hoovering lots and using insect killer on the ones I can't whack to death with a shoe.

Does anyone know if spiders have a phobia of anything? Might be simpler to have pictures of whatever it is all around the skirting....
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Bellboy

i remember this
but i like spiders so dont know if it works
thet eat my silver fish so im happy with the situation
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - teabelly
I was thinking of trying conkers. I'd probably find the horse chesnut tincture or oil though as it is easier to replace and refresh.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - bathtub tom
On a walk to the newsagents I found lots of conkers this morning. Bagged some up and put them in the freezer to refresh those around the house later next year. Don't know the effect of freezing conkers, guess I'll find out.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Runfer D'Hills
Wouldn't fancy it myself BT.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - R.P.
What do you serve with the silverfish - microchips ?
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - bathtub tom
Golden delicious for fruit dessert. ;>)
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Zero
I really dont Adam and Eve this, grown men collecting conkers, not for bashing other conkers mind you - thats acceptable, but to keep the spiders away.

No wonder the Taliban is walking all over us,.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Pat
They've no sense of adventure! I've just stood and done the ironing with a shrew running round my feet and 2 demented cats trying to catch it.
I tried too, but it was too fast for me.
Spiders?.....try talking to them, lay down a few ground rules and you'll find it's possible to live in harmony.

 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - R.P.
Quite right Pat
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - BiggerBadderDave
"grown men collecting conkers, not for bashing other conkers mind you"

I love conkers, they're really touchy feelie. Sometimes I sellotape them to my face.
 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Clk Sec
There's no hope...

 Spider repellant - anyone used one of these? - Zero
>> "grown men collecting conkers, not for bashing other conkers mind you"
>> I love conkers, they're really touchy feelie. Sometimes I sellotape them to my face.

Speak when your spoken to wimp.

You are gonna have all your cowboy boots taken away and burned, and your membership card to the lapdancing club torn up.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 17 Sep 10 at 14:52
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