The people of Surrey thank you
>> The people of Surrey thank you
Hear hear.
If it's so good why aren't other areas queueing up to host it?
>> If it's so good why aren't other areas queueing up to host it?
I'm doubtful if the 2021 ride will work as planned. There will come a point early next year where the organisers start having to spend significantly and recognise it's too big a gamble.
A new ride, without the Pru London's history, would be another magnitude of gamble.
>> >> The people of Surrey thank you
>> >>
>> Hear hear.
>> If it's so good why aren't other areas queueing up to host it?
Never heard of it before now, but I'm assuming it's something that keeps locals hot and bothered and ensures the councillors get plenty of letters ?
>> Never heard of it before now, but I'm assuming it's something that keeps locals hot
>> and bothered and ensures the councillors get plenty of letters ?
It's a BIG charity ride. As with the London/Brighton rides of old it causes significant traffic disruption with roads closed etc.
Like the L2B, some regard it as a competition and are going for best timings etc. Others just want a good ride and very significant proportion lack the observational and bike handling skills needed in a large group.
Daughter and her now husband did it a couple of times. After second go they decided game not worth candle; too risky and too much time having to push 'cos it ground to a halt.
Major roads are closed, villages are cut off, travel is a nightmare for most of a day, costs money with no gain for the locals. It was only planned to be for the 2012 games, but was then held every year without asking us what we thought about it.
All we need now is to ban cyclists from box hill.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 1 Nov 20 at 15:51
Thanks for info, like I said I've never heard of it before. Cheers.
>> Thanks for info, like I said I've never heard of it before. Cheers.
Try a Google for Prudential ride london cycle event route map.
The event is not just in Surrey but also London. In addition to extensive road closures it of course also involves bridges.
I'm a cyclist and a motor sport fan. If public roads were closed for motor sport, causing as much disruption as these cycling events, I suspect there'd be public outrage. Most motor sport's restricted to closed tracks, so why can't these cycling events be restricted to closed tracks also? I appreciate they probably don't want to be limited to a few competitors on a small oval, but why can't they hire a motor sport track?
So how much disruption have you suffered during your life because you came across a cycling event? Try living near a professional football ground and you'll see what you have to put up with once a fortnight for nine months of the year, then there are the various marathons and half marathons which take place throughout the summer. The Notting Hill Carnival shuts a large area of London down for three days every year, but of course it isn't done to complain about that without being branded as some sort of ist.
Millions of us either take part in or watch events which cause disruption on the roads, it's just something to put up with and any inconvenience is minor and short lived.
>> So how much disruption have you suffered during your life because you came across a
>> cycling event?
Once a year for 7 years. The fallout however is that we get get fat old blokes in too tight lycra trying to get up box hill every weekend, Hundreds of them blocking the zigzag road because they all think they are Bradley Wiggins, but are in fact Michelin men who collapse after 100 yards. Its a complete no go area now.
>>Try living near a professional football ground and you'll see what you have
>> to put up with once a fortnight for nine months of the year,
I know which is why I didnt have a house near a football ground.
then there
>> are the various marathons and half marathons which take place throughout the summer. The Notting
>> Hill Carnival shuts a large area of London down for three days every year, but
>> of course it isn't done to complain about that without being branded as some sort
>> of ist.
I know, which is why I never moved to Notting hill
>> Millions of us either take part in or watch events which cause disruption on the
>> roads, it's just something to put up with and any inconvenience is minor and short
>> lived.
Its not minor, if you like it so much invite round your way. We didnt ask for it, we didnt want it, and its a PITA so stop your whining from 300 miles away and the safety of your nothing happening welsh backwater.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 1 Nov 20 at 19:47
>> Once a year for 7 years
But you knew well in advance when they were and could plan, as we have to here on the days when both the Saints and the Cobblers play at the same time.
Were you a prisoner in your own home or just inconvenienced to some degree?
>> >> Once a year for 7 years
>> But you knew well in advance when they were and could plan, as we have
>> to here on the days when both the Saints and the Cobblers play at the
>> same time.
>> Were you a prisoner in your own home or just inconvenienced to some degree?
I am severely inconvenienced, , some friends are trapped. And thats not the point, we were never consulted. when it was dumped on us, its a PITA we didnt ask for and wasnt an historical part of the area.
>> I am severely inconvenienced, , some friends are trapped. And thats not the point, we
>> were never consulted. when it was dumped on us, its a PITA we didnt ask
>> for and wasnt an historical part of the area.
>> Its not minor, if you like it so much invite round your way. We didnt
>> ask for it, we didnt want it, and its a PITA so stop your whining
>> from 300 miles away and the safety of your nothing happening welsh backwater.
Carnivals and a county show close roads and cause disruption every year, the annual Welsh Ironman closes roads in the south of the county for a full Sunday every year and a couple of Triathlons cause diversions and restrictions. It's all just part of life.
I think if one goes through life insisting on one's right to hold an event, yet also insisting on never be inconvenienced by another event, one's concept of living in a society may need revisiting.
For my part I like to see events going on, irrespective of whether or not the particular event interests me. A bit of inconvenience isn't the end of the world. I certainly expect that level of cooperation or at least tolerance back.
It's all just part of life.
Well it aint here any more.
>> Most motor sport's restricted to closed tracks, so why can't these cycling events be restricted
>> to closed tracks also? I appreciate they probably don't want to be limited to a
>> few competitors on a small oval, but why can't they hire a motor sport track?
The whole point of these events - they're not races - is that they're on public roads with bends, gradients etc.
I've never done the Prudential but I have done the BHF London Brighton ride a few times. In fact the 1981 version was my first long trip on a bike. The traverse of the North Downs and the final phase over Ditchling Beacon with the hell for leather descent into Brighton's suburbs are essential to the character of the event.
I'm sure Box Hill etc has a similar role in the Pru 100.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 1 Nov 20 at 19:47
I sympathise with Zeddo here. You need to try and drive up Box Hill on a popular day. There's more cyclists than you'll ever encounter around Sa Colobra.
>> I sympathise with Zeddo here. You need to try and drive up Box Hill on
>> a popular day. There's more cyclists than you'll ever encounter around Sa Colobra.
That's a bit like saying you need to try and travel round the M25 at 5pm on a Friday, more cars than...
>> I sympathise with Zeddo here. You need to try and drive up Box Hill on
>> a popular day. There's more cyclists than you'll ever encounter around Sa Colobra.
Why shouldn't cyclists go up Box Hill? They have as much right etc, etc.
>> Why shouldn't cyclists go up Box Hill? They have as much right etc, etc.
They do, but they dont have the right to take 30 minutes over it, do it in groups of 10 across the width of the zig zag road, hundreds of them per hour blocking the road both up and down and cutting off the amenity to everyone else for almost the entire w/e
>>Why shouldn't cyclists go up Box Hill? They have as much right etc, etc.
Of course they have, but how would the cyclists feel if hundreds of ramblers decided it would be a good idea to exercise their rights to walk up Box Hill?
Because *that's* what matters today. That's what everybody moans about, or protests about. Their rights. The justification for any behaviour.
Stuff compromise, stuff responsibility, stuff cooperation. Only their rights.
My *right* to use a hill. My right not to be inconvenienced. My right to do what I want, your duty not to inconvenience me.
What a delightful approach.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 2 Nov 20 at 16:13
The zig zag road is steep, narrow, twisty and reportedly unsuitable for large vehicles. The National Trust say they may close it if things get too busy.
Is there an alternative means of access to the hill, viewpoints etc?
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 2 Nov 20 at 16:21
>> The zig zag road is steep, narrow, twisty and reportedly unsuitable for large vehicles. The
>> National Trust say they may close it if things get too busy.
>> Is there an alternative means of access to the hill, viewpoints etc?
Oh yes.
>>My right not to be inconvenienced.
Yes not unreasonable
Depends really. Do you ever hold dog events on public land or is it always private land? Do steam trains and the crowds that gather to watch them ever inconvenience others?
etc. etc. You get the idea.
>> Depends really. Do you ever hold dog events on public land or is it always
>> private land?
Private land, insurers get a bit iffy about 300 dogs mixing with the general public.
>> Do steam trains and the crowds that gather to watch them ever inconvenience
>> others?
>> etc. etc. You get the idea.
Well I do yes.
>> >> Do steam trains and the crowds that gather to watch them ever inconvenience
>> >> others?
>> No
...of course not....
(one of a good few such instances)
They were behaving stupidly so you can liken the eejits that spilled on the track to the cyclists up box hill. It wasn't me so you are blowing smoke.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 2 Nov 20 at 22:21
>> They were behaving stupidly so you can liken the eejits that spilled on the track
>> to the cyclists up box hill. It wasn't me so you are blowing smoke.
I suspect that you don't cycle up Box Hill either, but the point still stands.....
>> >> They were behaving stupidly so you can liken the eejits that spilled on the
>> track
>> >> to the cyclists up box hill. It wasn't me so you are blowing smoke.
>> >>
>> I suspect that you don't cycle up Box Hill either, but the point still stands.....
It merely reinforces my point. And it still wasn't me.
That was caused by Network Rail, so its BAU. Part of their remit.
If a steam train is due to pass, particularly if the engine is Flying Scotsman or another well known to the public, then obstructive parking and muppets wandering into the road are part of the equation.
>> If a steam train is due to pass, particularly if the engine is Flying Scotsman
>> or another well known to the public, then obstructive parking and muppets wandering into the
>> road are part of the equation.
Its Just A FS issue, the general public know no other. I hate to think what would happen if they put Mallard back on the rails. And there is the rub, plenty of A4's have been whizzing around every year more or less unnoticed.
I think the point is that the country is a richer place for all these events going on. We shouldn't be banning any of them.
We should good-naturedly tolerate other people's activities as we would like ours tolerated.
>> We should good-naturedly tolerate other people's activities as we would like ours tolerated.
Hear, hear!. A policy I have long endorsed.
>> >> Do steam trains and the crowds that gather to watch them ever inconvenience
>> >> others?
>> No
>> They have as much right etc, etc.
I was trying to be sarcastic (ironic? I can never remember the difference) about the sort of people who drone on about "I know my rights". Obviously missed the target.
>> I was trying to be sarcastic (ironic? I can never remember the difference)
Let us know when you get it right.
Haven't we "banned" enough things in the past few decades? Wouldn't it be nice if we could just live and let live a bit for a while? On the things that actually do very little harm and bring some pleasure anyway.
Human nature I suppose, but it does seem like everyone wants something banning now. Usually of course when it's something they don't do.
Sometimes, I'd quite like the Internet to be banned.