Local weather station observations are 34C. Too hot to walk to the quack's for my wife's blood pressure tablets.
Must be about the hottest place in the country. I see it's only 19 degrees in the South West.
20° up 'ere on the moor ... and it's raining :o)
We've had 35+ for last two days in Fecamp, Normandy. Changing now, dropped about 10 degrees, clouding up and wind turning to west. Overcast and 18-20 forecast for next couple of days.
Daughter and her husband have been, with friends of his family, delivering a sailing yacht from Largs to Conwy, Overnight last night from Isle of Man to Holyhead and she was layered up as though for a winter mountain climb.
37.8 @ Heathrow = 100.04 F
99.1 @ Kew =99.1F
Third hotest day in UK
2003 101.7 Faversham Kent
2019 101.7 Cambridge
24 degrees at Holyhead this afternoon according to a friend, 31 in the Clwyd Valley...
I believe it was in the high 30s on last year's bike trip to Duxford. Too hot to be in bike gear, sadly there is nowhere to store bike stuff when you're at the museum, luckily there was a fellow biker at the ticket place and he "found" somewhere.
That sounds like a fun trip Brompt!
Began to rain mid afternoon in t’Dales. Several heavy showers. No sun since 14:00. Doesn’t feel that warm to me.
Wish I was in Spain. Or Cyprus. Or Crete. Or CA . I’m sick of our rubbish summer weather.
Waking up to guaranteed blue skies day after day to lift the spirits. Long morning pre breakfast swim in the briny before a bowl of porridge.
Can get peed orf with sunshine every day ya know LL, I know I did after 3 years of it in Tenerife.
"Oh, not another bleeding sunny day" - how I longed for a decent storm now and again :)
I was saying to the ole woman on our daily route march today - THIS is Cornwall, slate grey sky, cool, quite & peaceful, hardly any traffic (up 'ere) Not for everyone of course (thank gawd) but I'm luvin it.
I agree...but it would be nice to have a few weeks of settled weather during our summer. It’s a small island so it won’t happen. Although it did when I was unceremoniously asked to leave the Costa Blanca in March !
Driving over Blubberhouses Moor to Pateley Bridge yesterday AM it was 10C, blowing a gale and full waterproofs. By mid afternoon it was 20C and sunny. All I want is some continuity.
>>Although it did when I was unceremoniously asked to leave the Costa Blanca in March !
Yes, that was a nice spell of easterlies, blowing the clouds away leading to weeks of sunshine, odd though to be out walking through the woods with all the bare trees.
>>All I want is some continuity
We used to get that back in the sixties, at least in London. I can well remember wall-to-wall sunshine throughout the school holidays, and playing in the snow during winter.
Largs. That’s a dump. My qualified yachtmaster pal and friends enticed me onto a weeks bareboat with Flamingo Yacht charters ex Largs a few years ago. Awful weather. Bute was another dump. Decent boat and charter company.
Sod that for a game of soldiers.
It was 30+ by 10:00am on our training field in Norfuk. Dogs was knackered! Mind you the solar cells were really punching some amps into the Basecamp battery
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 31 Jul 20 at 21:05