OK, I've got to give in and need to get my hair cut. Barbers are ruled out because they're a moderate to high risk and I'm still shielding. SWMBO's also giving me gyp.
I've a twenty pound Amazon voucher, so any recommendations?
I have been toying with the idea of buying some clippers and cutting my own hair, reviews said this is the best compromise is Wahl Powerplus Hair Clipper 79306-802X. In the end I didn't, my barber reopened, I have been in and the Michael Heseltine locks are now back to normal service. I look lovely.
I read that the only clippers to consider are Wahl, and I noticed that is what my barber uses.
We have some Wahl mains clippers that we bought about 5 years ago for around £40. One of Mrs DP's closest friend is a hairdresser, and she comes to us (normally) so she uses them when she's here to save the battery on her cordless ones. They've had a fair bit of use, and they still work as well as new. That said, I always take the time to properly clean and oil them after every use,
A few weeks into lockdown, I took the plunge and went "no 1 all over", and I've decided I quite like it (as, most importantly does Mrs DP). At the moment, I'm not planning to let it regrow.
I bought some on ebay last month that were described as "Professional Electric Hair Clippers" for £17. I don't know how long they'll last but on the number one I gave myself they did a good job, though Mrs O'Reliant hates it claiming it makes me look like a thug. I explained that looking like a thug has it's advantages, but in the end had to compromise and agree to a number two next time out.
A short buzzcut is so convenient, saves grooming in the morning and there is no need to worry about looking windswept when it gets blustery.
The best hair clippers I have are some made in the USA Oster professional clippers that I bought in Tenerife 25 years ago.
I also have 2 Panasonic clippers, some Chinese Hatteker clippers, and some Wahl jobbies.
The Wahl clippers do the job well and I recommend them.
As recounted previously on here I bought a Wahl rechargeable set at start of lockdown as I was overdue a cut. The model number is 9649.
They work fine for me as a Number 4 up the sides/back and 6 on top. Fourth cut since early April due shortly.
Probably shorter than I've worn it before but I repeatedly struggled to get hairdressers to take as much off the top as I'd like.
I bought a babyliss - excellent if you want a No4 to No1, really really easy to do your own with no mistakes.
now cheaper in argos
I do a no4 all over using the graduated 4 to 1 round the ears once a week.
Think I last had my hair cut in Spain mid February. Unseasonably warm so it was cut short! Just booked a flight back to Spain 27/09 so I’ll wait until I return. I’m harking back to my long haired school days...saves me a fiver.
"harking back to my long haired school days"
I did that a couple of years back and it looked ridiculous.
Other than that blip, I've cut my own (with a bit of help tidying the back) for maybe 10 years. Generally every 3 weeks or thereabouts, on a reasonably long cut, same all over.
I've had a couple of Wahl which were fine but I am now using a Phillips with a rotating head which I find handy sometimes. Had it a few years now, and during lockdown managed to break a spike on the guard which was about a tenner to replace.
This is them. They're good, not great. I don't recall paying £70 but I've Had them a few years so maybe.
I have some Philips rechargeable clippers, bought about 15 years ago in Argos for about £30. Thye have been excellent, still holding the charge well. Easier than having a cable getting in the way. I usually do a 13mm all over then dropping to 11mm around the ears and back. The missus usually tidies up the back if I've missed any bits.
Unless one is young and wants a fashionable haircut, I don't understand why people go to barber's.
Definitely worth cleaning and oiling the clipper heads regularly. Don't waste money on 'official' clipper oil, baby oil will do the job.
Last edited by: The Melting Snowman on Thu 9 Jul 20 at 21:01
Baby oil is useful for lots of stuff.
I had a contemporary staircase banister built from my original house, a straight single flight down into the new extension, made of glass and stainless steel. I treat the SS to a thin coat of baby oil every 3 months on the advice of the installer.
I got the same model as Z in Boots for a smidge under £50 around 2 months ago and done my hair No 4 all over a couple of times now with it.
Pretty easy to use and only needed
a bit of assistance from my lady friend to trim the back.
Took a look at my usual barbers website yesterday and he is now booking rather than walk in and booked solid for a week ahead.
We have 3 barbers in the town, 2 Asian types and 1 English (with 2 nice young ladies!) I could have walked into either of the Asian ones and had it done there and then, my appointment is Sat 1st aug !!! ;-)