This is something we were slightly involved with as a business in the VHS era so I know the usual quality from back then.
You will very likely get a far better result with a second hand projector bought from Ebay/Gumtree projecting onto a screen or light wall and filming with a digicam that does full HD. Phone might even be OK but it's useful to have the exposure, optical zoom and white balance etc settings on a reasonable camera.
Often the results are as good or even better using a white/cream emulsion wall than a proper reflective screen as sometimes the screen can excite odd effects in the digicam.
Cine projectors are worth little now (I have two in the garage loft which cost £4 each couple of years back, original boxed with leads and working)... the pull up screens are also worth little... I threw several away last year.
An initial look on Ebay might make it look as if prices are a lot higher but avoiding the more popular brands and going for something like a Boots model will still give a good result and such projectors should be no more than £10-£30 on Ebay or £5 at a boot sale type venue. Facebook marketplace is quite good too often with folks selling off their late dad's setup for £30 or less.
So I'd encourage a DIY "something to do in lockdown" go at this yourself.
I also use this method for slides to digital image and it produces a good result.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Tue 5 May 20 at 10:05