Thinking of stocking up with some paint and brushes for whenever the expected lockdown happens.
I have a windowsill in my living room which is currently stained mahogany but would like to change it to white. Any ideas best paint / process to try this with ? Another factor, the mutt loves to jump up with his front paws on the said sill to welcome any visitors so scratch resistant to some degree will be required!
Been through the same process Bobby.
The key is to give the stain a good sandpapering as possible particularly into the edges where fresh paint will lift given half a chance.
Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer-Sealer is a good base to start with. Then undercoat.
Oil based paints always seem to be more durable if you can get them. Light sanding between each coat for a good key. I like Scotch Brite pads for keying.
Car body filler for any divets is much better to work with than wood fillers but it stinks. The ladies don't appreciate it as much as the males. :)
I second the vote for Zinsser products. They're not cheap, but the primers stick really well - too well if you splash it in the wrong place !
Note too that you will need methylated spirit to clean your brushes - white spirit won't do it. Use the rest of the meths to clean your phone screen.
I wouldn't use oil based paint inside. the smell lingers for days and always gives me a headache. it also takes a week or to to get really hard so is liable to scratching.
Modern water based paints are fine and actually provide a a harder finish than oil based paints. This stuff I have found is pretty good. Really easy to apply and clean up afterwards.
>>Car body filler for any divets is much better to work with than wood fillers but it stinks
I have always found the two part wood filler to be really great.
I have used many many tins of it and certainly some jobs I can date to 15 years ago and there is no sign of the repair.
In some cases I was forced to use big globs of it and it has not moved.
I learned to ensure any knots in wood were removed and scraped out then I inserted screws or hardboard nails as an additional key.
I finished " sanding" the surface with my Cintride sanders ". The result is a glass type smooth finish. I think Cintride type products are available.
My only failure was with denatured oak window sills. the filler would just not stay in.
Have only used their exterior wood products but Protek stuff is very good.
Water based and urethane means pretty tough when dry.
Did playhouse with it couple of years ago and still as good as when I did it.
Nothing is scratch resistant to dog claws. Train the dog to stop it.
But it is a nice welcome seeing him up at the window to welcome me home!