After going to some motor racing on Florida in March I used to have a few nights with a couple of mates at a house with pool etc on an inland waterway near Key West. We'd been told there was an iguana in residence in the garden but we'd never seen it. One year we saw it and it was well over 3ft long and pretty chunky. Over rather too many beers we decided to catch it and relocate it away from the house.
We didn't have any particular equipment, I seem to recall a broken plastic laundry basket and a bit of fishing rod were involved, and a quite extensive chase around the gardens. But we got it and the most sober one of us drove us all across the island and we released it.
Wasn't till later we found that 1) if you relocate one, another takes its place and 2) it was a quite serious offence to move one. Still, we had a laugh... :-)
I was just reading now that iguanas are now regarded as invasive in Florida and can be killed by householders. Times change....
isn,t their poo called Igauno!
"Wipe Out"
By the Surfari's