That looks very similar to a toilet block in a St Neots park. Last time I was there, the fire brigade were trying to release a little old dear who'd locked herself in.
Oh dear, what can the matter be..............................................................
So parent and child go in and they get soaked, or any over vigorous post pee 'drying' will set the alarms off!
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when some thirty odd stone fatty goes for a dump. Especially with Wales having the largest proportion of obese people in the UK.
Question is how you submit a planning application in error...
>> Question is how you submit a planning application in error...
Picking stuff from bones of account in Guardian wrong plans (or at least wrong design and access statement) submitted. Toilets will still be built but to a 'traditional' design.
>> Toilets will still be built but to a 'traditional' design.
...Welsh cottage style.......?
"Violent movement would activate a water jet to soak users, automatically open the doors and sound an alarm."
One mans violent movement is another mans norm! :)
Curry/kebab eaters beware.