WiFi passwords in pubs and cafes. What is the point? Why not the just leave the WiFi open with no password and not waste everyone’s time They never change it and it has no’s security benefit at all. Often it’s pinned up behinds the bar or written on the menu.
Costa Coffee in Chancery Lane hosted wi fi for half the staff on my then office c2005.
Shop closed but i suspect it was rent rather than illicit bytes that killed it. They'd need to change the password regularly and not have it on display. That might have been an issue a few years ago but I doubt issuing one that's personal and time limited on the till receipt would be a problem today.
When I encounter this - which I do quite frequently. If I have my pedants hat on, and I can find someone to listen, I point out that 'free' doesn't just mean without charge, it also means without restriction, unfettered.
It's never got me anywhere, mind.